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Dr Aly Mishal presenting plaque to Dr Safura

Dr Musa with DG of Health Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to his Right; PNA Minister of Health to his Left and Syed PhD student in CUCMS

Dr Paravaiz presiding over the closing ceremony of FIMA2012


Dr Parvaiz, president of FIMA presenting prizes to the winners of the Free Papers & Poster competition at FIMA2012:


Prof Abdul Rashid, chairman Organising Committee FIMA2012, presenting tokens of appreciation to the sponsors of the conference:


Prof Abdul Rashid, passing the KL Declaration at the end of FIMA2012 to Dr Parvaiz Malik:

Some of the foreign delegates to FIMA2012 (from 25 countires)


Some of the authors of iapps Care of Muslim Patients: Practical Guide:

With 2 representatives from Elseviers:


More pixs with IMAs from other countries:


Delegation from Algeria:
Dr Hamidah - cancer surgeon accompanied by her husband an architect
Dr Mustapha - prez of IMA Algeria, a dentist

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Last modified on Friday, 01 March 2013 12:13
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More in this category: « FIMA Bi-annual Meeting @ Cairo, Egypt 28 February 2013 & Visit to Gaza Free Eye Camps October-November 2011 (Report) »


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