FIMASAC currently has 3 main activities i.e. The Annual Umrah Program & Students Camp plus the Monthly Inspire Series.

Activities are devoted to medical students affiliated to IMAs who are members of FIMA.

All activities are organized and fully sponsored by World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY).

Registrations are exclusively through students chapters in each IMAs and not by individual applications.

Registrations in activities are free of charges.

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings:
Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students and followed by interactions of comments and questions.

FIMASAC Inspire – Series 5 (Turkey)

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings: Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...

FIMASAC Inspire – Series 4 (Indonesia)

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings: Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...

FIMASAC Inspire – Series 3 (Malaysia)

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings: Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical...

FIMASAC Inspire – Series 2 (Saudi Arabia)

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings: Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical...

FIMASAC Inspire – Series 1 (Uganda)

FIMASAC Inspire Meetings: Monthly virtual meeting presented by IMAs medical students chapters according to a preset schedule. It discusses topics of interest for medical students...


FIMA Students International Camps 1st to 10th (1998-2008)