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In 1999 and 2000 FIMA Council meetings discussed the issues of of Islamic Hospitals consortium, and a decision was adopted to assign this project to FIMA Exec. Committee.

To establish links of cooperation among Islamic hospital in various countries, aiming at strength the competitive position of Islamic hospitals in their health care markets, pools resources, create economics of scale, improve operating efficiencies, influence the direction of delivery of health care, and last but not least, fulfillment of criteria of an Islamic hospital.
To accomplish these goals, IHC programs and services could be focused in the following areas:

  1. Supply services:
    IHC group purchasing program: This will facilitate and enhance the purchasing value to member hospitals, by creating favorable purchase agreements of consumable, equipments, services and pharmaceuticals, etc.. with substantial cost savings.
  2. Value management:
    Programs could be designed to help members to enhance services, improve quality and outcomes, while also reducing cots. These programs could include:
    * Clinical practice advancement center
    * Clinical Data base
    * Operations improvement
    Labor performance Data base
    Quality, risk and legal services
    Financial Data base

A-Clinical Practice advancement Center:

This should be essential to provide practical scientifically rigorous information in the area of clinical evaluation.

IHC program should include:

· Clinical information management: To provide customized data analysis that supplements participants's technical and clinical resources.

· Clinical Process Improvement: To foster clinical research in member institutions with an emphasis on epidemiologic, clinical and Pharmo-economic studies.

· Clinical Assessment: To provide information that helps IHC institutions manage emerging technologies efficiency and cost-efficiency.

Clinical practice Advancement Center provides opportunity to identify, study and benchmark with other institutions that have achieved exceptional quality and efficiency in specific clinical services and technology areas. Clinical benchmarks can be planned which include: kidney transplantation, coronary angioplasty, hip arthroplasty, diabetes mangment , heart transplant and isthemic stoke, etc..

B-Clinical Data base:

IHC Clinical Database should provid3e comparative clinical, administrative and financial data that can be used to provide comparison on resource utilization, costs and length of stay, etc ..


  1. Islamic Hospitals should be nominated by various IMA.
  2. A preliminary meeting of hospital administrors to be held within the folds of FIMA.
  3. IHC could be established as a member driven alliance, and function as an autonomous of FIMA.
  4. IHC Bylaws could be established by founding hospitals, and approved by FIMA Council.

IHC By Laws
Whereas the federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) was established in 1981 with aims of promoting Islamic Medical activities, including health services, education, research, exchange of medical experience, knowledge and technology, among medical professionals in member organizations, and

Whereas FIMA has pursued activities of promoting contact, cooperation and coordination among medical professionals, educators, researchers and Islamic medical institutions to fulfill these aims, and

Whereas FIMA 18th Annual Council meeting held in Sarajevo-Bosnia on 22-24 Rabie 1- 1422 H, 14-16 June, 2001, decided to form the Islamic Hospital Consortium to work for achieving these objectives,

Now therefore, we the Council members of FIMA, hereby lay the foundation of this project, adopt its bylaws and pledge to abide by its provisions and to work towards coordinating and unifying the efforts of Islamic hospitals in the world.

The Consortium is a member driven organization, led by Islamic hospital administrators, guided by the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA) aims, objectives, constitution, and by the Consortium bylaws, to provide constructive relationship of cooperation in areas of health care delivery, ethical, administrative, operational, financial, training, educational, and medical research activities among member institutions.

To be a useful resource in improving levels of medical and operational performance of member institutions, to meet the most advanced international standards, in the contact of Islamic Principles.


  1. Establish links of cooperation among Islamic hospitals, aiming at strengthening their competitive positions in their health care markets, improve operating efficiencies, enhance quality and outcomes, and exchange of medical, administrative and technical information.
  2. Mobilize professional and economic resources to provide quality medical care, research, training and medical relief.
  3. Establish and promote a database of Islamic medical professionals, educators, researcher, medical schools, training centers and hospitals, for the benefit of consortium members.
  4. Foster welfare of Muslim medical professionals in Islamic medical institutions.
  5. Fulfill the criteria of Islamic medical institutions in areas of medical ethical standards, and application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine.


