The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) is a registered body of 29 IMAs and 17 associate members worldwide, representing about 50,000 Muslim medical and health professionals. The mission of FIMA is to provide a platform for Muslim physicians worldwide in the areas of medical education and ethics, student camps and humanitarian and medical relief. It is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization.
FIMA has concluded its 20th Anniversary in December 2001, AlhamduLillah. With great pleasure, we will present a preliminary, brief historical review of FIMA since its inception in December of 1981 (1401 H). A detailed history of FIMA will await more dedicated and informative effort, which we hope one of the founders, or a witness tothe establishment and progress of FIMA, will undertake.
The most informative account of FIMA since infancy, is that information contained in the text of minutes of the first FIMA Council meeting, which we report here as written by FIMA Secretary at that time.
Minutes of first meeting of Council of FIMA December 31, 1981-Orlando, Florida
This meeting was the last of three meetings among representatives of the founding members of F.I.M.A. on December 29, 30, and 31, 1981. Present were the following representatives of founding member organizations:
Dr. M. K. Qaadri, Canada; Col Mohammad Tajuddin, India; Dr. Jurnalis Uddin, Indonesia; Dr. A. Jaljuli, Islamic Hospital-Jordan; Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Nigeria; Dr. Bashir A. Zikria, North America; Dr. Sajjad ur rehman, Pakistan; Dr. G. M. Hoosen, South Africa; Dr. Abdalla Suliman, Sudan; and Dr. E. A. Hammad, UK and Eire.
These ten representatives constituted the membership of the council according to the preliminary constitution drafted during the previous two days meeting. Present were also Dr Habibur Rahman Khan of Pakistan and Dr. Ahmed Elkadi of U.S.A.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Elkadi representing the ad Hoc Committee for establishment of F.I.M.A.
The council approved the modified text of the draft constitution, and accordingly the FIMA and the FIMA council were officially established. The council elected Dr. Abdullah Suleiman Elawad of Sudan as Chairman of the Council. Dr. Suleiman chaired the meeting and the Council proceeded to elect the officers of the Executive Committee of F.I.M.A.
The following officers were elected:
Dr. Syed Mubin Akhtar-President
Dr. Ghoolam Hoosen-Vice President
Dr. Ahmed Elkadi-Secretary/Treasurer
The council authorized the Executive Committee to establish the head office of FIMA at Plainfield, Indiana as stated in the draft constitution, and to incorporate FIMA as a not-for-profit organization.
The Executive Committee was requested to finalize the constitution and mail it to the members of the Council for approval during the Council’s next meeting.
The next meeting of the Council is to be held in approximately six months, possibly at the time of opening of the Islamic Hospital in Amman, Jordan.
The meeting was adjourned with Dua. (End of Minutes).
Few weeks later, FIMA Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Ahmed Elkadi, wrote a comprehensive letter to all FIMA founding members starting with the following sentence:
“It is with the grace and blessing of Allah that the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) was formed on December 31, 1981. F.I.M.A. was incorporated at the State of Indiana as a not-for-profit corporation on January 18, 1982”.
FIMA Constitution was proposed in the first Council meeting, circulated to founding members, then adopted at the next Council meeting.
Subsequently, FIMA continued its steps with successive Council meetings, with further developments of various functions on the long road towards fulfillment of its aims and objectives.
The following account will summarize the dates and venues of subsequent FIMA Council meetings, together with officers of Executive Committees until this year of 2001 (1421 H).
2nd Council Meeting December 1983 Khartoum-SUDAN
During this year FIMA Council meeting was held twice:
On May 1st 1983-Karachi-PAKISTAN
Host: IMA-Pakistan
FIMA Exec. Officers: Same as in 1981
Main Topic:
-Approval of FIMA Constitution.
-Approval of the Arabic name of FIMA.
-Promotion of formation of IMAs in other countries, and widening membership of FIMA.
On December 31, 1983, Council reconvened in Khartoum-SUDAN
Main Topics:
Organizational matters and relief
Election of new Exec. Committee was left to a Nomination Committee, to be done by postal ballot.
On March 1985, Dr. M. A. A. Khan, chairman of this Committee, sent letters announcing election results for 1985-1987 FIMA. Exec.
