President's Message October 2010

FIMA held its 27th Annual Council meeting in Beirut, Lebanon on August 19-21, 2010. A record number of 210 delegates from 23 countries attended the meeting. The host Islamic Medical Association of Lebanon held a two days scientific convention following FIMA meeting, under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Saad Hariri, the Lebanese prime minister. The theme was "Health Care for People with Special Needs". FIMA Lifetime Achievement Award of 2010 was presented to Dr. Aly Mishal during the opening ceremony at Lebanese Order of Physicians, Beirut.

It was indeed a mega task for the IMA of Lebanon, under the able leadership of Dr. Fouad Rigai to assist in travel and accommodation for such a large number of participants, in addition to organizing their own scientific convention. We are all very grateful to IMA of Lebanon for their warm hospitality and dedication.

Congratulations to IMA's of Zimbabwe and Kenya for admission to the FIMA full membership. We also congratulate IMA's of India, Queensland Australia and Nigeria for associate FIMA membership status. The current membership of FIMA now stands 25 active IMA's and 13 associate members worldwide. Member IMA's presented their annual reports to the council with synopsis of their activities, dominated by the philanthropic activities of medical relief work during disasters and peace. FIMA Save Vision reported to have completed 62,000 cataract surgeries. Newly launched FIMA Save Smile involving cleft lip deformities and DIMA Save Dignity to treat vesico-vaginal fistulas were introduced to the world body. IMA of Pakistan (PIMA) did an incredible job during the recnt disastrous floods of Pakistan and operated several medical camps. The IMA of North America (IMANA) and Arab Medical Union (AMU) were very active in providing medical services to the affected people of Pakistan and other IMA's sent cash donations through FIMA.

It has been one year since FIMA launched its e-Newsletter. It has proven to be a great tool for networking and communication. I encourage all IMA's to continue sending news of their activities to share with the global community of IMA's.
Dr. Parvaiz Malik, President FIMA

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