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Mission Statement
Development of Islamically and ethically Knowledgeable and practicing professionals; with balanced, dynamic and wholesome personality; and sense of social responsibility needed for serving mankind with integrity and steadfastness. (al-An’am 6, 162.)


  1. To design, develop and implement Academic and Training program for proper development of balanced personality among the students, faculty and support staff.
  2. To sensitize (on the basis of continuous evaluation and review) the administrative & academic staff regarding their ethical and professional responsibilities.
  3. To develop an appropriate Islamic methodology and environment in academic programs, co-curricular activities and field research with highest standards of ethics, morality, and behavior.
  4. To conduct and co-ordinate projects research on ethical issues and total being of humans as Allah's servants of Allah
  5. To create awareness and to educate the community about positive measures to be taken for promotion of physical, mental, social and moral health. (al-Furqan 25:63-77, Luqman 31:13-26, Mulk 67:22, Bani Israeel 17:37, al-Nisa 4:3, al-Ma’eda 5:8, al-An’am 6:152, Ha-Mim as-Sajdah 41:33-34, an-Nahl 16:125, an-Nisa 4:171, al-Maeda 5: 77)

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Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin FRCP, FAMM
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Damansara Specialist Hospital


Heralded by the revelation of the double helical structure of the DNA molecule in 1953, the 21st century is aptly designated the biotechnology century. The 20th century of physics, which saw the transformation of silicon into computing magic, was embraced with enthusiasm by virtually every household. However, unlike her predecessor, the same cannot be said about the advancements in biomedicine.

These revolutionary procedures in biotechnology has probed the outermost boundaries of what is scientifically possible and acceptable. Micro manipulation at the very earliest stages of human development, at the level of the embryo, single cell and genetic structure is undoubtedly a very delicate and sensitive issue with potentially explosive ethical, social, medico-legal and religious ramifications. Hence, the turbulent and not uncommonly hostile controversies that has since evolved.

Some of the issues in biotechnology which are debated contentiously and extensively across all segments of human society, include assisted reproductive technologies, human reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, embryo research, genetic engineering, euthanasia, organ transplantation, abortion and contraception.

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