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CIMCO: Operationalisation of Activities

The CIMCO seminar as decided in our last meeting at Samarinda, Indonesia, will Insha Allah be held on 21st September 2010 at Beirut during our FIMA conference. All members are kindly requested to participate actively. Please make sure your timely arrival. For travel assistance and accommodation kindly contact IMA Lebanon or FIMA Secretariat.


The Seminar will be from 1000 - 1730 hours.


Registration: 0945 -1000


Session 1: 1000 – 1200 Chairman Prof Hatta Shaharom (Malaysia)

a. Stock taking of CIMCO activities: CIMCO cooperation by Prof M Iqbal Khan (Pakistan)

b. Curricular exchanges: what needs to be done  by Prof. Husni Al Ghoshi (Yemen)

c. Curriculum development by Prof  Mammon Humaida (Sudan)


Session 2:  1300 – 1500 Chairman Prof Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)

a.  Staff and student exchange by Prof Rusdy Lamsuddin (Indonesia)
b.  Research collaboration by Prof. Abdul Rashid (Malaysia)

c.  Epistemology of medical education by Prof Najib Ul Haque (Pakistan)


Session 3: 1515 - 1730 Chairman Prof Najeeb Ul Haque (Pakistan)

a. Joint Publications: from manuscripts to books by Prof  Abu Khuldoon (Bangladesh)

b. Developing relation with non member institutions. Scope of cooperation, membership extension and  next course of action.

Round table discussion: Parvaiz Malik,  Aly Mishal, Iqbal , Najeeb, Abdul Rashid etc

c. Resolutions and conclusion:   Prof. Iqbal Khan


Many academicians felt the need that FIMA should work towards development of a conglomerate of Medical student. This consortium of Medical schools will so a long way towards Islamization of medical curriculum and development of faculty member through exchange program and other related activities with the result of producing an impact towards resurgence civilization..

In the spring of 2000 the FIMA University Consortium was officially conducted on 10th April in the city of Islamabad during 17th FIMA council meeting. The FIMA council provided the initial framework and three-institution join hand to be the founding member. These institutions are:

  1. The College of Medical Sciences of the University at Science & Technology (UST)- Yemen.
  2. The Islamic International Medical College (IIMC) Pakistan.
  3. Yarsi University School of Medicine Indonesia.

In the January of 2001 format meeting of University Consortium were developed. The goals & objectives of the University Consortium were identified as:

  1. To Islamise the exiting Medical Education system in member Institution to prepare Muslim health professionals.
  2. To promote health related research to serve the humanity in the light of Quran & Sunnah.
  3. To foster collaboration in the field of Islamic Medical Education, training and health services.

The election for office bearers were also conducted. Prof. Hosny Al Goshy was elected as Chairman while Dr. Baber Saeed Khan was elected as General Secretary/Treasurer of the Consortium.

Following recommendations were also identified for the development of Islamic Medical Curriculum.

It should be a transformational approach rather than a plugging philosophy.

Need to align the domain of work so that every researcher should work in the same frame and at the same level of knowledge.

The work should not be for specific region are population. The Component of universality should be kept in the mind.

Proactive Role
As analyst-Dissect into body of knowledge, educational process, methodology, teaching tools, norms, value judgment etc.

Synthesizing knowledge, Islamic principles, evidence and experiential learning.

Inclusivistic Approach
Inclusivisitic approach by integration of all the allied scientific uloom (Sociology, Anthropology, Demography, Epidemiology, management sciences etc.

Horizontal Approach
Application of broader perspective of looking into the pathogenesis of disease. New paradigm of looking into the process involved in the causation of disease.

Part of Civilization Discourse
Change in the curriculum should be made a component of dialogue on civilization discourse.

Networking - Gathering information from whatever source available. Website development-RFC-Editorial Board.

Initially action oriented research for demonstration immediate results. Letter comparative analysis, case control studies, retro respect and prospective cohort studies and manipulation of variables

  • Able to develop "Core curriculum of religion of education at general higher education" by Indonesian brothers.
  • Three manuscripts of Anatomy by brothers from Pakistan.
  • Able to make humble contribution into the FIMA website which you will come to know in the session to follow

FIMA 17th annual council meeting held in Islamabad Pakistan on 6 Muharram 1421 H, 10th of April 2000 decided to form the Islamic University Medical Consortium. The representations of three Islamic Medical Schools formulated the first nucleus of a Consortium in their meeting in Islamabad - Pakistan on 5-6 Muharram 1421 H, 9-10 April 2000 for cooperation and coordination of Islamic Medical education, namely; The college of Medical Sciences at the University of Science and Technology (UST) Yemen, The Islamic International Medical College (IIMC) in Pakistan, and YARSY school of Medicine in Indonesia.

