Message from the President March-April 2016

Shining stars was the name given to the 1st disability conference held under the auspices of Al-Amal Society for Development and Social Care (an associate member of FIMA) in collaboration with Turkish Ministry of the family and social affairs and municipality of Istanbul, in Istanbul, Turkey.


The conference was attended by more than 300 delegates from worldwide, prominent amongst them besides a galaxy of very renowned speakers were the Director General of the Ministry of Family and Turkish Affairs, Isaac Ahmet Çiftçi, the director general of the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs, Randa Bo Hamdan, the Lebanese MP Dr. Emad Al- Hoot, representative of the adviser of the prime minister of South Africa for disability affairs, FIMA treasurer Professor Ashraf Jedaar, representative of the First Lady of Turkey Amina Erdogan, Deputy Chairman of the IHH organization Fahmi Bulent Yildirim and a large number of dignitaries and disability associations.


In the words of Dr. Imad Al-Hout "It was a celebratory meeting to a far extent during which we celebrated with our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters with disabilities. We also gave a standing ovation and greeted our acclaimed donors from all Arab and European, African and Asian nations. as we exactly wanted it to be, the conference was as a cure for bleeding wounds, a Smile for anguished hearts, and what was most inspirational those children who competed to donate". "One child remarkably gave out her own gold necklace which was a gift from her mother" a guest speaker at the conference, Dr. Muhammad Al-Awadi commented... This truly shows how we are as a benevolent nation as our prophet Mohammad Dr. Tanveer H. Zubairi (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted President FIMA us to be. Mohammad said: 'My nation like rain, I do not know who the best is first or last?".


33rd FIMA Council meeting will be held in Abuja, Nigeria from 18-24th July 2016 in conjunction with FIMA/IMAN scientific conference. The meeting will be hosted by Islamic Medical Association of Nigeria. FIMA ExCo and IMAN leadership has extended an invitation to all the member IMAs to make it convenient to attend this memorable meeting. The Council meeting is the most important organizational activity in the working of FIMA, where all the member IMAs and associates gather from all over the world and reports of FIMA, its projects and individual IMAs are presented. The future plans are discussed and exchange of ideas is made amongst the delegates. The Nigerian IMA is well known for its excellent arrangements and hospitality, they all are eagerly waiting to welcome the FIMA fraternity. Please plan your travel arrangements ahead of time as the air travel booking and visa procurement is usually time consuming. Please feel free to communicate with FIMA secretariat or Dr. Ibrahim Sule, the FIMA ExCo member from IMAN This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all the future communication for FIMA/IMAN meetings.


Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
President, FIMA

Last modified on Monday, 05 September 2016 22:08
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