  1. Access to administrative, operational and ethical experiences of other Consortium hospitals in various fields.
  2. Benefits mutually from appropriate group purchasing programs of equipments and consumables.
  3. Benefits from training experiences and facilities of various medical, nursing and technical personnel.
  4. Access to emerging technological advancements.
  5. Benefit from exchange of medical educators, researchers and practitioners from other Islamic hospitals.
  6. Benchmark with other institutions that have achieved improved qualities and efficiency in specific functions and services, according to recognized standards.
  7. Obtain outcomes of clinical and epidemiological research of other medical institutions.
  8. Attend various Consortium meeting, scientific activities, receive annual and other reports, obtain Consortium publications, and access to Consortium database.
  9. Full members are entitled for election to Executive Committee, and other organizational bodies, of the Consortium.


Consortium Council

  1. The Council will be the policy making body of the Consortium.
  2. The Council shall be composed of:
    President of FIMA or his nominee
    One representative from each full Consortium member.
  3. The duties of the Council shall include:
    1. Ensure that the objectives of Consortium are being fulfilled.
    2. Elect the Executive Committee and monitor its activities.
    3. Appoint subcommittees and monitor their activities.
    4. Decide on dates and venues of Council meetings.
    5. Accept new applications for Consortium membership.
    6. Forward justified suggestions of expulsion, suspension of Consortium members or Executive Committee members, to the FIMA President for approval.
    7. Promote Consortium internationally and encourage membership.
    8. Take all major financial and general funding decisions of Consortium.
    9. Meet at least once a year to review the work of the Consortium, executive, and sub-committee reports and to approve annual audited financial statements.
    10. Be the financial arbiter in the interpretation of these bylaws.

Executive Committee:

  1. Elected by Consortium Council.
  2. Shall be responsible for the implementation of all Council decisions and for the general administration of its affairs.
  3. Composition:
    The Executive Committee shall be composed of minimum of five (5) members who will be elected by Council for the following positions:
    1. Chairman
    2. Secretary/Treasurer
    3. At least three Committee members
    4. Additional members shall be added as deemed appropriate by the Consortium Council.
  4. The terms of each member shall be two (2) years, and may be eligible for re-election for only one second term.
  5. The duties of the Executive Committee shall include:
    1. Implementing the Council decisions.
    2. Presenting an annual report of its activities to the Council.
    3. Maintaining financial records and bank accounts and presenting audited financial statements annually to the Council.
    4. Holding titles to all assets including properties, in the name of Consortium.
    5. Keeping a database and roll of members medical of the Consortium.
    6. Endeavoring to keep a world directory of Islamic database for the relevant hospitals, medical institutions, Muslim Medical educators and researchers.
    7. Publishing newsletter of the Consortium and other publications as deemed necessary.
    8. Preparing annual action plan for consideration of the Council.
    9. Raising funds for Consortium projects and activities.
    10. Formation of Committees or subcommittees for different tasks.

For Correspondence, please refer to:

Dr. Aly A Mishal
Islamic hospital
Amman - Jordan. P. O. Box 2414

Fax: 00962 6 5661773
Tel: 00962 6 5680127 Ext: 2294
E. mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As you know, our relief organization, namely Doctors World Wide (DWW), has been performing cataract surgeries in Africa for two years now. So far 4 missions from Turkey were sent to Niger and Sudan and they performed roughly 1,000 surgeries. For practical reasons and for the sake of collaboration between FIMA and DWW, we need your wisdom and guidance in this regard.

Please send your valuable opinions and advice.

M.Ihsan Karaman

Regarding collaboration between Fima and DWW, we welcome our Turkish brothers to join hands together in this noble cause.

Regarding our activities, one team is has moved to Khartoum to conduct a workshop on corneal diseases for eye surgeons. We imported 10 corneas for transplantation. Another team will has left to perform 500 surgeries in the Niger. In December we have planned to perform 1,000 surgeries in Nigeria.

You probably would know by now that, FIMA Save Vision was declared the winner of the prestigious Award from the American College of Physicians for its achievement during the last three and a half years. This award will be given during the convocation of the ACP in April 2009. Over the said period, we examined more than 350,000 patients and performed more than 33,000 cataract surgeries in eight different countries Alhamdulillah.

I look more forward to more effective communication to proceed with our collaboration.


Congratulations and Allhamdullilah for achieving the ACP award, may Allah (swt) accept the efforts of FIMA and all those who are involved in this project.

Mahomed Solwa Dr
IMA Durban, South Africa

All our gratitude and appreciation firstly to the initiators of this accolade and award (Br Farouque) as well as the hard work of the recipients i.e. Bros Hafeez and Aly Mish'Al and the many other collaborators in this noble project. We pray that this project and others in the FIMA portfolio will win the recognition and respect of the International community.
Well Done!

On behalf of IIMA(MUKISI, FOKI and IMANI) we congratulate all parties involved with this noble activity and the conferment of the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Award of the American College of Physicians.

