Updates on Gaza

Our medical brothers from sudan were in gaza soon after the bombings in Dec 2008. They now have permission for a second trip to help with the medical rehabilitation programs in Gaza. Prof. Mohamed el Amin who sent this mail is an exco member of FIMA and is a consultant cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 5:06 PM
Subject: Viva Palestina Campaign

Dear all
I am pleased to inform you that an official permission for our visit to Gaza Strip has been approved by the Eygptian Authourties for 16 Specialist with medical consumables and supply. Most of the brothers who managed to go last year were included (including myself). Half are at the border at Rafah to get through. The rest will be within the coming two weeks.
Your kind Dua for them.
Prof. Mohamed el Amin Ahmed
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