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Al Khidmat News Bulletin 5

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Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum,
In view of fast changing situation in flood-hit areas of Pakistan, a condensed report in the form of “News Bulletin # 5” covering relief activities including latest updates are attached with this e-mail. You will receive similar updates during coming days as well.
Kindly feel free to guide / suggest improvements in our work. You are cordially invited to join hands with us for collaborative relief work, aiming to minimize sufferings of flood victims. Time is ripe to start construction of damaged houses. Please refer to relevant pages.
For detailed Information about Flood Relief Activities
visit Al-Khidmat Web Site
Situational Report
Needed Relief Activities and Items
Flood Relief Activities of Al-Khidmat
Pictures Gallery
Delegation from Abroad
Looking forward to your comments and requesting you to acknowledge receipt of this News Bulletin # 5, we remain
(Ahsan Ali Syed)
Secretary General,
Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan
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By the Grace of Allah the first IMANA Team returned home safe and sound on August 22nd after spending a week in the Charsadda and Nowshera districts. Prior to their departure IMANA Relief was already making a difference. During the first two weeks of the disaster, the organization provided medical aid for approximately 4,800 individuals, purified water to 35,000,  assisted in food distribution for 55,000 and cleared 20 miles of buried roadways and streets so that villages can become accessible. IMANA is indebted to Al-Khidmat Foundation for helping us carry out these efforts.


The six physician volunteers arrived on August 13th and the very next day were in Charsadda seeing patients. Alhamdulillah a total of six mobile medical camps were established resulting in care being provided to 1,794 patients. In the evenings the doctors themselves distributed food to a total of 800 individuals. These efforts were only possible by the collaborative efforts made between IMANA, Shine-CDRS, Pakistan Kidney Institute and Pakistan’s Islamic Medical Association. To our partners we are grateful and may Allah bless them immensely.


The crisis is epic in proportions and IMANA Relief is truly committed to their motto of making a difference. IMANA has taken the necessary steps to be an example for all in providing for these less fortunate brothers and sisters. Model camps are going to be adopted in each of the affected provinces, one camp per province. In the Khyber Pakthunwa IMANA Relief and its’ partner organizations have already adopted an entire IDP camp (internal displaced persons). This camp presently has 742 residents. They will be provided for in a completely comprehensive fashion. Food, shelter, schooling, medical care and vocational work for the women will be provided. This model will be utilized in identical fashion in the remaining affected provinces of Punjab, Sindh, and Baluchistan.  Together we all will make a difference.


On behalf of IMANA and the Relief committee I thank you for your support. The disaster is larger than the Tsunami, Pakistan earthquake, and Haitian earthquake combined . For us to continue making this difference we need your support, donate today and make a difference today.


Donate online at or “IMANA Relief for 2010 Pakistan Flood Victims”

Or Call Toll Free 877-263-9589




Dr. Ismail A. Mehr

IMANA Relief Committee Chair

IMANA General Secretary

Al Khidmat News Bulletin 4

(right-click and "save target as" to download)

Dear Respected Brothers
Assalamu Alaikum,
In view of fast changing situation in flood-hit areas of Pakistan, a condensed report in the form of “News Bulletin # 4” covering relief activities including latest updates are included with this message. You will receive similar updates during coming days as well.
Kindly feel free to guide / suggest improvements in our work. You are cordially invited to join hands with us for collaborative relief work, aiming to minimize sufferings of flood victims. Time is ripe to start construction of damaged houses. Please refer to relevant pages.
For detailed Information about Flood Relief Activities
visit Al-Khidmat Web Site
Situational Report
Needed Relief Activities and Items
Flood Relief Activities of Al-Khidmat
Pictures Gallery
Delegation from Abroad
Looking forward to your comments and requesting you to acknowledge receipt of this News Bulletin # 4, we remain
(Ahsan Ali Syed)
Secretary General,
Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan

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