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President's Messages

Message from the President February-April 2013

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FIMA semi-annual EXCO meeting was held in Cairo, Egypt on February 28, 2013, all committee members in attendance. IMA of Egypt hosted the meeting and Dr. Omar Al-Ayat and his…
As we prepare for FIMA's next semi-annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt on February 28 - March 1, 2012, the unrest in the Islamic world continues to anger and frustrate Muslims…

President's Message September-October 2012

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29th FIMA Annual Council meeting was held on Sep 11-12, 2012 at the Residence Hotel at University Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia,The attendance consisted of 58 delegates along with several guests from…

President's Message June-August 2012

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The 29th FIMA council meeting and 5th FIMA-IMAM scientific conference is approaching nearer. The organizing and scientific committees of Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (IMAM) have worked very hard during…

President's Message March-May 2012

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FIMA EXCO semi-annual meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey on march 10-11 2012. Our Turkish member Hayat Foundation was very gracious to host the event. Dr. Ihsan Karaman wears several…

President's Message January 2012

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With the grace of Allah SWT, FIMA relief projects like FIMA Save Vision, FIMA SAVE Smile, FIMA SAVE Dignity & FIMA Mobile Mother & Child Clinic have excelled and are…

President's Message November-December 2011

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With great sorrow and grief we announce the departing of our dear Brothers in Islam, Dr. Abdul Qadir Hijazi from Egypt and Dr. Haroun Docrat from South Africa. Both of…

President's Message October 2011

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FIMA held its 28th Annual Council Meeting in jakarta, Indonesia from September 13-18th, 2011. A large number of delegates from 21 countries attended the meeting. The host Indonesian Islamic Medical…

President's Message August-September 2011

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Dear members of FIMA fraternity, two of our IMA brothers; Rd. Ismail Mehr, IMANA relief chair and Dr. Ihsan Karaman, Hayat foundation / DWW Turkey have recently returned from Somalia…

President's Message June-July 2011

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The turmoil in Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain is far from being over, yet a new situation in Syria is emerging to be serious. The government's crackdown on the opposition and…

President's Message May 2011

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Jalal ud Din Rumi said it very well "Some people make their goals the stars. They may live and die never reaching them, but in the darkness of the night,…

President's Message April 2011

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The FIMA annual council meeting attached to a scientific session of host IMA is a longstanding FIMA tradition. It is a unique opportunity for all the Muslim physician bodies working…

President's Message February-March 2011

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We just lived through a most amazing history of a human plight against the dictatorships and repressive regimes in North Africa and Middle East. The most recent events in Tunisia…

President's Message November 2010 - January 2011

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A huge rather "inconceivable" flood struck during Pakistan during the last summer. The devastation was worst in the region in more than 100 years, and as many as 5,0000 people…

President's Message October 2010

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FIMA held its 27th Annual Council meeting in Beirut, Lebanon on August 19-21, 2010. A record number of 210 delegates from 23 countries attended the meeting. The host Islamic Medical…