President's Message June-July 2011

The turmoil in Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain is far from being over, yet a new situation in Syria is emerging to be serious. The government's crackdown on the opposition and those who are dreaming of democracy in Syria has started a new wave of refugees fleeing to the neighbouring Turkey.

Many have lost their lives and others are afraid of getting shot by the government forces. The Turkish camps are flooding with those who sustained injuries in Syria. Those with resources are going to the hospitals but a large number of the injured are at the mercy of Turkish government and local NGO's.

Our member organizations and affiliates, especially Hayat Foundation and D.W.W. have a new challenge to face. FIMA member organizations are standing by to act when needed.

The Libyan situation is still not under full control. As the rebels are being pushed out to Benghazi, the need of medical help is becoming a bigger necessity. Local doctors and nurses have been forced to desert the hospital, complicating the situation further. Arab Medical Union has been very proactive being in Egypt and have done a tremendous job during the Libyan crisis. However, the coordination and cooperation with other members who are willing to help has been somewhat slow.

Our Executive Director, Dr. Aly Mishal travelled to Egypt and had a very fruitful meeting in Cairo with AMU and IMA Egypt leadership. New spirit of working together has now emerged and we are hoping that FIMA will be able to make some difference through AMU and IMA Egypt leadership. New spirit of working together has now emerged and we are hoping that FIMA will be able to make some difference through AMU and IMA of Egypt, getting together with Doctor's World Wide and IMANA.

If not in Benghazi, the hospital could be set up at the Libya/Egypt border. The number of complex injuries has escalated and relief projects require more funds. We are seeking monetary help from the member organizations.

On the peaceful front, FIMA SaveVision continues to reach out to Africa. Eye camps in Mali, Niger, and Nigeria are on schedule. FIMA SaveSmile team returned to Sudan earlier this year for a successful cleft lip camp and have already planned to return there next year along with FIMA SaveDignity team. DWW and Hayat plastic surgeon did a marathon of cleft lip/palate surgeries in Palestine and other Middle East countries.

FIMA SAC is very busy finalizing the Umraprogram for medical students to be held on July 9-14, 2011. IMA of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (IMAKSA) and World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) sponsor this eight annual event. This is a great spiritual and informative activity, designed for the children of IMA's of the world and is an invaluable networking opportunity. Umra programs and student/resident camps will also create leaders of tomorrow.

Hope to see you all in Jakarta in September, insha'Allah.

Dr Parvaiz Malik,
President FIMA

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