Doctors Worldwide Turkey-PIMA-FIMA joint project for female fistula repair in Nyala,...

Some of the women had unsuccessful operations in the past. Prof. Muhammed Iqbal Khan, past chairman of FIMA Save Dignity, was among the surgeons.

EMERGENCY APPEAL: RM50,000 needed for tsunami victims @ Sunda Straits

IMARET-FIMA now @ Kecamatan Sumur, Pandeglang, Banten. > 3,000 IDP with limited access to food, water, shelter & medicine. With Indonesian Red Crescent (BSMI), we are distributing...

Children’s Day @ Somali Young Doctors Association (20 November 2018)

A world where the child is learning in school, healthy, safe from harm and able to fulfill their potential. #Children2018 are coloring the world #Blue. Somali...

International Conference on Drug Policy & Public Health @ Istanbul (27-28...

NGOs share their experiences in their Fight against the Drug Problem. Chaired by Prof Ihsan Karaman, President FIMA, Chairman of International Green Crescent Federation    

Breaking News: BIMA awarded London Faith & Belief Community Awards 2018

BIMA (London branch) was awarded the London Faith & Belief Community Awards 2018 for their good service and health promotion activities.

M’sian water treatment system bringing relief to Rohingya refugees

At least 30,000 Rohingyas currently staying at the refugee camp in Ukhia near Cox's Bazar have been receiving treated water supply to keep them away from...