President's Message April 2011

The FIMA annual council meeting attached to a scientific session of host IMA is a longstanding FIMA tradition. It is a unique opportunity for all the Muslim physician bodies working in various parts of the world to gather at one platform and discuss working of their IMA's, share their experiences and seek guidance for their future plans. The annual reports of IMA's are presented in FIMA council meeting.

Important FIMA projects including CIMCO, IHD, relief, save-vision, yearbook and many others are discussed in detail and audit is made. Newer horizons of work are explored and novel experiences are shared. Hence the annual meetings of FIMA council are a life line to all its constituents and affiliates.

Another important feature of FIMA council meeting is holding of FIMA biennial elections. The FIMA constitution depicts the role of Council as the following:
5.1.a: The council shall be the highest policy making body of FIMA.

5.1.b: Composition. One representative from each full member organization, preferably the president. one representative from each associate member, but with no voting right.

i) To assure that objectives of FIMA are being fulfilled.
ii) To elect the Executive Committee and monitor its activities.
iv) To decide on dates and venues of Council meetings.
v) To approve or reject new applications for membership.
vi) To act as a disciplinary Committee with powers to expel, suspend, fire or reprimand member organization or the executive.
vii) Is responsible for promoting idea of FIMA Internationally and encourage formation of international bodies to enlarge the membership base of FIMA.
viii) Is responsible for all major financial decisions and general funding of FIMA.
ix) To meet at least once a year to review the work of the Federation, receive executive and sub-committee reports, and to approve annual audited financial statements.
x) It shall be the final arbitrator in the interpretation of this constitution.

The importance of FIMA council and to attend this vital activity is imperative for all the IMAs and it cannot be overemphasized. I find this opportunity to invite all the office bearers of member and associate member IMA's to prepare well in advance to attend the forthcoming 28th FIMA council meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia from September 13th-19th this year. International travel is cumbersome and the procedure is time consuming.

Indonesia is one of the best places to visit with picturesque landscapes, sunny beaches, lush green forests and countless historical places to visit. In addition to attending the council meeting and IMA Indonesia scientific meetings it will be a life time opportunity for the FIMA delegates to enjoy local site seeing and get a bliss of marvelous Indonesian hospitality.

I on behalf of FIMA EXCO invite you to attend the forthcoming FIMA council meeting and IIMA Indonesia scientific session, the theme of scientific meeting is "Updates in Geriatrics". Kindly feel free to contact myself or FIMA Sect. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any queries or assistance.

Dr Parvaiz Malik,
President FIMA

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2011 18:29
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