Dear Sir and Madam.
Alhamdulillah the latest issue (Volume:07, issue:03, July 2023) of IJHHS have been published. Please go through the link and table of contents.
It contains articles from different countries of the World. It is recognised by HINARI(WHO database).
There are research and innovation based articles on Medical Ethics,Medical Education,
Physiotherapy, Clinical Medicine, Surgery etc.
Please share it with your friends and colleagues for it’s highest readings and citations.
My gratitude to Dr. Aneesa (Malaysia), Mrs. Putri (Indonesia), Prof. Tayyibe, Prof. Handan Ankarali (Turkey), Dr. Sadat (Canada), Prof. Fahmida, Dr. Adel, Mr. Ashik Khondaker (BJMS team), Shaery Jahra(Bangladesh), Mr. Fahmid (IT consultant, Bangladesh Academy of Science) and NDF-Bangladesh for their support and cooperation.
Prof. Abu Kholdun Al-Mahmood