President's Message November 2009

Assalamu Alaikum WRWB

I want to convey my gratitude and profound regards to all those who expressed their sentiments and liked the first issue of newsletter of FIMA. We need your articles and reports to be published in the next issues.

During these weeks, we were busy in preparing reports for the UN ECOSOC; as FIMA is a standing member of this body and we plan to be more pro active and endeavor to join hands with other like minded groups in its fold especially in the areas of students camps, bioethics, humanitarian and medical relief.

The Padang (Sumatra) earthquake relief was also on our priority and an appeal was sent to all the IMA's by our relief coordinator Dr. Ashraf Jedaar. IMAM, IMANA, IIMA, MRA and MER-C Indonesia responded promptly. The magnitude and scale of devastation is huge and rehabilitation will take very long time. I appeal to all IMAs to extend their help to our Indonesian brothers at this time of need. Please contact Dr. Ashraf Jedaar.

Dr Parvaiz Malik
President, FIMA

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