May Allah give us all the strength to do more similar activities in the future. Amiin.

On the 27th of October 2008 in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Prof. Hafeez ur Rahman initiated the FIMA-IIMA FREE CATARACT SURGERY in INDONESIA

Secretary General of the IIMA
National Coordinator of the FIMA - IIMA Cataract Surgery Campaign in Indonesia

Congratulations from IMANA


The embargo on Sudan prevents the importation of human corneas from America which is the largest market for this purpose.

The country coordinator for the prevention of blindness in Sudan had repeatedly informed me about the very long waiting list of blind patients needing corneal transplantation.

Last year I visited Sri Lanka and had a meeting with the leadership of the renown Eye Donors Organization. And on behalf of FIMA, we signed an MOU with the the organization for regular supply of corneas.

Alhamdulillah, FSV organized a workshop in Waladain Hospital in Khartoum in collaboration with Kingdom Foundation (KF) from 16th to 18th of October, 2008.

Dr Abdul Hye, Associate Professor and Dr Intzar Hussain, Assistant Professor conducted this workshop. We imported 10 corneas from Sri Lanka which reached Khartoum on 15th of Oct and on the same day the surgical team from Pakistan arrived in Khartoum. The transplantation surgeries were performed the following day.

More than fifty desperate patients were waiting in the OPD of the hospital. The team selected 10 for transplantation.

Ten Sudanese Eye Surgeons participated in this hands on workshop. Two techniques of transplantation (Penetrating and Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty) were performed by local Eye Surgeons under the supervision of Prof Abdul Hye.

In addition to the capacity building of local Sudanese surgeons, ten blind patients were able to see the world again by the grace of Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah.

Two eye surgeons who worked in our FIMA Eye Hospital in Genaina, a Sudanese and the other a Jordanian also attended this workshop.

I hope that this endeavor will open the door for more keratoplasties in Sudan in the future to restore the vision of blind people and to make them healthy and useful members of the society. The operation costs about USD 2,500 - 3,000 USD for one eye in Sudan and even with this cost it is usually not possible because of the non-availability of corneas.

Thanks to Allah who made it easy for FIMA to proceed in a team fashion and opened new opportunities for vision for these much deserving patients.

In this trip a journalist from Pakistan was specially included in the team who interviewed high officials including the federal health minister and covered various facets of this activity. All this activity gained significant coverage in the local media.

Thanks to our partner Kingdom Foundation of Saudi Arabia who supported us financially.

Special thanks to Sudan IMA , MOH , WHO and Dr Kamal Hashim, without whom it would have been impossible to arrange a highly coordinated activity where the time factor was extremely crucial.

Thanks to our partners in Sri Lanka, leadership of Serandip Foundation, especially Mr Rafiq, administrator of Kuwait Hospital-Putlam) who was instrumental for the procurement of human corneas.

Thanks to the leadership of FIMA who are the back bone of all FSV activities.

With best regards


Prof Hafeez ur Rahman
FIMA Save Vision

6th Umrah Program for MEDICAL STUDENTS

Wed. 18 to Fri 27 Feb 2009 (23 Safar to 2 Rabi I 1430 H)

Islamic Medical Association of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (IMAKSA)/ World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) and its Members (IMAs)

Makkah and Al-Madinah


  1. To foster brotherhood among Muslim students of various Islamic Medical Associations (IMAs) and countries.
  2. To enhance mutual understanding and cooperation.
  3. To exchange information and experiences.
  4. To provide leadership training and organizational skills.
  5. To strengthen the involvement of students in IMA activities.
  6. To promote communication and networking among the student chapters of IMAs and other countries.
  7. To promote the students' levels in the field of Islamic Culture and Education.
  8. To enable the participants to perform Umrah and visit the two Holy Cities, Makkah and Al-Madinah, within a group trip under a special supervision and guidance.


  • An international annual congregation of Muslim medical students affiliated to Islamic Medical Associations (IMAs) from all over the world.
  • The students participate in a constructed and directed spiritual, educational, cultural, and social, program.
  • The operations follow closely the scouting camp system.
  • The administration of the program activities is primarily run by the students under supervision by senior doctors.


  • Visits to Islamic historic and famous relic places
  • Lectures, roundtable discussions, workshops & Seminars
  • Project presentation
  • Meetings and visits
  • Spiritual sessions
  • Cultural show
  • Outdoor activities and sports
  • Educational tours

Detailed program contents, speakers and timetable will be announced later.

time schedule



Any time from now until the Deadline Date

Registration (Now open)

15 January 2009

Deadline date for Registration or when all seats (50 seats) are reserved (First come, first served basis).

