Message from the President November & December 2012 & January 2013

As we prepare for FIMA's next semi-annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt on February 28 - March 1, 2012, the unrest in the Islamic world continues to anger and frustrate Muslims across the globe.

The up rise in Syria has taken at least 60,000 lives as per UN sources. After a democratic transfer of power in Egypt, the citizens are still frustrated with the end results. Recent bombardment of Gaza by Israel left many innocents dead or injured and homeless again. Suicide bombings and target killings in several Islamic countries continue to draw a pathetic picture. When will this suffering come to an end? Only Allah SWT knows. We as medical professionals have to continue our missions of helping the suffering humanity.

Noteworthy is the Kuala Lumpur Declaration in this issue of FIMA e-newsletter that gives you an insight on what we are up against. We must continue focusing on eliminating hunger, disease, and poverty from the globe as the pledged by the UN in the Millennium Developmental Goals adopted in the year to be met by the year 2015.

Our own projects of SaveVision, SaveSmile, and SaveDignity has made a difference in the lives of almost a million people on the earth. Our joint collaborations with many NGO's have benefited many people, despite our limited resources. We have large tasks ahead of us and we pray Allah SWT to accept our efforts and give us strength and energy to do a lot more.

I was very delightful to know that many Muslim countries have made progress in fulfilling the United Nation's MDG. Let us congratulate the Government and the medical community of Bangladesh, our member country to achieve a remarkable progress in bringing down the infant and maternal mortality rate down significantly in the last five years. We would love to see other Muslim countries achieve the same or even better goals.

Finally, mark your calendars to attend our upcoming annual council meeting in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa in September 2013. The city is well known for its table mountain and attractive coast and has a strong Muslim Population.

May Allah SWT bless you all.

Dr. Parvaiz Malik
President FIMA 2009-2013

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