Libya Relief 3

14 April 2011


FIMA Members


Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum!

I trust that you are well! I have no doubt that you are all painfully aware of the desperate situation on the warfront in Libya with untold casualties overwhelming medical services in both east and west Libya. My sincere appreciation for all your noble efforts in alleviating the pain and suffering of the innocent casualties, men, women and children caught in the constant bombardment of ‘strategic locations’.  Our colleagues in and outside Libya, desperately needs our support. Could you kindly, but urgently, assemble the listed medical supplies and equipment and ship by any possible means to the affected areas.  Please find attached contact details of our brothers in the region who will gladly assist in the transport and final disposal of the supplies.


Ashraf Jedaar

FIMA Relief Coordinator




From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 1:26 PM
To: Dr. Khaled Diab
Subject: Misrata Hospital-Libya

Dear Dr. Khaled Diab
Head of International Programs Department
Qatar Red Crescent

Assalamu Alaikum

We are currently in contact with the administration of  Misrata Hospital in Libya. They sent us the the hospital’s requirements that include consumables and medical instruments of variable types (see Appendix I). This represents urgent requirements at these times of disaster and siege.

The only access to them is the sea route.

We in FIMA have contacted several medical relief organizations in a trial to meet their needs.
Qatar Red Crescent is well known for worldwide remarkable humanitarian achievements, and we anticipate  your  leading role in the Misrata Hospital situation.

Specifically, QRC is more efficient to orchestrate contacts with the International Red Cross Society and other organizations, to ensure the delivery of relief materials via the sea route.

Waiting for your kind response.

Sincerely yours,
Aly A. Misha’l MD, FACP
FIMA Exec. Director


  1. Suction machines
  2. ECG
  3. Operation Theater lights
  4. Portable ventilators
  5. Cardio-respiratory monitors
  6. ABG machine
  7. Blood counts machine – Coulter Counter
  8. Biochemistry machines
  9. Virology Test Kits
  10. External fixators
  11. Medical saws  for cast
  12. Laparotomy sets
  13. Thoracotomy sets
  14. Craniotomy sets
  15. Vascular sets
  16. Laproscope
  17. Sterile gloves
  18. Cannulas
  19. Syringes,
  20. Sterile sheets
  21. Alcohol betadine
  22. Umbilical clamps
  23. Delivery sets
  24. Blood collection sets
  25. Tubes for hematology & biochemistry samples
  26. Anaesthetic drugs, analgesics, narcotics
  27. Isoflorane,cevoflurane
  28. Intravenous fluids
  29. Antibiotics
  30. Milk & diapers for children


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