Dr. S. M. Akhtar Council Chairman
Dr. G. M. Hoosen President
Dr. A. S. Elawad V. President
Dr. M. A. A. Khan Secretary-Treasurer
3rd Council Meeting December 18-19, 1985 Karachi-PAKISTAN
Host: IMA- Pakistan
Council Chairman: Dr. Syed Mubin Akhtar (Pakistan).
Exec. Committee: President: Dr. Goolam M. Hoosen (South Africa).
V. President: Dr. Abdullah S. Elawad (Sudan)
Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. muhammad A. A. Khan (USA).
Main Topics: Organizational matters, relief, publications, and election of new FIMA Exec. Committee.
4th Council Meeting January 3-5, 1987-Amman-Jordan
Host: Islamic Hospital-Jordan
Council Chairman: Dr. Syed Mubin Akhtar (Pakistan).
Exec. Committee: President: Dr. Abdullah S. Elawad (Sudan)
V. President: Dr. Yusuf Bamjee (South Africa)
Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan).
Members: Dr. Tajuddin Ahmad (USA),
Dr. Salim Najim (Egypt). A representative of IMANA (USA)
In this year, FIMA Secretariat and headquarters were transferred from U.S.A. to Jordan.
Main Topics: Relief, Increasing FIMA members and development of more communications and cooperation among IMAs, Islamic ethical conduct, plans to study biomedical issues in cooperation with Islamic scholars.
5th Council Meeting February 23-29, 1998 Cairo-EGYPT
Host: IMA-Egypt
Council Chairman: Dr. Syed Mubin Khtar (Pakistan)
Executive Committee: Same as in 1987
The Council meeting was chaired by late Dr. Ahmad El-Malt, Chairman of IMA-Egypt.
Main Topics: Reports, increasing FIMA membership, FIMA registration with UN, Constitution, financial affairs, FIMA membership, FIMA directory, possibility of establishing “Islamic Red Crescent”, publications.
Guests: Doctors from Kuwait and Senegal
6th Council Meeting March 8-9, 1989 Lahore-PAKISTAN
Host: IMA-Pakistan
Council Chairman: Dr. Maqbool Ahmad Shahid (Pakistan)
Exec. Committee: President: Dr. Ahmad El-Malt (Egypt) V. President: Dr. Yusuf Bamjee (South Africa)
Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan)
Members: Dr. Hafiz Ijaz Ahmad (Pakistan) Dr. Saeed Abdullah Saeed (Sudan) A representative of IMANA (USA)
Topics: Reports, relief, FIMA membership, publications, financial affairs, improvement of communications.
Guest: 4 doctors from Afghanistan.
7th Council Meeting March 21-25, 1990 Khartoum-SUDAN
Host: IMA-Sudan
Inaugurated by Maj. Gen. Othman Ahmad Hassan-Rep. Of Sudan President.
Council Chairman: Dr. A. Fattah Ali Ismail (Egypt)
Exec. Committee: President: Dr. A. Dayem Kashan (Sudan) Other Ex. Co. members: Same as in 1989
Main Topics: Reports, financial and membership affairs, relief, widening FIMA Affiliations.
Guests: – Doctors from Afghanistan, Uganda, Syria.- Relief organizations: ISRA and Al-Rahman in Sudan.
8th FIMA Council Meeting July 3-6, 1991 Amman-JORDAN
Host: Islamic Hospital-Jordan
Inaugurated by: Jordan Minister of Health
Council Chairman: Dr. A. Fattah Ali Ismail (Egypt)
Exec. Committee:
President: Dr. Abdel Dayem Kashan (Sudan)
V. President: Dr. Ishak M. Sood (Malaysia)
Secretary-Treasure: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan)
Members: Dr. Hafez Ijaz Ahmad (Pakistan) Dr. Mohammad Khan (South Africa) Dr. Hassan Najjar (Europe) Dr. Tajuddin Ahmad (USA)
Main Topics: Reports, financial and membership affairs, relief, Islamic hospitals
and medical centers, and new FIMA members accepted. Council decided to elect a seven member Executive Committee for a term of two years: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three members. The President will severe as Ex. Officio when his term ends.
