Eid ul Adha

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum!

Pray that you are all healthy and contented on this blessed day of Eid ul Adha. May the entire Muslim Ummah be delivered from whatever  fitna (calamity) that they may experience at this time. Today, the Philippines was struck by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake with initial reports of 65 deaths and 130 injured with the usual destruction of infrastructure and essential services. Just a few weeks ago, Baluchistan province of Pakistan, was struck by a similar earthquake killing 366 people and injuring a further 765. The media is still filled with reports of death, disaster and destruction in Syria, Iraq and neighbouring countries with ongoing persecution of Muslims in Gaza and Egypt. News. Kindly include all those suffering under this pain and persecution in your duahs and sacrifices on this special day of Eid ul Adha. May all your duahs and good deeds be rewarded generously by Allah (SWT) with happiness and prosperity. And please pray for the return of peace, justice and tranquillity.

Eid Mubarak to you and your families.

Ashraf and family

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Dr. Ashraf Jedaar

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