Islamic Hospitals Consortium (IHC)

In 1999 and 2000 FIMA Council meetings discussed the issues of of Islamic Hospitals consortium, and a decision was adopted to assign this project to FIMA Exec. Committee.

To establish links of cooperation among Islamic hospital in various countries, aiming at strength the competitive position of Islamic hospitals in their health care markets, pools resources, create economics of scale, improve operating efficiencies, influence the direction of delivery of health care, and last but not least, fulfillment of criteria of an Islamic hospital.
To accomplish these goals, IHC programs and services could be focused in the following areas:

  1. Supply services:
    IHC group purchasing program: This will facilitate and enhance the purchasing value to member hospitals, by creating favorable purchase agreements of consumable, equipments, services and pharmaceuticals, etc.. with substantial cost savings.
  2. Value management:
    Programs could be designed to help members to enhance services, improve quality and outcomes, while also reducing cots. These programs could include:
    * Clinical practice advancement center
    * Clinical Data base
    * Operations improvement
    Labor performance Data base
    Quality, risk and legal services
    Financial Data base

A-Clinical Practice advancement Center:

This should be essential to provide practical scientifically rigorous information in the area of clinical evaluation.

IHC program should include:

· Clinical information management: To provide customized data analysis that supplements participants's technical and clinical resources.

· Clinical Process Improvement: To foster clinical research in member institutions with an emphasis on epidemiologic, clinical and Pharmo-economic studies.

· Clinical Assessment: To provide information that helps IHC institutions manage emerging technologies efficiency and cost-efficiency.

Clinical practice Advancement Center provides opportunity to identify, study and benchmark with other institutions that have achieved exceptional quality and efficiency in specific clinical services and technology areas. Clinical benchmarks can be planned which include: kidney transplantation, coronary angioplasty, hip arthroplasty, diabetes mangment , heart transplant and isthemic stoke, etc..

B-Clinical Data base:

IHC Clinical Database should provid3e comparative clinical, administrative and financial data that can be used to provide comparison on resource utilization, costs and length of stay, etc ..


  1. Islamic Hospitals should be nominated by various IMA.
  2. A preliminary meeting of hospital administrors to be held within the folds of FIMA.
  3. IHC could be established as a member driven alliance, and function as an autonomous of FIMA.
  4. IHC Bylaws could be established by founding hospitals, and approved by FIMA Council.

IHC By Laws
Whereas the federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) was established in 1981 with aims of promoting Islamic Medical activities, including health services, education, research, exchange of medical experience, knowledge and technology, among medical professionals in member organizations, and

Whereas FIMA has pursued activities of promoting contact, cooperation and coordination among medical professionals, educators, researchers and Islamic medical institutions to fulfill these aims, and

Whereas FIMA 18th Annual Council meeting held in Sarajevo-Bosnia on 22-24 Rabie 1- 1422 H, 14-16 June, 2001, decided to form the Islamic Hospital Consortium to work for achieving these objectives,

Now therefore, we the Council members of FIMA, hereby lay the foundation of this project, adopt its bylaws and pledge to abide by its provisions and to work towards coordinating and unifying the efforts of Islamic hospitals in the world.

The Consortium is a member driven organization, led by Islamic hospital administrators, guided by the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA) aims, objectives, constitution, and by the Consortium bylaws, to provide constructive relationship of cooperation in areas of health care delivery, ethical, administrative, operational, financial, training, educational, and medical research activities among member institutions.

To be a useful resource in improving levels of medical and operational performance of member institutions, to meet the most advanced international standards, in the contact of Islamic Principles.


  1. Establish links of cooperation among Islamic hospitals, aiming at strengthening their competitive positions in their health care markets, improve operating efficiencies, enhance quality and outcomes, and exchange of medical, administrative and technical information.
  2. Mobilize professional and economic resources to provide quality medical care, research, training and medical relief.
  3. Establish and promote a database of Islamic medical professionals, educators, researcher, medical schools, training centers and hospitals, for the benefit of consortium members.
  4. Foster welfare of Muslim medical professionals in Islamic medical institutions.
  5. Fulfill the criteria of Islamic medical institutions in areas of medical ethical standards, and application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine.


  1. Access to administrative, operational and ethical experiences of other Consortium hospitals in various fields.
  2. Benefits mutually from appropriate group purchasing programs of equipments and consumables.
  3. Benefits from training experiences and facilities of various medical, nursing and technical personnel.
  4. Access to emerging technological advancements.
  5. Benefit from exchange of medical educators, researchers and practitioners from other Islamic hospitals.
  6. Benchmark with other institutions that have achieved improved qualities and efficiency in specific functions and services, according to recognized standards.
  7. Obtain outcomes of clinical and epidemiological research of other medical institutions.
  8. Attend various Consortium meeting, scientific activities, receive annual and other reports, obtain Consortium publications, and access to Consortium database.
  9. Full members are entitled for election to Executive Committee, and other organizational bodies, of the Consortium.


Consortium Council

  1. The Council will be the policy making body of the Consortium.
  2. The Council shall be composed of:
    President of FIMA or his nominee
    One representative from each full Consortium member.
  3. The duties of the Council shall include:
    1. Ensure that the objectives of Consortium are being fulfilled.
    2. Elect the Executive Committee and monitor its activities.
    3. Appoint subcommittees and monitor their activities.
    4. Decide on dates and venues of Council meetings.
    5. Accept new applications for Consortium membership.
    6. Forward justified suggestions of expulsion, suspension of Consortium members or Executive Committee members, to the FIMA President for approval.
    7. Promote Consortium internationally and encourage membership.
    8. Take all major financial and general funding decisions of Consortium.
    9. Meet at least once a year to review the work of the Consortium, executive, and sub-committee reports and to approve annual audited financial statements.
    10. Be the financial arbiter in the interpretation of these bylaws.

Executive Committee:

  1. Elected by Consortium Council.
  2. Shall be responsible for the implementation of all Council decisions and for the general administration of its affairs.
  3. Composition:
    The Executive Committee shall be composed of minimum of five (5) members who will be elected by Council for the following positions:
    1. Chairman
    2. Secretary/Treasurer
    3. At least three Committee members
    4. Additional members shall be added as deemed appropriate by the Consortium Council.
  4. The terms of each member shall be two (2) years, and may be eligible for re-election for only one second term.
  5. The duties of the Executive Committee shall include:
    1. Implementing the Council decisions.
    2. Presenting an annual report of its activities to the Council.
    3. Maintaining financial records and bank accounts and presenting audited financial statements annually to the Council.
    4. Holding titles to all assets including properties, in the name of Consortium.
    5. Keeping a database and roll of members medical of the Consortium.
    6. Endeavoring to keep a world directory of Islamic database for the relevant hospitals, medical institutions, Muslim Medical educators and researchers.
    7. Publishing newsletter of the Consortium and other publications as deemed necessary.
    8. Preparing annual action plan for consideration of the Council.
    9. Raising funds for Consortium projects and activities.
    10. Formation of Committees or subcommittees for different tasks.

For Correspondence, please refer to:

Dr. Aly A Mishal
Islamic hospital
Amman - Jordan. P. O. Box 2414

Fax: 00962 6 5661773
Tel: 00962 6 5680127 Ext: 2294
E. mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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