Now therefore, we the council members of FIMA and the representatives of the first nucleus of the Consortium, hereby adopt this constitution and pledge to abide by its provisions and to work towards coordinating and unifying the efforts of Islamic Medical Schools in the world.ARTICLE I : NAME & SEAL

1.1 : The name of the consortium shall be : CONSORTIUM OF ISLAMIC MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES, hereinafter called (Consortium), and shall function all the time as an autonomous division of FIMA.

1.2 : The Seal shall be circular, and shall contain the words, "Consortium of Islamic Medical Universities" (and Arabic Translation of the name).

The objectives of the consortium is to pursue activities of promoting contacts, cooperation and coordination among Medical educators, researchers and Islamic Medical Institutions for proper upbringing of new generation of Muslim medical practitioners.

  1. To Islamise the existing medical education system in member institutions and to prepare Muslim health professionals.
  2. To promote health-related research to serve humanity in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah.
  3. To foster collaboration among member institutions in the field of Islamic Medical education, training and health services. By laws of Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges (CIMC)

1.1 Article I: Preamble

The 17th Annual FIMA council meeting held in Islamabad -Pakistan between 9-10th of April 2000, agreed to form the Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges (CIMC). The FIMA council approved the consortium to be as an autonomous division of FIMA. The first nucleus of the Consortium was formed by three medical schools.

  1. The College of Medical Sciences of the University at Science and Technology (UST) -Yemen.
  2. The Islamic International Medical College (IIMC), Pakistan.
  3. Yarsi University School of Medicine - Indonesia.


2.1 To Islamise the existing medical education system in member institutions to prepare Muslim health professionals.

2.2 To promote health-related research to serve the humanity in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

2.3 To foster collaboration in the field of Islamic medical education, training and health services.


  1. The Council will be the highest policy making body of Consortium.
  2. The Council shall be composed of president of FIMA or his nominee
    1. Chairman of the consortium
    2. One member from each full consortium member
    3. The duties of the Council shall include:
      1. Ensuring that the objectives of Consortium are being fulfilled.
      2. Elect the Executive Committee and monitor its activities.
      3. Appointing sub committee and monitor their activities.
      4. Deciding on dates and venues of Council meetings.
      5. Accepting new applications for forwarding it to the President for approval.
      6. Forwarding justified suggesting of expulsion, suspension of the Consortium members or Executive Committee members to the FIMA President for approval.
      7. Promoting Consortium internationally and encourage membership.
      8. Taking all major financial and general funding decisions of Consortium.
      9. Meeting at least once a year to review the work of the Consortium, executive and sub-committee reports and to approve annual audited financial statements.
      10. Be the final arbiter in the interpretation of this constitution


4.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the implementation of all Council decisions and for the general administration of the affairs of FIMA.

4.2 Composition: The Executive Committee shall be composed of minimum of 5 members who will be elected by the Council for the following positions:

  1. President/ Chairman
  2. Secretary/ Treasurer
  3. Initially three Committee members.

4.3 The term of each member shall be two (2) years and may be eligible for re-election.

4.4 The duties of The Executive Committee shall include:

  1. Implementing the Council decisions.
  2. Presenting an annual report of its activities to the Council.
  3. Maintaining financial records and bank accounts and presenting audited financial statements annually to the Council.
  4. Holding titles to all assets including properties in the name of the Consortium.
  5. Keeping a data-base and role of members of the Consortium.
  6. Endeavoring to keep a world directory of Islamic data base for the relevant medical institutions.
  7. Publishing newsletter of the Consortium and other publications as deemed necessary.
  8. Preparing annual action plan and submit to the Council.
  9. Raising funds for the sake of the Consortium.
  10. Formation of Committees or sub committees for different tasks.

4.5 TERMINATION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND OFFICERS: The grounds for termination shall include any misappropriation of funds, fraud, gross neglect of duties.


4.7 The Council shall meet at least once a year. The Executive committee shall meet at least twice a year.

4.8 Chairman may call special meetings of the Council as needed.


4.10 All written notices for Council or/ and Executive Committee meetings shall be given at least two months in advance and at least fifty one percent(51%) of all full members Consortium must agree to attend a meeting writing.