The meeting was followed by a medical-Jurisprudence seminar which discussed the following issues:
– Brain Death
– Organ Transplantation
Guests: Doctors from occupied Palestine, Syria Iraq, Yemen, and Relief organizations: Islamic International Assembly for Medical Relief (Jordan), Green Crescent (Jordan), Islamic Dawa, Society (Sudan), and ISRA (Sudan).
9th Council Meeting September 14-15, 1992 Centing Highland-Institution Aminuddin Baki-MALAYSIA
Host: IMA Malaysia
Inauguration: Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia: Dr. Anwar Ibrahim
FIMA Exec. Committee: Same as in 1991.
Main Topics: Reports, relief, Ex. Co. members attendance to some IMAs annual conventions, financial and membership affairs, widening FIMA membership, constitution affairs, redefining criteria for membership categories in FIMA.
Guest: Doctors from Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and China.
10th Council Meeting July 7-10, 1993 Durban-SOUTH AFRICA
Host: IMA-South Africa
FIMA Exec. Committee: Same as in 1992
The meeting was held at the same time-period of the 13th Annual
Convention of IMA-South Africa.
Main Topics: Reports, relief, financial and membership affairs, acceptance of new members, publications, and election of new Exec. Committee for 1993-1995.
President: Dr. A. Fattah Ali Ismail (Egypt).
V. President: Prof. Kamran Anwar (Pakistan)
Secretary: Ass. Prof. Ishak Md Sood (Malaysia)
Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan)
Members: Ass. Prof. M. A. A. Khan (USA), Dr. Mohammad Khan (South Africa) Dr. Hassan Najjar (Europe)
Council decided to transfer FIMA Secretariat to K. L. Malaysia.
11th Council Meeting September 1-2, 1994 Paris-FRANCE
Hosting IMA: Ibn Sina Medical Society-France (ARABMED Affiliate).
The meeting was held prior to ARABMED 11th Annual Convention. Attending by several Islamic relief organizations, Deputy Health Minister-Bosnia, and representative of Bosnia Medical Association.
FIMA President and Exec. Committee: Same as in 1993.
Scientific Day: Euthanasia and Related Issues.
A comprehensive meeting of Islamic Relief Organizations was held to coordinate relief activities in troubled Muslim areas.
Participants: International Medical Relief Foundation-Holland, Human Appeal International-UAE, Islamic International Assembly for Medical Relief-Jordan, Relief Coordinators in various IMAs.
12th Council Meeting July 7-8, 1995 Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
Host: IMA-Malaysia
Meeting Inaugurated by Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.
President and Exec. Committee: Same as in 1994
Scientific day :
(1) International Seminar on the Concept and Philosophy of Islamic Medicine.
(2) Smoking-from Islamic perspective.
The meeting was held at the same time of the 28th Annual and Third International Convention of IMA-North America which was held in K.L.
Main Topics: Reports, Communications, Relief, Widening FIMA membership, publications, regionotarization arrangement of FIMA work, Islamic Medical schools and hospitals.
Guests: Dr. Mohammad Ali Albar (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Yasar Bagdatli (Turkey), Dr. A. Fattah Sindy (IIRD)
New Exec. Committee elected for 1995-1997:
President: Dr. Abdel Kader Hijazi (Egypt)
V.P: Dr. Anwar Kamran (Pakistan)
Secretary: Dr. Ishak M. Sood (Malaysia)
Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan)
Members: Dr. A. Kashan (Sudan) Dr. Mohammad Khan (South Africa) Dr. Hassan Najjar (Europe)
13th Council Meeting July 28, 1996 YARSI University-Jakarta-INDONESIA
Hosting IMA: FOKKI-Indonesia
President and Exec. Committee: Same as in 1995
Main Topics: Reports, Publications, Relief, New members accepted, organizational
issues, Constitutional amendments. The first FIMA yearbook was ready and circulated.
Scientific day: July 29-30, 1996
Seminar on: Organ Transplantation, and Health Care Management From Islamic
Perspective (Held in Collaboration with Majlis Ulama of Indonesia).
