Eradication of Polio in the light of Islam

Islamic International University hosts consultation meeting of the Islamic Scholars in Islamabad - June 5-6, 2013 on “Eradication of Polio in the light of Islam”

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Polio was once a disease feared worldwide, striking suddenly and paralyzing mainly children for life. Through the concerted global efforts this deadly disease has reduced by 99.9%. Polio now survives only among the three Muslim countries, where unfortunately it stalks the most vulnerable children. FIMA is a part of a campaign to see this disease completely eradicated from the face of this world.

The Initiative's goal is to reach every last child with polio vaccine and ensure a polio-free world for future generations.

Islam accords high importance to the health of children. Polio eradication vaccination is a service of humanity and Islam encourages all such efforts in this regard. These views were expressed by  a group of eminent Ulema of national and international fame and experts from voluntary organizations including Malinda Bill Gates Foundation, Rotary International, National Immunization Board and Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA)during the  two days international conference on the topic “Polio Eradication in The Light of Islam”.

The two days international conference (June 5-6th 2013)was  held at IIUI with the collaboration of three international institutions Al-Azhar University Egypt, International Islamic University Islamabad and World Health Organization. In his welcoming address at conference president IIUI Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh thanked all participants for gathering to set forth new measures of polio eradication plan. He expressed immense pleasures that Scholars from Al-Azhar University, medical specialists from World Health Organization, religious scholars and medical doctors came across the world to Pakistan, joined hands for this humanitarian cause.

During various detailed sessions the experts, delegates and Ulema put the stress on the need to have consistent efforts for taking necessary steps for the eradication of Polio including formulating a national strategy to convince the local population, Ulema and militants of  usefulness of Polio eradication program and to unfold any taboos or misunderstandings and false propaganda attached to this issue by the miscreants.

It was stressed that the Ulema should motivate the people to administer anti polio drops to their kids up to the age of five so that future generation could be protected against the crippling disease. The speakers in their speeches said that polio vaccines were absolutely safe and sound both from religious and medical point of view and dose not carry any haram contents or ingredients which may give rise to sterility in Muslim Population. The Ulema were urged to create awareness among the people about the anti polio drops so that this fatal disease could be wiped out from the country once for all.

A Joint communiqué was issued as “Islamabad Declaration” and signed by all the Ulema, Scholars and Scientists gathered at this occasion reads “Ulema e Din should feel responsibility to remove the misconceptions regarding Polio in mind of illiterates and make them aware about the polio virus. This document  highlighted the fact that Islam teaches about the rights of human body and emphasizes on securing body from such epidemic diseases like polio. The group also strongly condemned the execution of Polio workers and termed it against the teachings of Islam, they also urged authorities to extend the bereaved family fullest support including monetary compensation. The text also reads condemning of heinous crime of Dr. Shakil Afridi who used his office as a healthcare professional in intelligence sharing and Ulema strongly demanded the stake holders not to use the health workers for any other engagement except their righteous duties as health providers.

The participants appreciated the efforts of WHO and partner bodies for Polio eradication and offered full support, cooperation and coordination by all means for the polio eradication.

A very well attended press conference was held on 6th June in which the delegates expressed their solidarity with this noble cause of saving the lives of children and to work together for the safeguard of our future generations.

Senator Maulana Sami ul Haq, Mufti Rafi Usmani,Dr. Tahir Ashrafi,  Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman from Inter faith religious Council Balochistan, Dr. Muhammad Wesam from DarluIfta Al Missriya, Al Azhar sharif,  Dr. Abul Qahir Muhammad Qamar from International Islamic Academy Jeddah Saudi Arabia, Dr. Maged Al Mazrou from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Aziz Meomon, Dr. Waqar Ajmal, Prof Tariq Bhutta and Dr. Tanveer Zubairi from FIMA and others also shared their views regarding the polio eradication measures.

In his concluding speech the  President IIU said that the doors of IIUI would always remain open for the scholars and social workers, who are serving for the betterment of the Muslim Ummah.

The conference finally put certain recommendations and future plans pertaining to excel the polio campaign and vaccination. The notable scholars from Pakistan and abroad  pledged to deliver a great resolution for the eradication of polio from polio endemic Muslim countries.

At the end,  Maulana Rafi Usmani, Mufti e Azam, Pakistan  prayed for the prosperity and progress of the Muslim Ummah. He articulated of his confidence about the positive outcome of the conference.


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Last modified on Monday, 24 June 2013 18:12
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