Turkey Relief

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Dear Brothers & Sisters in IMAs, Assalamu alaikum

Thank you very much for your kind interest and generous offer regarding help for earthquake victims in any way within your capacity. So far, reportedly death toll reached 535 and 2.300 injured victims were under treatment. There are of course many people missing, probably dead under ruins. Some 3.826 search and rescue personnel and 904 health professional from national resources have worked on the ground. Officials announced 6.000 buildings in earthquake area have been severely damaged.

Doctors Worldwide Search and Rescue team returned from the ground to Istanbul today, completing their task. This 31-men team worked on ruins of several buildings for the first 72 hours without interruption, and they brought out 5 victims alive, and unfortunately other 24 dead. Those brothers also gave emergency medical service to the rescued & injured.

From now on, Doctors Worldwide Turkey is starting the second phase of earthquake relief activities, namely extended medical service and psychological rehabilitation for the survivors. We have chosen a certain affected area (Guvencli village of Van province) for this phase and we will soon dispatch our first rehabilitation team to the area. We are planning to distribute basic living materials and daily needs to the people of that village for a certain period of time.

On behalf of Doctors Worldwide and Hayat Foundation, I would like to thank all who were concerned of our plight and sent their heartful duas to the earthquake victims. Your moral support and brotherly attitude gave us strength and hope to cope with this devastating disaster.

If any IMA would prefer to help by the way of monetary support, we would be happy to spend it for our second phase activities on the ground.

May Allah bless you all and Jazakumullahu Khair. "Gülümsemek de bir iyiliktir" Wassalam.

M.Ihsan Karaman,
MD Chairman,
DWW-Turkey Hayat Foundation,

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Last modified on Sunday, 30 October 2011 18:01
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