14th Council Meeting July 24-25, 1997 Islamic Hospital-Amman-JORDAN
President and Exec. Committee: Same as in 1996
Scientific day:
– Human Cloning
– The Battle against Drug Abuse-The Indonesia Experience
The meeting was held at the same time of the 30th Annual and 4th International Convention of IMA-North America held in Amman Jordan.
Main Topics: -Reports, Executive Committee to hold meetings twice yearly for proper follow up, FIMA Registration as NGO with UN, Medical Relief activities, FIMA publications, Communications.
Elective of new Exec. Committee for 1997-1999
President: Prof. Muhammad A. A. Khan (USA)
V. President: Dr. Abdel Ilah Kutbi (Saudi Arabia)
Secretary: Prof. Aly Mishal (Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Studies)
Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh (Jordan Islamic Hospital)
Members: Dr. M. Ihsan Karaman (Turkey) Prof. Mustafa I. El-Bashir (Sudan) Dr. Hassan Najjar (Europe)
Council decided to transfer FIMA Secretariat office to Jordan.
15th Council Meeting June 22-23, 1998 Istanbul-Turkey
Host: Hayat Foundation
Inauguration: Mayor of Istanbul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President and Exec. Committee Members: Same as in 1997
Main Topics: Reports, Publications, Communications, Relief work, Consortium of Islamic Medical Schools and Hospitals, FIMA International Scientific Convention, Scholarships, and Constitution amendments.
New guests attended:
– Mr. Hassan Khan-The Islamic International Medical College-Islamabad-Pakistan
– Dr. Hasan Hasanov-Daghestan
– Dr. Uzejr Skaka-Bosnia
– Drs E. Caferov and R. Hashimov-Azerbaijan
– Dr. A. Tosen-Albania
Scientific Day June 21, 1998
Theme: Family Planning-Islamic Perspectives (In Collaboration with Ulama in Istanbul)
16th Council Meeting July 2-4 1999 Beirut-LEBANON
Host: IMA-Lebanon
President and Exec. Committee: Same as in 1998
Main Topics: Reports, Relief, University Consortium, Database and Corporate file, Constitution amendments, Scholarships, Publications.
Election of new FIMA Exec. Committee for 1999-2001:
President, V. President, Secretary, Treasurer: Same as in previous 2 years.
Members: Dr. Hafeez Ur Rahman (Pakistan) Dr. M. Ihsan Karaman (Turkey) Dr. Imad Hout (Lebanon) A Relief Coordinator, Dr. Hafeez Ur Rahman, was appointed.
New guests attended:
– Dr. Sugiat AS SKM: BOD-Muhammadeyeh Movement-Indonesia.
– Prof. Dawood Al-Hidabi and Prof. Tariq Abu-Luhoom: University of Science and Technology-Yemen.
– Dr. Saeed El-Massousi: Morocco
– Dr. El-Ghazi El Abbes: Morocco
Scientific Day:
At Beirut Arab University
Inaugurated by Lebanon Prime Minister, who delegated the Minister of
Social Affairs for the ceremony.
Theme: Addiction in our Societies – Problems and Solutions.
17th Council Meeting 9-10 April 2000 Islamabad-PAKISTAN
Host: IMA-Pakistan.
FIMA President and Exec. Committee: As elected in 1999
The meeting was preceded by convening of deans and/or leaders of Islamic medical schools (Consortium) on April 7th. And then followed by PIMA 16th Binnial and 1st International Convention 8-9th April, with the Theme: “Service to Mankind-An Islamic Perspective”.
Topics: Reports, Relief, University Consortium, Scholarships, FIMA Scientific Convention 2001, Institutions affiliation with FIMA, Medical students summer camps, FIMA registration in several countries, publications, Hajj and Omrah arrangements.
– Drs Kamrul Ahsan and Omar Farouq: National Doctors Forum- Bangladesh.
– Representatives of Relief organizations: Muslim Aid (UK), Saudi Joint Relief Committee for Kosova, Lajnat Al-Dawa al-Islamiah, International Relief Agency. In addition to ISRA, headed by Prof. Abdulla S. El-Awad (1st FIMA President).
– Dr. S. F. Rabbani- First Deputy Health Minister-Afghanistan.