Wed 18 to Fri 20 Feb 2009

Arrival and Reception..

Perform Umrah

Free time in Haram Shareef

20 February 2009

Last Date of Arrival to Assembly site in Makkah

Sat 21 and Sun 22 Feb 2009

Training and cultural program in Makkah.

Mon 23 Feb 2009

Travel from Makkah to Medina by bus (500 km) through Hijra Road .

Tue 24 and Wed 25 Feb 2009

Training & Cultural Program at Medinah.

Thur 26 and Fri 27 Feb 2009

Free time in al- Haram Al-Nabawi.

Home Departure.


  • Students of Medical and Health Colleges who are affiliated to and/or nominated by Islamic Medical Associations members of FIMA. (Individual application is not allowed).
  • "Students" can be extended to include students from 3rd year in college until 3 years after graduation to allow for senior and postgraduate students.
  • Only "male" participants are allowed in this activity at the current stage.
  • "Medical and Health Colleges" could be college of any health specialty such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, health sciences or any other health-related college.
  • Nominated participants have to be active in his student chapter with potential leadership capacity as recommended by his IMA.
  • Participant has to be good in English language

* Participants are expected to be reasonably versed and very committed from Islamic point of view.


  • The total number of participants is 50 students.
  • Each IMA has the chance to nominate 1- 6 Students. This quota is subject to the accreditation of the organizing committee based on the size of the student chapter and on IMA participation in FIMA International Students Activities as decided by FIMA and IMAKSA.


  • The field language is English.
  • The lecturers will specify their language of delivery. Simultaneous Arabic/English translation is provided.


  • The IMAs and/or individual participants are responsible for the cost of their return tickets, as well as their Visa fees.
  • There are NO registration fees for the program.
  • Accommodation, meals and local transportation will be provided FREE OF CHARGE by IMAKSA during the specified days of the program. Cost of days before or after this period is incurred by the participants.
  • Receiving of participants is only possible at King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah provided that full information about registered participants and their itinerary is received at least one weak before arrival day.
  • All transportation during the program will be arranged for all participants who abide with program timing and regulations.


  • Visa for entry into Saudi Arabia (visit visa or Umrah visa) is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of the IMAs and/or the participants.
  • IMAKSA or WAMY unfortunately CANNOT secure visas for the participants. However, an invitation letter can be issued from IMAKSA, WAMY only if it is requested at least 2 months earlier (Deadline for requesting invitation letter is 18 Dec. 2008)


  • The registration deadline is 15 January 2009.
  • Registration is mandatory for all participants. The applications must be submitted to Supervisor of the Umrah program or the regional FIMASAC coordinator through their IMAs (president or chairman of students chapter). Direct individual application is not accepted.
  • Documents needed for registration (To be sent by IMA):
    1. Completed Registration Form designed in Excel for this purpose (attached) for all delegates.
    2. An electronic copy of participants' passports.
    3. IMA Database Form (attached).
  • Complete forms and documents can be e-mailed or faxed to the address shown below.
  • Registration is only valid after receiving acknowledgement and acceptance letter from organizing committee or Supervisor General of the program.

Dr. Atallah Al-Ruhaily
SUPERVISOR General, UMRAh Program
E. Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click HERE to download this announcement in Word format.
Click HERE to download the registration form.

1. Nomination of FIMA Save Vision for Richard & Hilda Rosenthal Foundation Award, American College of Physicians submitted by by Prof. Faroque
Chair Awards Committee
American College of Physicians
190 North Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572

Re:Richard & Hilda Rosenthal Foundation Award

Dear Dr Turner:

It gives me great pleasure to nominate the FIMA Save Vision program for the Richard and Hilda Rosenthal Foundation Award. This program fulfills the objectives set forth as requirement for the award -"An organization whose recent original approach in delivery or in the design of facilities will increase its clinical or economic effectiveness"

Brief Background:---Dr Aly Mishal, FACP in his capacity as president of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations(FIMA) visited Darfur( Sudan ) in December 2004. This visit resulted in the inception of FIMA Save Vision program,

On a modest scale, the first FIMA eye camp was organized in Al-Fashir, Capital of Darfur in collaboration with Sudanese Islamic Medical Association, 1800 patients were screened and 254 were operated mostly for cataract.

