Dr. Tanveer Zubairi

Dr. Tanveer Zubairi

The 31st FIMA council meeting concluded successfully in Arusha, Tanzania with very productive and interactive business sessions. The working of FIMA, its various projects including FIMA relief, FIMA Save-Vision, FIMA Save-Smile, etc were discussed at large.

The reports of IMAs were presented and exchanges of experiences and newer avenues were also explored and shared with sister IMAs.

The 2nd IMANA-FIMA scienfitic convention (IMANA's 47th Annual and 12th International event) was another successful event which was held on 9-10th August 2014.

Very high standard par excellence lecture on original research, review and case studies were delivered by a luminous faculty from USA and overseas. The session was chaired and organized by Dr. Ayaz Samdani, past president of IMANA and currently a member of its board of regents.

Subsequently, the thrilling African Safari was started from Arusha to Serengeti Park, the delegates enjoyed an unforgettable week in the lush green jungles of East Africa and witnessed wildlife and huge migrations of hundreds of thousands of wild animals in a huge natural park to preserve the ecosystem.

The delegates also visited Ngorongoro park which has the world's largest volcanic crater and house flocks of animals of all kind. The scene was spectacular and amazing.

The 32nd FIMA council meeting will be held in Makkasar, Indonesia in October 2015 on invitation of Indonesian Islamic Medical Association. FIMA fraternity looks forward to seeing you there. Inshallah.

The FIMA Gazza relief group focused on delivery of medicine and medical supplies to the already destroyed healthcare facilities inside Gazza. Last week, another consignment of 6 trucks worth USD 200K was delivered.

FIMA Gazza relief is working hard on dispatch of ambulances for which permission is in the process of finalization. FIMA Relief Chair Dr. Ashraf Jedaar has appealed all the IMAs to send a database of volunteers who can offer their professional services in Gazza hospitals. The specialists presently required are Plastic Surgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, and Vascular Surgeons.

FIMA also reiterates its commitment to Kuala Lumpur Declaration 2012 to play its vital role in improving the preventive healthcare facilities in the Muslim world keeping in view our commitment to MDG.

The Polio Eradication Initiative has been strongly supported by FIMA and its affiliate, and meetings are held in the endemic countries to improve the perception of Muslim physicians in combating the rising incidence of non-compliance for vaccinating the children. FIMA is also partnering with WHO and other agencies and is actively engaged to achieve the targets.

The 16th FIMA Students Camp will be held in Bandung, Indonesia in January 2015. The details will follow soon, all the IMAs are requested to nominate their delegates well ahead of time so as to avoid any inconvenience, as the international traveling is becoming cumbersome and arrangements are time consuming.

Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
President, FIMA

The month of July has been very busy and hectic, because of the holy month of Ramadan, Gaza relief, IDPs medical relief in KPK province of Pakistan, and preparations for the 31st FIMA council meeting and FIMA-IMANA scientific meeting in Arusha-Tanzania.

The month of Ramadan is a month in which the Mercy and Blessings of Allah SWT descend upon us continously. The whole Qur'an was sent down to the first sky from Lawhe Mahfooz.

There is the night of Qadr, which is better than 1000 months. The thawaab of good deed is equal to the fardh of another month. The first ten days are of mercy, second ten days are of forgiveness, and the last ten days are of being freed from Hell.

The month of Ramadan is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (SWT) upon the Ummah of his beloved Prophet (SAW). This indeed is a great opportunity for all of us to get closer to our creator, Alhamdolillah Allah SWT gave us his opportunity to seek HIS forgiveness and benevolence during this holy month.

Unfortunately the Muslims in Gaza had to face the worst brutality and genocide during the last two weeks of Ramadan. The death toll has risen to more than 1500, a large number of them are women, children, and the elderly.

FIMA relief immediately came forward to offer its emergency medical services to the innocent and helpless civilians in Gaza and a committe was formed headed by Dr. Musa Nordin, ex President FIMA to take measures to organize and mediate provision of medical supplies and disposables to the war torn healthcare system in Gaza.

More than 20 doctors from Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, and USA volunteered to work in the emergent situation and were ready to reach Gaza, but they were denied entry and access to treat the patients. The MOH in Gaza has been fatigued due to exhaustion of available manpower and scarcity of medical supplies and electricity failure.

FIMA has appealed to all its affiliates to start fund raising campaigns in their countries and prepare a database of medical doctors who can volunteer their services during this critical juncture and time of need. So far 17 truck load of medicine and medical supplies has been shifted to the Gaza hospitals and stores.

A convoy of 20 ambulances is in the process of commissioning. This project will also be funded by the partners of FIMA and IMAs. The details of IDPs medical relief in KPK-Pakistan by PIMA and IMANA will be provided in the next issue of e-newsletter.

The 32st FIMA Council Meeting in Arusha is approaching closer. Our local hosts headed by Dr. Juma Mwimbe and supervised by Dr. Ashraf Jedaar are trying their level best to finalize the arrangements for FIMA Council Meeting and the scientific meeting of FIMA-IMANA to be held subsequently.

A few last moment delegates have applied for registration, we will try to accommodate the maximum possible number of delegates to attend the scientific meeting and to make this activity memorable and successful.

I welcome all the delegates coming over to Tanzania and wish them a comfortable stay. See you in Arusha... Inshallah.


Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
FIMA President

The 31st FIMA council meeting is scheduled to be held in Arusha, Tanzania on August 7-8th 2014. The local host organization is Sunshine Muslim Volunteers of Tanzania.

This year, FIMA is holding a joint scientific convention in collaboration with IMANA (Islamic Medical Association of North America) on 9-10th August, 2014. It will be followed by sightseeing programs including a Safari tour.

Tanzania is one of the most exclusive tourist destinations attracting thousands of lovers of nature every year. It has an abuncance of the exceptional beauty of exquisite jungles, wildlife, and game reserves. It is home to Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, and is one of Africa's most popular safari destinations. The country also has dozens of beautiful white sandy beaches and many other attractions to visit.

The annual council meeting of FIMA is a regular, fundamental and imperative feature in its working, which is held every years. This meeting is hosted by a local IMA. Importatnt matters relating to the working of the organization are discussed at length by the attending delegates from IMAs including the adoption & review of minutes of previous council meetings.

The reports on activities of FIMA by President of FIMA, Executive Director, Treasurer, and Project Directors including FIMA relief, Save-Vision, Save-Smile, Save-Dignity, student activities, FIMA year books are presented and future planning is discussed.

Another hallmark of annual council meeting is the presentation of reports of individual IMAs and organizations. This helps the office bearers from various IMAs to share and exchange their experiences and know more about their working. Moreover, a true spirit of joining FIMA as a fraternity is further strenghened and augmented by spending quality time together.

In addition to the office bearers, a number of delegates from the member IMAs also attend the scientific meetings and sessions on CIMCO (Consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges) and IHC (Islamic Hospital Consortium) which are conducted as parralel programs on the second day of FIMA council meeting.

The Scientific conventions bring the access to the latest research and clinical knowledge to the participants and are considered as an important source in disseminataion of CME (Continued Medical Education). The theme of FIMA-IMANA Scientific Convention is "Global and demographic challenges".

All the interested speakers are requested to send thei abstracts to Dr. Ayaz Samdani at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or approach him directly on phone 001 630 932 0000 for further details.

The deadline for abstracts is approaching close. Please expedite the dispatch of abstracts at an earliest. I urge all the IMA office bearers to plan ahead for their travelling arrangements. It takes longer to organize international travelling, visa, and finalize the accommodation and sightseeing arrangements.

Hope to see you in Arusha, Inshallah.


Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
FIMA President