FIMA Save Vision 2008

Dear Br Dr Musa
President FIMA

Assalamu Allaikum.

FIMA has started its relief activities with more zeal and zest in the beginning of new Hijri Year. Fima Save Vision has started this year with a great activity in two different states of Nigeria. A team of four ophthalmologists and one OT assistant from Pakistan under the leadership of Dr Intzar Hussain Butt have arrived in Lagos-Nigeria. They will reach Kano tomorrow where they will be joined by two eye surgeons & one OTA from Saudi Arabia, two eye surgeons from Jordan and one eye surgeon from Egypt. These nine eye surgeons & two OTAs along with many local paramedics will start the first eye camp in Hadejia on 30th of December and will continue till 3rd of Jan 2009.

During this camp a minimum of 500 cataract surgeries with IOL implantation are planned. This team will move to Madughuri on 4th of Jan and start another camp on 5th of Jan InshaAllah; where another 500 surgeries are planned.

During this camp a workshop for Ophthalmic Nurses and another for eye surgeons is also planned. For local eye surgeons a special training program on Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) will be conducted during this period.

All the activities in Madughuri are scheduled under the combined banner of FIMA and Al-Waleed bin Talal Foundation and are part of the joint venture of the two organizations.


Prof Dr Hafeez Ur Rahman
Fima Save Vision

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