BIMA Council Meeting - Sunday 21st July 2013

Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuh!
Hope you are all having a fantastic and productive Ramadan! Just an update on the latest in BIMA...

BIMA Council Meeting - Sunday 21st July 2013
Alhamdulillah the BIMA council has had its first face to face meeting in Walsall to discuss how to take BIMA's work forward. The council has decided to set up 7 main working committees as well as regional committees. The working committees will be:
1. Developing Constitution and Organisational Structure 2. Membership Education and Affairs 3. Community Service and Health Promotion 4. Professional Political Policy (Including subcommittees for Professional Representation and Islamic Medical Ethics) 5.Charitable and Relief Activities 6. Designing Services for Members 7. Sisters Specific Activities
If you feel you have the time, enthusiasm and skills to lend to any of the committees, please get in touch!

BIMA F1 Induction Course
Alhamdulillah we ran a very successful F1 induction course in London, Cardiff and Birmingham over the past 2 weekends, attended by over 50 soon-to-be F1s. Alhamdulillah we received very positive feedback! 

Sister's Ramadan Tafsir Classes
This has been a daily class this month that has been found to be very beneficial by those tuning in. Timings have now moved to 1.30pm-3.30pm. If you are free and interested in joining any of the sessions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website and Social Media
Please note the slight change to our web domain name which we have made to maintain consistency across all platforms. (Emails sent to any of the the old addresses will not be received. We apologise for any inconvenience)
Please follow us on twitter and facebook:
Facebook: Twitter: @BritishIMA

JazakumAllahkhair to all of you who have filled in the BIMA membership form and welcome to the new associate members receiving their first BIMA email!
If you haven't already done so, we request all of you to kindly fill in and share the BIMA membership form so we have a formal record of all the people in the association. It should not take longer than 2 minutes to complete. Please follow the link to the membership form on the website:
Please note that although the membership form only gives a choice between two membership types - associate and student, all those people who attended the founding meeting on 22nd June are automatically full members of the association.

Saudi Scam
We would like to make you all aware of the following scam going around at the moment targeting Muslim doctors amongst others:
People claiming to be Saudi doctors have been targeting the Imams of Islamic centres/mosques and Muslim doctors/professionals. They have somehow obtained people’s names, contact numbers, profession and other information. They identify themselves as one of these 3 names: Dr Abdullah Almarzooki  (00 966 505 845 140) Dr Bandar Alqnawi  (009 66 180 111 11, 009 66 505 845 140) Dr Samy Ragehy      (001 224 430 1295)
The phone number have been included to help you identify these calls from the outset, or in case you receive missed calls. 
The first two people seem to ring from Saudi to say they would like to help overseas charities and also benefit from British doctors expertise in Saudi hospitals. They also say that Dr Samy is their representative. The third one (Dr Samy) rings the same people and claims to be attending a conference  in the US and on his way back to Saudi, will come to UK for a few days to support Muslim charities and meet with some of the local doctors. He rings again to say that he lost all his luggage and briefcase and need some money to buy another ticket.......then he disappears after that. The one called Dr Samy seems to be well educated, fluent in English and Arabic. He has a gulf accent and also some religious knowledge. He is very convincing in his plea for money.
We have made FIMA and Saudi IMA (IMAKSA) aware of this as these men were using the names of office bearers of IMAKSA as references. 
We intend to report this to the authorities in Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and Saudi embassy in London. 
No members or offices of any IMA or FIMA has been found to be involved or working in collusion with these gangs. 

FIMA newsletter
Please find attached to this email the latest FIMA newsletter which gives BIMA a significant mention!

May you all have a fruitful last 10 days of Ramadan! Please remember BIMA in your duas
Dr. Hafsah Qureshi BIMA Communications Officer

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