President's Message September-October 2012

29th FIMA Annual Council meeting was held on Sep 11-12, 2012 at the Residence Hotel at University Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia,

The attendance consisted of 58 delegates along with several guests from 23 countries. With addition of Afghanistan and India to the full members, the count of active membership is 30, another record.

Five more associate members, Sunshine Muslim Volunteers (Tanzania), IMA of Zanzibar, Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA), Serandib Foundation of Sri Lanka, and Al-Amal Charitable Society of Lebanon were admitted, raising the number to 13.

As you can see, the membership of FIMA is progressive and momentum continues to flourish.

Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia hosted the event and under the able leadership of Prof. Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, the reception and hospitality was at its best.

All IMA's in attendance made presentation of their activities during the year 2011-12 and many useful ideas were shared.

FIMA SaveVision reported completion of over eighty thousands of cataract surgeries performed in various countries.

FIMA SaveSmile and SaveDignity had their annual camps participated by PIMA (Pakistan), IMANA (USA) and Doctors World Wide (Turkey).

Islamic Hospital Consortium (IHC) and Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges (CIMCO) conducted parralel sessions with meaningful discussions among the delefates.

Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia conducted a scientific seccion and the theme was "Health in the Muslim World: Meeting the Millenium Goals". World-class speakers presented high quality papers.

Over 500 participants and a large number of exhibits made this convention a big sucess. The presentations will be compiled and published in the FIMA Yearbook 2012-13.

At the end of the conference, Kuala Lumpur Declaration was endorsed and presented to FIMA by IMA of Malaysia. 2011 FIMA Life Achievement Award was presented to Prof. Adnan Jaljuli and Prof Hafeez ur Rahman for their untiring involvement and dedication in the FIMA SaveVision project.

Dr. Hafeez ur Rahman has decided to step down from the leadership of SaveVision after years of his excellent service and we pray Allah SWT to reward him. We welcome Dr. Intezar Butt as the new chairman.

I would like to reminds you again to submit reposrts of your activities for publication in the e-newsletter and FIMA website.

Dr. Parvaiz Malik
President FIMA 2009-2013

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