The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) now spans 43 countries globally with 53 associations as its full and associate members, representing about 110,000 Muslim medical and health professionals. The mission of FIMA is to provide a platform for Muslim physicians worldwide in the areas of medical education and ethics, student camps and humanitarian and medical relief. It is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization.
19-20 September 2013, Capetown, South Africa
Members of AC
- Dr Aly (Jordan)
- Dr Parvaiz (IMANA)
- Dr Musa (IMAM)
- Dr Hafeez (PIMA)
- Dr Adnan (Jordan)
- Dr M Khan (IMASA)
- Dr Hosam (IMANA)
- Dr Hawamdeh (Jordan)
- Dr Ghulam H (IMASA)
- Dr Jurnalis (IIMA)
First Meeting 22 Sep 2013, Capetown
- Dr Aly (Jordan)
- Dr Parvaiz (IMANA)
- Dr Musa (IMAM)
- Dr M Khan (IMASA)
- Dr Hosam (IMANA)
- Dr Ghulam Hoosen (IMASA)
- Dr Jurnalis (IIMA)
Article IX: Advisory Council (AC)
9.1 Shall act in an advisory capacity providing input to either the Executive Committee or the Council.
9.2 The term of office shall be decided by the FIMA Council.
9.3 The AC will meet annually prior to the FIMA Council meetings.
9.4 Shall be presided by a Chairman who will represent the AC at the Executive Committee meetings.
5.3 Advisory Council
5.3.1: The FIMA Advisory Council, hereinafter referred to as AC, shall consist of FIMA past presidents, FIMA Lifetime Achievement Awards Recipients and senior FIMA members who have made major contributions towards FIMA projects and activities.
5.3.2: AC membership shall not exceed 12 members.
5.3.3: AC members shall be elected by the FIMA Council as prescribed by the by-laws.
First AC Project
- Preserve archives of FIMA
- Convert to Digital Library
- 33 years of FIMA (31 Dec 1981)
- FIMA Archives Group: Dr M Khan, Dr Aly, Dr Hafeez and Dr Musa with input from the other AC members