IMA Zimbabwe: Ramadan Medical Outreach

Dear brothers and sisters,


With Allah’s grace, IMAZ held its Ramadan medical outreach on Sunday 29th of July 2012. The camp was held at Lobengula Masjid in Bulawayo.

The team comprised Dr Amer, Dr Sarkiss, Dr Elseiry , Dr Sururu, Dr Chivanga and Dr Mucheni. We were blessed by having two visitors from United States of America namely Dr Mariam Esat and Dr Eman Amer who also joined us. The pharmacist team comprised of Mr Muhammad Lunat and Miss Amina Jina. The team lead by myself was accompanied by Al Shifa nursing staff as well as an HIV counselor.

250 people were   screened and received free medication; some of them were referred for surgery by different specialists from our team.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IMAZ members and special thanks to Brother Akimu Asani and to the Muslim community of Bulawayo for their generous support.

The response by the local community was overwhelming. May Allah accept our humble effort.


May Allah bless you All
Hassan Ashmawy M.D.
IMAZ President

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