President's Message November-December 2011

With great sorrow and grief we announce the departing of our dear Brothers in Islam, Dr. Abdul Qadir Hijazi from Egypt and Dr. Haroun Docrat from South Africa. Both of them volunteered the best part of their lives for the cause of Islamic Dawa'ah and dissemination of the objectives and ideals of Islamic Medical Association. Dr. Hijazi remained the President of FIMA (Federation of Islamic Medical Associations) from 1993-1997. He left permanent imprints of his devoted and passionate working for medical and humanitarian relief.

Dr. Haroun Docrat passed away on 17th December, 2011 in Durban, South Africa. He made valuable contributions to the IMASA and had regarded the establishment of the IMA Hospital in South Africa as his top priority. He was dynamic in his approach and unflinching in his duty towards the IMASA inspite of his health problems.

Being Muslims we have a firm belief that we all are destined to bid farewell to this short lived stay in this world. Quran emphatically asserts that death is not the final end but a gateway to a different kind of life: "We mete out death among you that We may transfigure you and make you what you know not. And verily you know the first creation. Why then do you not reflect (chapter 56:61:63)"

That is why it is said for believers that death for him/her is not the end of life but the threshold of a far more glorious life. This is the recognition of a believer. The poet Iqbal says: "Let me tell you by what sign you may recognize the true Mu'min. When the grim spectre of Death Approaches, he/she greets it with a smile."

May Allah (SWT) grant both the departed souls mercy, blessings and forgiveness which they deserve. I also pray for the forgiveness and kind mercy of Allah (SWT) for our former FIMA elders who left on their eternal journey during the past years; especially Dr. Ahmad el Kadi and Dr. M. Azhar Ali Khan.

We make dua that Allah (SWT) accepts all their good deeds and accord them an elevated position in Jannah. I request all of the readers to make duas for them. (Ameen)

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