– Dr. M. Alwan: Muslim Syrian Doctors Committee.
18th Council Meeting 14-16 June, 2001 In Sarajevo-Bosnia
The 18th Annual Council Meeting of FIMA was held on June 14-16, 2001 in Sarajevo-Bosnia. The meeting was followed by the First Scientific International Convention, held in collaboration between FIMA and BIMA on June 16-18 under the theme : (Medical Dilemmas in Developing Countries- Magnitude and Mnagement).
Twenty medical Organizations and three Relief Organizations of different countries participated in this meeting.
Five Islamic medical schools and one Hospital also sent their representatives.
IMA of Lebanon, Sudan, Uganda and Yemen sent their written apologies.
FIMA Vice President Dr. Atallah Al-Ruhaily chaired the meeting in the absence of Prof. Muhammad A. Khan who could only chaired on the last day due to his late arrival.
After approval of the minutes of last meeting, all the participating organizations presented their reports of activities of last year.
This was followed by presentations and discussions on the following projects of FIMA.
Islamic Hospital Consortium Presentation was given by Dr. Aly Mishal.
FIMA Hi-Tech Centre Project presented by Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rahman and Brother Hassan Khan.
FIMA Relief A workshop was conducted by the Relief Coordinator – Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rahman
Student Summer camp presented by Dr. Atallah Al-Ruhaily.
FIMA Student Branch by Dr. Atallah Al-Ruhaily.
Consortium of Islamic Medical Universities Project presented by Dr. Baber Saeed Khan Consortium Secretary
FIMA Scientific Convention
Other FIMA projects were briefly presented CME Accreditation, FIMA Health Policy, Academic faculty, FIMA Registration in U.N. and other countries, FIMA Vision, FIMA Year Book, Scholarships and widening of FIMA membership.
Selection of New FIMA Executive Committee was conducted by an Election Committee composed of Dr. Goolam Hoosen (South Africa- one of the founder members of FIMA) as chairman, Dr. Mohammad Khan (South Africa) and Dr. Faris Foco (Bosnia) as members.
Following office bearers were elected for the next two years (2001-2003 ):
President: Dr. Aly A. Mishal (Jordan SIMS).
Vice President: Dr. Atallah Al-Ruhaily IMA-Saudi Arabia
Secretary: Dr. Hafeez Ur Rahman: IMA-Pakistan.
Treasurer: Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh-Islamic Hospital-Jordan.
- Dr. Haroon Tayob (IMA-South Africa)
- Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin (IMA-Malaysia)
- Dr. Bakir Mehic (IMA-Bosnia)
Executive Director & Ex-officio:Prof. Muhammad A. A. Khan
19th Council Meeting 2-3 July, 2002 In Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
The 19th Annual Council Meeting of FIMA was held on July 2-3, 2002 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The meeting was followed by the Second Scientific International Convention, held in collaboration with FIMA under the theme: (Medicine in the era of globalization).
Twenty-one medical Organizations and two Relief Organizations of different countries participated in this meeting.
Deans, administrators and professors from medical colleges in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan and Jordan attended the meeting as guests.
Dr. Aly Mishal President FIMA welcomed all delegates and chaired the meeting. Following IMAs were not participated:
- ARABMED – Europe
- IMA Lebanon
- IMA Egypt
- IMA Sudan
- NDF – Bangladesh
After approval of the minutes of last meeting, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer presented their reports of activities of last year.
This was followed by presentations and discussions on the following projects of FIMA.
1. Islamic Hospital Consortium –
2. FIMA Hi-Tech Centre –
3. FIMA Relief –
4. Student Summer Camp –
5. FIMA Student Branch –
6. Consortium of Islamic Medical Universities –
7. FIMA Scientific Convention –
8. Other FIMA projects were briefly presented which includes CME Accreditation, FIMA Health Policy, Academic faculty, FIMA Registration in U.N. and other countries, FIMA Vision, FIMA Year Book, Scholarships and widening of FIMA membership.
20th FIMA Council Meeting 22-23 April, 2003 In Johannesburg – South Africa
20th Annual FIMA Annual Council Meeting of FIMA was held on 22nd and 23rd April, 2003 at Lenacia near Johannesburg-South Africa Thirty four (34) delegates from thirteen countries participated in the meeting.
