The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) is a registered body of 29 IMAs and 17 associate members worldwide, representing about 50,000 Muslim medical and health professionals. The mission of FIMA is to provide a platform for Muslim physicians worldwide in the areas of medical education and ethics, student camps and humanitarian and medical relief. It is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization.



The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) was formed on December 31, 1981. FIMA was incorporated in the State of Indiana as a not-for-profit corporation on January 18, 1982.

a. To foster the unity and welfare of Muslim medical and health care professionals all over the world.

b. To promote Islamic medical activities including health services, education and research, through cooperation and coordination among member organizations.

c. To promote the understanding and the application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine.

d. To mobilize professional and economic resources in order to provide medical care and relief to affected areas and communities.

e. To promote the exchange of medical information and technical expertise among member organizations.

Since 1981, 31 FIMA Council meetings have been held. The most recent was in Tanzania (7-8 August 2014). Currently, there are 26 full members, 9 associate members and 5 with observer status. This represents about 50,000 Muslim medical and health professionals.

Milestones in her history includes :
• 1981 – Secretariat in USA; Jordan (1987); Malaysia (1992); Jordan (1997); Pakistan (2001-present).
• 1983 – Organizational agenda
• 1991 – Medical jurisprudence seminar (Amman)
• 1994 – Meeting of Islamic Relief NGOs (Paris)
• 1996 – FIMA Year Book launched (Jakarta)
• 1999 – FIMA HQ established (Chicago)
• 2000 – Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges (Islamabad)
• 2001 – FIMA International Student Camp (Abha)
• 2001 – 1st FIMA International Scientific Convention (Sarajevo). More projects launched
• 2001 – 1st International Muslim Leaders Consultation on HIV/AIDS (Kampala)
• 2003 – FIMA Lifetime Achievement Award (Johanesburg)
• 2005 – Approved as Special Consultative Status to the United Nations ECOSOC
• 2005 – FIMA Save Vision (FSV) a humanitarian project to combat blindness began in Darfur, Sudan
• 2008 – FIMA Save Dignity (FSD) a humanitarian project to correct vesico/recto-vaginal began operations in Darfur, Sudan
• 2008 – FIMA Save Smile (FSS) to correct congenital cleft lip & palate
• 2009 – FSV won the Richard & Hinda Rosenthal award (American College of Physicians)
• 2012 – Care of Muslim Patients: A Practical Guide. New Elsevier Apps launched in Kuala Lumpur