FIMASAC Inspire – Series 12 (Uganda)
FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...
Annual Scientific Conference 2023: Non-Communicable Diseases in the Muslim World
FIMA Convention 2023
This year, IMAM will organize and hosts the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA) Convention in conjunction with the 24th IMAM Annual...
FIMASAC Inspire – Series 11 (Pakistan)
FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...
FIMASAC Inspire – Series 10 (Palestine)
FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...
FIMASAC Inspire – Series 9 (Jordan)
FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...
FIMASAC Inspire – Series 8 (Ghana)
FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...