Following organizations sent their regrets:
1. ARABMED – Europe
2. Moroccan Society for Medical Services – Morocco
3. Swedish Islamic Medical Association – Sweden
Executive members and the representatives of IMAs presented their annual reports.
Reports of the following projects were presented by the project in charges and were followed by thorough discussions and decisions. For further progress.
2. Students Summer Camp
3. Academic Faculty
4. Health Policy
5. Hi-Tech Centre
6. FIMA Year Book
7. FIMA Relief
9. IHC
10. Students Scholarship
11. FIMA Vision
12. FIMA Ethical Committee
Elections for New FIMA Ex. Co.
Elections were held under supervision of a three council members committee. The same previous Ex. Co. members with the same offices were re-elected.
The FIMA Council meeting was followed by a two days Scientific Convention of IMASA. A large number of high standard scientific papers were presented.
One day Seminar/ Workshop was also held on 24th of April in which various IMAs and Relief organizations participated.
21 st FIMA council meeting 14th & 15th July 2004 in Amman Jordan
21 st FIMA Council meeting was held in Amman Jordan on 14 – 15 July 2004 . Fifty delegates from 22 countries participated in this annual council meeting Nineteen out of twenty two member IMAs were present.
Following IMAs sent their apologies
- IMA-Lebanon
- IMA – Sudan
Following attended as observer
- IMA Iraq
- IMA Azerbaijan
Executive members and representatives of IMAs presented their annual report, followed by open discussion by the house.
Following projects were discussed in detail after the presentation of progress reports by respective in charges. Appropriate decisions were taken in the light of opinion of the house.
Separate meetings of consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges and Islamic Hospitals were also held and progress in these projects was presented and decisions for future was under taken. Election of CIMCO was held with the following results.
President Prof. Hosny Al- Goshae (UST- Yemen )
Secretary / Treasurer Prof. Ramiz Iqbal Hashmi (IIMC- Pakistan )
Full member ship was awarded to IMA of Cambodia provided they provide Ex-Co. With all the criteria. Full Membership was also granted to IMA of Iraq. Applications for membership of IMA of Indonesia and Red Crescent Society of Thailand were also came in to consideration of Council and were referred to Ex Co for further inquiries.
FIMA Council meeting was followed by second FIMA international scientific convention on 15-17 July at Meridian Hotel in Amman – Jordan . The theme of this convention was:
A large number of high standard, thought provoking articles were presented by renowned scholars of different countries. A highly valuable material has been gathered which will be published by FIMA for the worldwide consumption Inshallah.
22nd FIMA COUNCIL MEETING SANA 9th and 10th June, 2005
Dr. Aly Mishal in his address welcomed all delegates and said that FIMA is stepping forward in various achievements like Relief, Students Activities, Bioethics and many others. FIMA has become a model,indicating the ways the whole Umma can unit. Unfortunately Ummah is splitted for many years but Alhamdolillah we are acting as brothers acting democratically with out evoking any sensitivities..Our major achievements are example for the whole Ummah. To mention one ,medical Relief at Darfur , where cooperation of many organizations produced a memorable achievements. Bioethics is an other example where FIMA produced excellent research work in periodic year books. President delivered his speech in Arabic and than translated in English.
FIMA Secretary presented a Proxy resolution duly submitted to the Ex. Co. by IMANA. Council discussed it thoroughly and decided that the resolution should be adapted as election in Absentia. The following resolution was approved by a majority vote.
An IMA of good standing for at least five years if unable to attend a council meeting for reasons acceptable to the council, can be elected to a position in the executive committee provided the IMA has consented for such an electionâ€.
The FIMA President announced that the term of the present Ex. Co. is now over and that it is time for election. Council nominated three members election committee:
Dr. Mohammad Khan South Africa-Chairman
Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Khan
Hassabo Ur Rasoul
This committee conducted the election through secret balloting
Following Ex- Co was elected for the session 2005 & 2007
IMAM president
IMAKSA Vice President
PIMA Secretary
IMA of Treasurer
Islamic Hospital-Jordan Member
IMASA Member