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FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alaikum WRWB

Hope you will find this mail in the best of your health and spirits.
Enclosed please find the Special edition of FIMA e-newsletter in memory of Dr Aly Mishal, Past President of FIMA and its executive director. 


Click HERE to download.


FIMA (Federation of Islamic Medical Associations) is a registered body of 30 IMAs and 20 associate members and affiliates worldwide.

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations aims to foster the unity and welfare of Muslim medical and health care professionals, to promote Islamic medical activities including health services, education and research through co-operation and co-ordination among member organizations, to promote the understanding and the application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine, to mobilize professional and economic resources in order to provide medical care and relief to affected areas and communities, and to promote the exchange of medical information and technical expertise among member organizations.

It is a not for profit, nonpolitical and non-Governmental organization. The main FIMA projects includes but not limited to) CIMCO (consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges), IHC (Islamic Hospital Consortium), FIMA Relief, FIMA Save-Vision, FIMA Save-Smile, FIMA Students wing, Year Books, HIV AIDS resource center and many others. 

Please forward this mail to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.

FIMA Newsletter June 2018

Written by Published in FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alikum WRWB

Hope you are in the best of your health and spirits.
Click HERE to download the June 2018 issue of FIMA e-newsletter.

Please distribute this newsletter to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.

FIMA Newsletter April 2018

Written by Published in FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alikum WRWB

Hope you are in the best of your health and spirits.
Click HERE to download the April 2018 issue of FIMA e-newsletter.

Please distribute this newsletter to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.

FIMA Newsletter February-March 2018

Written by Published in FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alikum WRWB

Hope you are in the best of your health and spirits.
Click HERE to download the February-March 2018 issue of FIMA e-newsletter.

Please distribute this newsletter to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.

FIMA Newsletter January 2018

Written by Published in FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alikum WRWB

Hope you are in the best of your health and spirits.
Click HERE to download the January 2018 issue of FIMA e-newsletter.

Please distribute this newsletter to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.

FIMA Newsletter December 2017

Written by Published in FIMA Newsletters

Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu alikum WRWB

Hope you are in the best of your health and spirits.
Click HERE to download the December 2017 issue of FIMA e-newsletter.

Please distribute this newsletter to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you.