Over the past three years the FIMA Save Vision program has expanded exponentially with over 350 volunteer physicians( Eye surgeons) from Jordan, Sudan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Ireland, England, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Somalia, Nigeria and Pakistan providing specialized eye care to thousands who otherwise would not have received any eye care. This program has now been expanded to include Sudan , Somalia , Chad , Nigeria , Mali , Senegal , SriLanka and Pakistan .

Statistics/Outcome: From Jan 2005 to June 2008, 195 camps have been held in the eight countries listed above, with 332349 OPD visits, and additional 32,409 surgeries mostly for cataracts resulting in restoration of sight to the vast majority operated upon. These stats include four bilaterally blind children of a single mom in the camp Katsnia-Nigeria, in all four kids the eyesight was restored.

Other Accomplishments: While the eye camps have helped in restoring vision to thousands, FIMA Save Vision Program quickly realized that there was need to build capacity and train professionals at the local level. With this in mind permanent sustainable facilities were developed and in Jan 2006, a fully equipped FIMA Eye Hospital was established in Al_genaine in Darfur-Sudan, which started providing service to the two million population of west Darfur for the first time in the history of Darfur . Word spread quickly and patients from neighboring country of Chad also started coming to the hospital. Over a period of thirty months 29,000 patients were seen in OPD and 2750 surgeries were performed.

Encouraged by the experience in west Darfur FIMA started another Eye Care Center in Putlam, Srilanka, another country going through a major civil strife.

Building Capacity-While FIMA appreciates the volunteer services of the three hundred plus eye surgeons, it also recognizes the need to build capacity at the local level and has begun this program with training of local eye surgeons and para medical staff in Sudan , Nigeria and Pakistan with more to follow.

Clearly the FIMA Save Visio Program over a very short period of time has fulfilled the objectives for the Hilda and Rosenthal Foundation Award in that it has by its original and volunteer original approach in delivery and the design of facilities for eye care increased its clinical effectiveness at a very economical cost and brought back vision to thousands who otherwise would have spent the rest of their lives in the dark.

Further details regarding this program are available at the web site: FIMA Save Vision and I am particularly delighted to once again note that an ACP Fellow Dr Aly Mishal had the vision and foresight to get this program started in Dec 2004.

With my best wishes,

Sincerely Yours,

Dr Faroque Khan
Regent ACP-1995-2001.

Dear Prof Paroque

TQ very much for your prompt and sincere effort to follow thru with this nomination

May your efforts be blessed infinitely

I hope Dr. Aly and Hrof hafeez can get the testimonial from a patient ( done )

To jump start this i have cc to Prof Mamoun Homeida and his team in Sudan to get this document ASAP (done)

Good job all round

I am prvileged to be associated with such examplary souls

President FIMA

Dear All Brothers

Assalamu AWB

I write this letter to share you an important event in my career path.

Al Hamdullillah, after my long work and experience in Family Medicine, Community Medicine and School Health, I recently joined Community Medicine Department, College of Medicine at King Fahad Medical City (KFMC), Riyadh and to chair CME Department in the Academic Affairs. I also have the honor to work together with Dr. Farouq Khan as a close member to the Academic Affairs at KFMC

With this new move, I get closer to another career path that I love "Medical Education". This new position will also bring me much closer to medical students & allow me a bigger opprtunity in academia.

As brothers, close friends & academicians in the medical career, I wanted to share you this information, and request all of you to pray that Allah SWT gives all us tawfeeq in this life & the hereafter.

Please, pray for me.

Thank you, all

Dr. Saleh Al-Ansari
President, IMAKSA
Vice President, FIMA

On 8/16/08, Ashraf Jedaar wrote:

Dear Br Salih

Congratulations on this auspicicious achievement and appointment in academic medicine.

We pray that this is the start of further growth along this path to realizing your dreams and goals Insha'Allah.



Salih !


Mabrook, Mabrook & a BIG hug


Tanveer Zubairi


Congratulations on your new position in your carrier path in Medicine.

On behalf of all members of IIMA, we pray to Allah, you will continue to be of benefit to all mankind, your family and all your Muslim brothers and sisters.

If there is anything you need from us please do not hesitate to contact.

Best regards,

Secretary General of IIMA

Mabrook and heartiest congratulations akh Dr. Salih
And whilst in Riyadh make sure you inherit/grab/acquire all those jewels of knowledge, experience, insights, foresights and wisdom of Prof Faroque
You make us all extremely proud of your achievements
Another golden opportunity to be with students and like Prof Atallah remain perpetually young, energetic, passionate and yet wise and thoughtful
May all your works be infinitely blessed
President FIMA