BIMA – Ramadan Rapid Review & Recommendations

This is a rapid review of the evidence on fasting in Ramadan undertaken by the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) in light of the...

Islamic Medical Jurisprudencial (Al-FIQH AL-ṬIBBĪ AL-ISLĀMĪ) Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Click here to download IMJ's latest guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic

WHO – Safe Ramadan practices in the context of the COVID-19

Safe Ramadan practices in the context of the COVID-19 Interim guidance 15 April 2020 by World Health Organization (WHO) Click HERE to download Safe Ramadan practices in the context...

The Muslim Council of Britain’s Ramadan 2020 Guidance – “Ramadan at...

Ramadan 2020 will take place between 23/24 April & 23/24 May (depending on moon sightings), and will prove a very different experience for Muslims due to...

New Edition of JBIMA Published

The new edition of JBIMA has been published recently. Alhamdolellah we are starting the second year and we aim to continue publishing good quality articles...

Journal of the British Islamic Medical Association (JBIMA) 2nd Issue To download the PDF version of the Journal please visit :

The Sphere Handbook Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response An important reference for relief operations.

The latest issue of Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science (BJMS)

View/Download here:

International Journal of Human and Health Sciences (IJHHS) Vol 3, No...

I am pleased to inform you that the new issue (Vol 3, No 4) of FIMA journal - International Journal of Human and Health...