British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA)d

British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) is founded Alhamdulillah! Thank you for your support


In the name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful,


Dear Doctor,


Assalaam Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuh!


We are pleased to humbly announce that on Saturday 22nd June 2013, the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) formally came into existence Alhamdulillah after its constitution was ratified at its founding meeting!


We would like to say a big thank you and JazakAllahkhair to all those who attended the meeting and made it a success and also to all of those were unfortunately unable to attend the meeting but have supported the BIMA project so far. We hope BIMA Council will continue to have the invaluable support of all those who supported and advised the steering group in the build-up to the founding of BIMA and of all those who attended the founding meeting on the 22nd June 2013 and thereby became founding members of the association!


Alhamdulillah we had a successful and enjoyable meeting, attended by over 80 doctors from around the country, of all backgrounds, grades and specialties. The calibre and diversity of the doctors attending was truly inspiring and encouraging of BIMA’s chances of success inshaAllah!


At the meeting, we heard steering group’s report of the build-up to the founding of BIMA, followed by the formal ratification of the BIMA constitution by the attendees, which thereby founded BIMA as a formal organisation Alhamdulillah! Next the attendees had an opportunity to hear about and read the profiles of the 22 candidates for the office of BIMA Council before proceeding to vote for the BIMA Council. Once elected, BIMA Council selected 3 nominees from amongst themselves for the office of President, and the meeting closed with the election of the President by the vote of the all the founding members present.


The following 11 people were elected for the office of BIMA Council:


Dr Hammad Lodhi – President (GP, Nottingham)

Dr Maged Agour (Consultant Psychiatrist, Birmingham)

Dr Faizan Ahmed (GP, Manchester)

Dr Zubair Ahmed (Consultant Respiratory Physician, Birmingham)

Mr Sharif Al-Ghazal (Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Bradford)

Dr Sabeeta Farooqi (FY2, Leeds)

Dr Yusuf Ghumra (CT2 Anaesthetics, Nottingham)

Dr Hafsah Qureshi (FY2, Nottingham)

Mr Basharat Sahi (Consultant Urologist, Aberystwyth, Wales)

Dr Athar Siddiqui (Consultant Anaesthetist, Manchester)

Dr Salman Waqar (FY1, Birmingham)


The BIMA Council and President exist to serve its members and the organisation by leading the strategy for the fulfillment of its objectives. However, BIMA’s success depends on the engagement and involvement of its members, otherwise it is doomed to wither and fail, and thus we hope that we will have your continued support.


As a founding member of BIMA that bought the organisation into existence, by signing the document that is now officially the appendix of the constitution of BIMA, we are particularly reliant on YOUR involvement and esteemed contribution to BIMA, and humbly request your help in getting the organisation off the ground. We request you to spread the word about BIMA and identify people who could join the cause.


If you have any questions or comments, and are able to offer your skills and services to BIMA please do not hesitate to get in touch with the BIMA Council at any time. We welcome all suggestions and input as we wish for BIMA to be a grassroots organisation that empowers its members to lead the organisation! Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Finally, please make dua for the success and longevity of this organisation, and that Allah helps our new BIMA Council with the huge task ahead. We ask Allah SWT to help us all in this mission, put barakah in this organisation’s efforts, and love between its members and to make our intentions in all we do purely for His pleasure.


Wasalam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh

Your brother,

Dr Hammad Lodhi

President, British Islamic Medical Association

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