Journal of the British Islamic Medical Association (2nd Issue)
Assalamo Alaikom,
We are proud to publish the second issue of JBIMA (the Journal of the British Islamic Medical Association)
You will have the opportunity to...
British Islamic Medical Association Launches New Journal
السلام عليكم
Assalamo Alaikom,
We are proud to launch the new Journal of the British Islamic Medical Association ( *JBIMA*):
After months of preparation, we are finally...
International Journal of Human and Health Sciences
FIMA journal IJHHS (International Journal of Human and Health Sciences) is now indexed in the prestigious EBSCO Library (USA) database. Check out the link:...
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science (Vol 18 No 1 2019)
Dear brothers and sisters.
Assalamu alaikum WRWB and Jumuah Mubarak.
We are pleased to inform you that the new issue of the BJMS have been published.
International Journal of Human and Health Sciences (IJHHS)
Official Journal of Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges (CIMCO) under the auspices of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA)
Download Journal Here
Immunisation Controversies: What You Really Need To Know 2nd Edition
Edited by Dr Musa Mohd Nordin, Dr Siti Aisyah Ismail, Chan Li Jin @ Ahaddhaniah