4.11 Quorum for council meetings shall be at least 50% (fifty percent) of full membership. Therefore, in the event of failure to achieve quorum, those full members organizations who are present shall form the quorum.

4.12 Quorum for Executive Committee meeting shall be majority of its members.


4.14 Decisions at council meetings shall be made by a simple majority. In the event less than 50% (fifty percent) but more than 25% (twenty five percent) of full membership. Attend the meeting, the decision shall be made by 2/3 (two-third) of the members present in the meeting. In the event less than 25% (twenty-five percent) of the full membership attend a meeting, decisions shall be made by 75% (seventy-five percent) of the full membership present provided these decisions will be ratified in the following meeting of the body concerned.

4.15 Decisions at Executive Committee meetings shall be made by simple majority.

4.16 CHAIRMAN: The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer. He shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and Council. Under the Councils direction he shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Council and of the Executive Committee and any other officers. He shall represent the Consortium to other organizations including Governmental and non-governmental agencies and may attend their meetings. He shall be spokesman for the Consortium. He may take urgent decisions with concert of the members of the Executive Committee, until the next meeting of the Council. He may call special meetings of the Council through the Secretariat with the consent of Executive Committee or 50% (fifty percent) of the members of the Council. He shall sign all written contracts of the Consortium and be responsible to authorize payment above budgetary limit for FIMA within the limits determined by the Council. He may delegate his duties to the anyone of the Executive member and he shall perform all such other duties as are incidental to his office.

4.17 SECRETARY/TREASURER: the Secretary/ Treasurer shall have responsibility to carry out the secretarial and financial duties and any duties assigned by the Chairman. He will be responsible for issuing all notices required herein, prepare and circulate the minutes of all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee to the respective bodies and membership. He shall be responsible for maintaining corporate books, records and all other documents. He will be custodian of corporate seat. He will follow-up issuance of regular newsletters and correspond with membership and others in preparation of various meetings and conferences and shall perform all such other duties as are incidental to his office. He will be working in the capacity of the Chairman in case of his unavoidable absence.

4.18 VACANCIES: Vacancies in the Executive Committee during the terms thereof shall be filled by members Executive Committee.

ARTICLE 5 : MEMBERSHIP: 5.1 Categories

5.2 Full membership Any Islamic medical school can be a member in the consortium provided that:

  1. It is recommended by an Islamic Medical Association (IMA) of good standing in FIMA membership.
  2. It subscribes to preamble of FIMA constitution and complies with the consortium by laws.
  3. It submits the application from to the consortium council. The application is accepted by the consortium council and approved by the FIMA president.
  4. It pays the prescribed fee to the consortium.
  5. It is recognized and accredited by the governing authority in its country.
  6. The institution shall demonstrate an appreciable evidence of its compliance to Islamic standards in medical education.

Any medical school failing to fulfill the criteria of Full membership becomes an associate member provided that it is recommended by either an IMA in good standing as FIMA member, or by a Full member of the consortium.


  1. Only Full members of the Consortium have the right to vote.
  2. Each Full member of the Consortium has one vote only.


  1. Subscriptions shall be as determined by the Consortium Committee.
  2. Failure to pay the subscription for two consecutive years will result in the member ceasing to exercise any of its rights a member, including the power to vote. It, however, may still participate as an observer.

Obtaining publications and the benefits of exchange programs involving Education, training, research and data base.

The fiscal year of Consortium shall begin on the first (1st) day of January and end on the thirty-first (31st) day of December of the year.

7.1 Amendments to the By laws may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a written petition of at least three full member of the consortium.

7.2 The proposed amendments must be received by the president of the council prior to the Annual Council Meeting, and it shall be circulated to the voting members not less than thirty days prior to the Annual Council Meeting. 7.3. The Constitution may be amended during the Annual Council Meeting with a quorum of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of full membership and with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present in the meeting.


7.5 The decision to dissolve the consortium may only be taken at a FIMA Council Meeting by seventy-five percent (75%) of the full members. 7.6 In the event of dissolution, the Council, after paying or making provision for payment of all liabilities, shall distribute the remaining assets among existing full members, in a manner provided in the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 2 4. Consortium Council

  1. President of FIMA or his nominee
  2. Chairman of the consortium
  3. One member from each full consortium member

4.1.b Duties of Consortium Council
The indemnification shall be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled under the laws of any state, or by agreement, or otherwise. The indemnification shall extend both to action in his or her official capacity while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be member of Council or Executive Committee or officer or employee or volunteer or agent of FIMA and shall insure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a person.

