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We just lived through a most amazing history of a human plight against the dictatorships and repressive regimes in North Africa and Middle East. The most recent events in Tunisia and Egypt were unthinkable only few weeks ago. Sweeping movements of the people are still in progress in Libya, Bahrain and other neighboring countries. Libyans are still getting killed and injured by the hired mercenaries and few left over loyal armed forces of current regime.

Although the Egyptian revolution is considered peaceful, it was not without a toll of hundreds of human lives and hundreds if not thousands are dying or suffering from their injuries. One cannot forget the highly unruly vans and motors, speeding through the streets of Cairo, crushing live human beings with no mercy. The medical related events are very significant and media has not highlighted this in their day to day reporting. Dr. Khaled Hanafy of Arab Medical Union asked for our 'duas' only in the beginning.

Now the picture has changed as the complexity of the injuries has become obvious. The doctors are desperately trying their best to deal with the horrific injuries but it has gotten beyond their scope of resources and expertise. A large number of injured people are being sent from Libya to the Egyptian border for medical help. Egyptian doctors are requesting for help in the way of donations and also asking for doctor in various specialties. Arab Medical Union and other Egyptian medical organizations always extended their help whenever and wherever needed. Now it is time for us to stand up to the task and help them. I had avery important meeting with the leadership of Islamic Relief USA in their Washington, DC headquarter to put our hands to work together to respond to disasters at home and abroad. IMANA and FIMA will partner together with Islamic Relief and our first project together may take place at the Egyptian/Libyan border where a temporary hospital is being set up. IMANA/FIMA/Islamic Relief have been consulted by the Government of Ghana for help to establish their medical infrastructure.

Dr Parvaiz Malik,
President FIMA

A huge rather "inconceivable" flood struck during Pakistan during the last summer. The devastation was worst in the region in more than 100 years, and as many as 5,0000 people died during its initial phase. The flood left the country in disaster, without any communication means, electricity or supply of food and medicine, tangling efforts to prodive relief.

Most medical facilities had been severely damaged, if not leveled. Supplies of food and fresh water were dwindling.

FIMA has a track record of responding quickly to help the destitute and calamities. There has been a historic contribution of PIMA, IMANA, IMASA, DWW (Turkey), Jordan Medical Society of Islamic Studies, MERCY Malaysia, MER-C Malaysia, MERCY Singapore, MERC Indonesia, IMANI relief Indonesia, Arab Medical Union, IMA Egypt and other IMAs during these last six months to alleviate the miseries of hundreds of thousands of flood stricken Pakistanis. I personally feel so proud of our brothers who volunteered to send Medical staff, funds and essential medical supplies. A mobile Mother and Child Clinic has been started with the initiative of FIMA to be moving in far flung flood affected areas to provide OB/GYN services at their door step.

The greatest difficulties during these months of our field experience included outbreak of communicable diseases, damaged roads and communication. From what I gather, medical services are needed for another year to a population of around 40-50 millions. I urge all the IMAs to please stay in touch with local IMA (PIMA) to combat this disaster.

FIMA semi annual EXCO meeting is scheduled to be held in last week of March in Medina el Munawawarah (Saudi Arabia). I request all the IMAs to please send us suggestions regarding planning issues especially the forthcoming 27th FIMA council meeting scheduled to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia in September 2011.

Dr Parvaiz Malik,
President FIMA

FIMA held its 27th Annual Council meeting in Beirut, Lebanon on August 19-21, 2010. A record number of 210 delegates from 23 countries attended the meeting. The host Islamic Medical Association of Lebanon held a two days scientific convention following FIMA meeting, under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Saad Hariri, the Lebanese prime minister. The theme was "Health Care for People with Special Needs". FIMA Lifetime Achievement Award of 2010 was presented to Dr. Aly Mishal during the opening ceremony at Lebanese Order of Physicians, Beirut.

It was indeed a mega task for the IMA of Lebanon, under the able leadership of Dr. Fouad Rigai to assist in travel and accommodation for such a large number of participants, in addition to organizing their own scientific convention. We are all very grateful to IMA of Lebanon for their warm hospitality and dedication.

Congratulations to IMA's of Zimbabwe and Kenya for admission to the FIMA full membership. We also congratulate IMA's of India, Queensland Australia and Nigeria for associate FIMA membership status. The current membership of FIMA now stands 25 active IMA's and 13 associate members worldwide. Member IMA's presented their annual reports to the council with synopsis of their activities, dominated by the philanthropic activities of medical relief work during disasters and peace. FIMA Save Vision reported to have completed 62,000 cataract surgeries. Newly launched FIMA Save Smile involving cleft lip deformities and DIMA Save Dignity to treat vesico-vaginal fistulas were introduced to the world body. IMA of Pakistan (PIMA) did an incredible job during the recnt disastrous floods of Pakistan and operated several medical camps. The IMA of North America (IMANA) and Arab Medical Union (AMU) were very active in providing medical services to the affected people of Pakistan and other IMA's sent cash donations through FIMA.

It has been one year since FIMA launched its e-Newsletter. It has proven to be a great tool for networking and communication. I encourage all IMA's to continue sending news of their activities to share with the global community of IMA's.
Dr. Parvaiz Malik, President FIMA