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FIMA Student Camp Appreciation Letter and Report

Click here to download aprreciation letter and report.


For registration please contact Dr Atallah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more info on logistics please visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

24 - 31 July 2009 (2 - 9 Shaaban 1430H)



Islamic Medical Association in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (IMAKSA)/ World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA)
Islamic Medical Association, Malaysia (IMAM)
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS)

Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

"Medical Students and Volunteerism"

Click here for the full announcement.
Click here for the registration form.
Click here for the flight details form.

(right click and "save as" to download)

Regarding Sponsorhip Pledge

Dear colleagues, ASM

Our medical students from CUCMS have worked very hard to put together this international camp.

They have been there twice to recce the camping site.

FIMA through her affiliate, IMA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & WAMY has funded RM 140,000.00

This will take care of the accomodation and food for ALL the participants from 24-31 July 2009 in Langkawi

So all overseas participants DO NOT pay any fees, they only have to pay for their flights to Langkawi.

Malaysian students pay a nominal fee of RM150.00 ONLY for this 7 day camp.

BUT there are hidden costs which our local organisers ie PPIM & the CUCMS student chapter have to bear; about RM 25,000.00

So every little from doctors in PPIM, UKMMF, MPF, IMAs helps. If you know of any individual or medical related companies who may help to sponsor the event or would like further information on the proposal kindly email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The appeal letter is appended below and your generous donation is highly appreciated.

For more information on the FIMA INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CAMP kindly blog :

Let us all together encourage our younger generation of students in medicine and the allied health sciences to put togther this international camp and be excellent hosts to their fraternity from all over the world.

Yours humbly
Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin
President FIMA

Click HERE to download Sponsorhip Pledge

FIMA Student Camp 2009 logistics proposal (2nd draft)



One of the prominent features of the doctors in FIMA is the spirit of volunteerism. Her doctors have volunteered in virtually all of the humanitarian and medical activities in the many disaster zones. This altruistic spirit of our IMAs and our medical professionals have been recognized by many international agencies. The latest being the award by the American College of Physicians in April 2009 to our FIMA SAVE VISION, a project of FIMA Relief, started in 2004 to address the need for ophthalmic services in 8 different countries.

It is this spirit of volunteerism which we hope to infuse among our younger generation of doctors, allied health professionals and medical students. Often absorbed in the acquisition of knowledge (cognitive domain ); our students are often found lacking in the affective domain, which is equally important in the nurturing of a passionate, compassionate and caring health care professional.

This International Student Camp in Malaysia presents another opportunity to focus on yet another important aspect in the holistic training of a health care professional i.e. the realm of VOLUNTEERISM.

This would be achieved through a well designed training module with special emphasis on the practical aspects of volunteerism. There is wealth of experience within our institution which can be show cased to all our students at the camp.

Click here to view the FIMA student camp logistic proposal (right click and save as to download).

Ramadhan Kareem to all of you. Fasting in Ramadan develops in a person the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood, and of equality before Allah SWT. This spirit is the natural product of the fact that when people fast they feel that they are joining the whole Muslim Ummah in observing the same duty, in the same manner, at the same time, for the same motives, and for the same end.

Fasting is an institution for the improvement of moral and spiritual character of human being. The purpose of the fast is to help develop self-restraint, self-purification, God-consciousness, compassion, the spirit of caring and sharing, the love of humanity and the love of Allah SWT.

Fasting trains us in patience, unselfishness, and gratitude. When we fast we feel the pains of deprivation and hunger, and learn how to endure it patiently. The meaning of this powerful experience in a social and humanitarian context is that we are much quicker than anybody else in sympathizing with the oppressed and needy around the world, and responding to their needs.

"It is the month to visit the poor, the sick, and the needy to share their sorrows. It is the month where the food, sustenance and the earnings of a believing Muslim increases and they are blessed," says the Final Prophet of Allah SWT, Muhammad (peace be upon him), a man who was known for his noble humanitarian causes, for social justice, and for being the first to respond to others' needs, despite the fact that he himself lived a very simple and humble life.

It is only during such a trying time as Ramadan that we can reflect on the condition of those in this world who may not be as fortunate as us. All of us do a lot of charity during this month and provide Zakat and Alms to those who are needy; I urge all of you to sacrifice a part of your Zakat and Sadaqat for FIMA relief in its projects like FIMA Save-Vision, Save-Smile, Save-Dignity and many others especially those are facing hardships in Syria, Palestine, and many other places around the world.

IMASA Scientific meeting (18th-23rd September 2013) is approaching near. I am sure all of the IMAs have made preparation for travel and initial registration and communication with the conference and FIMA secretartiat. The IMASA team of devoted and enthusiastic workers are working day and night to make this event a great success. If you have not yet planned and desire to attend this historic meeting please immediately contact IMASA representative Dr. Ashraf Jedaar at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details. We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town.


Dr. Parvaiz Malik
President FIMA 2009-2013

FIMA semi-annual EXCO meeting was held in Cairo, Egypt on February 28, 2013, all committee members in attendance. IMA of Egypt hosted the meeting and Dr. Omar Al-Ayat and his team did a great job in arranging the venue.

The FIMA Islamic Hospitals Consortium (IHC) meeting for the regional Islamic Hospitals followed FIMA EXCO meeting. This meeting of FIMA IHC was unique and first of its kind held in the Arabic speaking region and delegates from Middle East and North Africa attended in great numbers. We are grateful to the IMA of Egypt for taking the leadership roll in the endeavour.

One of the highlights of FIMA EXCO meeting in Cairo was participation of EMRO UN WHO regarding problem with the polio vaccination program in three Islamic countries, Pakistan,

Afghanistan and Nigeria. Apparently there has been lack of cooperation and in some instances traumatizing or killing of the vaccination health workers and volunteers. Some communities or parents are refusing the vaccination. As a result the disease is not only still exists in these countries, it is being transmitted across the globe due to international travel. These three countries being members of FIMA mandates a task on us to educate the respective populations through the primary care physicians, paediatricians and trusted members of the health care teams with help of the IMA's. Dr. Tanveer Zubairi represented FIMA in the UN EMRO planning session held in Cairo after the EXCO meeting.

FIMA SaveVision held their camp for ophthalmology surgeries in Gaza in February of 2013. This project has completed over ninety thousands cataract and cornea surgeries so far and several camps are in the planning in the coming months across the globe.

FIMA SaveSmile held their annual camp in Khartoum, Sudan in the first week of March, led by IMANA and participation of DWW-Turkey. Over 200 surgeries were performed for repair of cleft lip and palate by team of 35. FIMA SaveSmile project has completed over 700 operations after its formal launching four years ago.

The situation in Syria continues to be volatile. The civil war has even spilled over to Lebanon. There are more refugee camps across the border in Turkey. FIMA member IMA of Lebanon, Hayat Foundation and Doctors Worldwide of Turkey are playing an active key rolls in caring for health of the refugees.

The preparations for the FIMA annual Council meeting and combined IMASA and FIMA are being finalized for September 18-23, 2013 to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. A record number of delegates are expected to attend. Please make your travel plans as soon as possible for this memorable convention.

Dr. Parvaiz Malik
President FIMA 2009-2013