President's Message May 2010

With grace of Allah SWT, the FIMA save vision project of FIMA is moving ahead with exemplary pace and extending unsurpassable services to the people in need for preventing their blindness and give them a new world to see and live in. Dr. Hafeez ur Rehman, director of FIMA save vision has conveyed me the following plan of eye camps to be conducted in Nigeria as per following schedule,
1. Minna (Niger state) 11th to 15th July 2010 500 surgeries
2.Kontagora 11th to 15th July 2010 500 surgeries
3. Katsina 17th to 21st July 2010 500 surgeries
4. Madughuri 17th to 21st July

2010 500 surgeries Ten eye surgeons and paramedical staff members will volunteer their services during these camps. Another camp is scheduled in Cameron before Ramadhan. In collaboration with WHO-EMRO, Arab Medical Union and FIMA save vision our ophthalmic surgeons from Egypt conducted an Ophthalmic training program in Hargeisa, Somalia from 24 – 28 May, 2010 . Dr. Khaled Hanafy, Dr. Mohamud Ahmed Shine Manhal, Dr. Mohamed Abib, Dr. Mohamed Gas, Dr. Ahmed Nur, Dr. Abdirizak Tubako, Ophthalmologists from Egypt were the trainers and attending surgeons. Dr. Abdulhanan Choudhury, WHO – EMRO coordinated the camp. I will take this opportunity to invite rest of the IMAs to explore the avenues to start a prevention of blindness program in their respective countries/regions. FIMA and FIMA save vision will extend all the technical support and will share the expertise at hand and FIMA endeavors to make it the main relief project of FIMA. The key person to be contacted is Prof. Hafeez ur Rehman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Parvaiz Malik, President FIMA

Last modified on Sunday, 24 October 2010 18:33
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