FIMA Bi-annual Meeting @ Cairo, Egypt 28 February 2013 & Visit to Gaza

FIMA EXCO at their bi-annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt
Hosted most comfortably & efficiently by IMA Egypt on 28 Feb 2013 on board al-Saraya on River Nile

Executive committee of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) in Cairo on River Nile. Some of the best brains and hearts I have ever acquainted and always fun too. Like one big family with our spouses on tow!




FIMA exco members with their wives & children enjoying lunch on board
al-Saraya, ship on River Nile
The hospitality of Egypt IMA was delicious and unrivalled
May they be blessed bountifully









At Dr Ismail's house in Jabaliya camp for IDP (Internally Displaced People)
A pediatric surgeon
VPM brought him over for 1 month stint in Pediatric Institute; hands on experience with Dato Dr Zakaria, HOD paediatric surgery He will soon operate the paeds surgery national referral centre in Gaza Inshallah, he will send another of his trainees for training here soon.

VPM plans to equip his centre with surgical instruments including cystoscope, oesophgascope for procedures which can be done at a fraction of the cost if sent to Israel. Dato' Dr Z plans to visit Gaza and so is the team from the National heart Institute. The other man is MP Dr Syakh Shehab, murabbi, soul of the Jabaliya transformation program, the envy of many.Also in picture Dr Mahmoud Hirthani, PhD English Literature (UK), Chairman of the Centre for Political & Development Studies (CPDS)




The pride of ISJ (Islamic Society Jabaliya) our partners in Gaza.
Multaqa Yatim (Forum of the Orphans)
Funded with donation from Turkey

The philanthropist donated USD1 Million for kurban Syakh Dr Shehab said "instead of feeding gazans for a day, can we build a home to service our community for a life time". And the donor agreed. His son in law, Dr Abdul Rahim Shehab, an  architect drew the plans.
It house 2 large multi-purpose halls (for weddings, festivities, conferences); library, guest rooms on top floor (for VPM visits:); kindy; "situation room"  .. room for future PM of Gaza (?ARS) ...




Palestinian fisherman restricted to 3 nautical miles of the sea unlike 6 NM previously
To my left is Dr Syakh Shehab, Member of Parliament and PhD Pharmacy




Fisheries project sponsored by our brothers in Aqsa Syarif
8 fishing ponds




With Prof Mofeed, Minister of Health, laying out opportunities for capacity building, HR development in Msian medical schools within framework of KN scholarship funding. I exited Gaza with the previous Gaza health minister Dr Basem for our joint FIMA meeting, and him also having to represent PM Haniyeh in Turkey for an official function. I crossed the Egyptian immigration in 30 minutes whilst he was detained for a good 16 hours - the remnants of Mubarak's SB treats the Palestinians worse than animals!

With Prof Salam, president of Al-Aqsa University which awarded a doctorate to YB PM during his recent visit to Gaza. Again discussed opportunities for KN funding and keeping them in the loop of KN scholarships. I also met Prof Kamalain, president of Islamic Uni Gaza.

DG of EMRO WHO, East Mediterranean Regional Office, and past minister of health Iraq, at our FIMA meeting, to partner in our joint quest to eradicate Polio. Only three countries still continue to harbour the virus and all three are Muslim countries.

Last modified on Sunday, 03 March 2013 18:32
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