CIMCO Meeting

Workshop on "Identifying Priority Areas in Ethics, Values and Social Skills in Malaysian Medical Education"

7th May 2009

IOI Palm Garden Hotel , Putrajaya

Affective Domain Assessment and Training ; the Way Forward

( May 7th , Thursday )
8:00-8:.30 AM : Registration

8:30- 10:00 AM : Opening Ceremony

8:30- 8:40 AM : Speech by Organising Chairman

8:.40 - 9:15 AM : Speech by DG Ministry of Health
YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj.Mohd Ismail Merican

9:15 - 9:45 AM : Speech by DG Ministry of Higher Education
YBhg Prof. Ir. Dr. Dato' Radin Umar Radin Sohadi

9:45 - 10:00 AM : Handing over to DG MOHE on Research Report

10:00-10:30 AM : Break

10:30- 11:00 AM : Presentation of main research findings
Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Aroff

11:00 - 12:00 PM : Discussion on research findings

11:.30- 12:15 PM : Affective Domain Teaching and Assessment in the pre Clinical years; the CUCMS experience
Prof. Dr. Hamdan Noor, Deputy Dean , CUCMS

12:15-1:00 PM : Affective Domain Teaching and Assessment in the Clinical Year; the UIAM experience
Prof. Dr. Fauzi Abdul Rani , Dean IIUM

1:00-2:15 PM : Lunch and Prayer Break

2:15- 3:00 PM : Outcome Based Curriculum, where and how does affective domain training fits in
Assoc. Prof Dr. Yong Rafidah Abdul Rahman, Head Medical Education, CUCMS

3:00- 3:45 PM : Research into Affective Domain , Generating the Evidence that matters
Dr. Tayyab Hassan , Lecturer , Dept. Of Medical Education, CUCMS

3:45- 4:30 PM : Affective Domain Training and Assessment, the way forward
Prof Abdul Rashid bin Abdul Rahman, Vice President, CUCMS

4:30- 5:00 PM : Break and End of Programme

Day 2 ( May 8th , Friday )
Venue : Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Cyberjaya
Theme : Holistic Medical Education, the Islamic Model

9.00 - 12.30 AM : Visit to Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences

9.00 - 10.00 AM : Visiting facilities of CUCMS in Street Mall

10.00 - 10.30 AM : Break

10.30 - 11.30 AM : Briefing on Affective Domain Assessment in CUCMS

11.30 - 12.30 PM : Observing OSPE

12.30 - 3.00 PM : Lunch Break and Friday Prayers

3.00 - 3.30 PM : Observing Grand Reflection

3.30 - 4.00 PM : CIMCO; Current status and Future Direction
Prof. Iqbal Khan , Chairman CIMCO

4.00- 5.00 PM : Teaching of professionalism; the Islamic Dimension
Prof. Mohamed Hatta Shaharom , Senior Vice President, CUCMS

5.00 - 5.30 PM: Tea Break and Asr Prayer

Day 3 ( May 9th , Saturday )
9.00 - 10.00 AM : Special lecture : Educating Muslim Doctors through PBL; from 7 to 3 Jump.
Prof. Jurnalis Uddin ,YARSI,Jakarta, Indonesia

10.00- 11.00 AM : Experiences in the Islamisation of the Medical Curriculum ; The Pakistani Model
Prof Najib ul Haq , Dean PMC Pakistan

11.00 - 11.30 AM : Tea Break

11.30 - 12.30 PM : Experiences in the Islamisation of the Medical Curriculum ; The Sudanese Model
Prof. Mustafa Idris Al - Bashir, Dean , University of Khartoum, Medical School, Sudan

12.30- 2.00 PM : Lunch Break and Zohor Prayer

2.00 - 3.00 PM : The Indonesian Islamic Medical Education; Recent Situation and Efforts to Implement
Prof. DR. Salamun Sastra, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

3.00- 4.30 PM : Experiences in the Islamisation of the Medical Curriculum ;
The Malaysian Model, .
Prof. Dr. Fauzi Abdul Rani, Dean, IIUM , Malaysia

4.30 - 5.00 PM : Break and Asr Prayer

5.00 - 6.30 PM : Round Table Discussion on Developing a Model CIMCO Curriculum

6.30 - 7.00 PM : Conclusion and Future Action Plan