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Dear brothers and sisters in all IMAs

Historically, Sudan was one amongst 10 founder nations of FIMA in Florida, USA on 31st Dec 1981. And Sudan assumed the role as the first chairman of the FIMA Council. Since then, two FIMA Conferences have been organised in Khartoum, in 1983 and 1990. More recently, there has been a flurry of relief activities in Sudan, demonstrating the close collaboration between FIMA and SIMA.

Darfur, Sudan was the epicenter of our FIMA Save Vision program which began in April 2005. Since then, FIMA has rolled out Save Vision in 7 other countries in Africa and 3 countries in Asia. Well over 400,000 patients were examined, more than 40,000 cataract surgeries were performed, sustainable ophthalmic facilities were developed and local eye surgeons were trained. This project among others, has catapulted FIMA into the “Whos Who" of international humanitarian & relief work.

We are all delighted to be in Khartoum again in August 2009, for our 4th International Conference organized by SIMA and our 26th FIMA Council Meeting. The theme of our conference “HEALTH PROBLEMS IN RELATION TO DISPLACEMENT & DISASTERS" is most appropriate and timely to address the various burgeoning issues of displaced populations as a consequence of natural or man-made disasters. We hope the various scientific paper presentations and deliberations in this convention could be published as a proceeding in our FIMA Year Book for the benefit of a wider audience.

Our Council meeting is yet another occasion to celebrate some of our achievements which simultaneously endows us further confidence to climb greater heights. It is also a period of reflection of our organizational operations & infrastructure, her strengths and weaknesses. And our perennial contemplation to search inwardly how much as individuals and an organization we have endeavoured to beseech the Pleasure of Allah through refinements of our human character and service towards mankind.

I would like to thank SIMA for their excellent organization of this convention and their unrivalled hospitality to all our participants from IMAs around the globe. I would like to personally thank Prof. Mamoun Homeida for his distinguished leadership and all members of his Organising Committee for their hard work and dedication over the past few months.

My sincere appreciation to all members of IMAs who have travelled from far and wide to attend this annual FIMA Convention and our 26th FIMA Council Meeting.

On behalf of FIMA, I would like to thank our Honourable Chief Guest, the President of Sudan, Field Marshal Omer Hassan Ahmed Albasheer, for graciously inaugurating our Convention.

I pray to Allah that He bestows our organisation the best of rewards and bless our annual meeting of minds and hearts.

Musa Mohd. Nordin
President FIMA 2005-2009

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Islamic Advisory Group (IAG) held its first meeting last month on polio eradication at the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation(OIC) headquarters in Jeddah to review the global polio situation, particularly in polio-endemic, predominantly Muslim countries where the disease continues to strike and cripple Muslim children.

The two-day meeting was organized by the International Islamic Fiqh Academy in cooperation with the WHO, the OIC, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the IAG and UNICEF with the aim of providing high-level global leadership and guidance for building solidarity and support for polio eradication across the Muslim world.

The opening session was attended by Iyad Madani, secretary-general of the OIC; Ahmed Mohammed Ali, president of IDB; Abbas Shuman, deputy of Al-Azhar; Ala Alwan, regional representative of WHO & Sheikh Saleh bin Abdullah, chairman of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.

Sheikh Abdullah said at the opening of the session that the main aim of this meeting was to consult, exchange views and to reaffirm support of the Islamic community and leadership in polio eradication and trust in the safety and effectiveness of vaccination. Nearly the entire Muslim world is now polio-free.

“Polio is being fought by governments, associations, WHO and individuals, as it is a subject of major concern. I am confident that today’s meeting will bring fruitful results as it is taking place in the interest of the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic Shariah legislation for the benefit of mankind. All efforts made by the scholars of Islam are in the interest of mankind,” he said.

Dr Tanveer Zubairi President of FIMA who is also a member of the IAG also spoke on this occasion and gave suggestion to implement the Polio eradication initiative in the endemic Muslim Countries. He also extend fullest support of FIMA in combating this challenge and willingness of FIMA to be a part of the end game strategy.

Abbas Shuman, representative of the grand mufti of Al-Azhar, said that Shariah allows the use of drugs to protect against epidemic diseases. The Islamic Shariah has ordered that we protect five key objectives from harm: life, religion, faith, honor and natural sources.

“It is everyone’s duty to protect the life and health of human beings. The attacks on health workers and facilities must be stopped. The health of all children is at risk if health workers and health facilities are attacked so it is everyone’s duty to protect children from polio or any epidemic diseases as going against this will be a sin. Therefore, parents should take their children for vaccination,” he said. The Group meeting was attended by more than 50 experts, Government and WHO officials from the Asia and African region.


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Doctors Worldwide Turkey

Activities June 2013 February 2014

Syria Crisis

In order to bring relief to the Syrian people, Doctors Worldwide Turkey organized a plastic surgery camp in Aliya Public Hospital with the support of Palestinian volunteer doctors from El Halil. The team performed 26 operations and examined 50 patients in polyclınics.

As the crisis persisted DWWT extended its activities in turkey near the Syrian border in Yayladagi in Hatay province where a health station and a pharmacy were established. Medicines and other medical supplies such as surgical bags are regularly sent there in order to meet with the growing needs of the refugees living in the area. A free circumcision camp was also organized for Syrian children during the month of Ramadan while families were offered a daily meal. 69 children were circumcised. A new camp was organized in January 2014 inOsmaniye. At this occasion 126 children were circumcised and 500 were provided psychological support in school.

A total of 3.676.190TL worth medicines were sent to Syria in July 2013 and January 2014.

In January 2014, in order to help the Syrian refugees to cope with hard winter conditions DWWT with Hayat Vakfıprovided 2000 blankets in Reyhanlı.

With our Canadian partner Global Medic we also implemented a WASH project providing 4.800.000 water purification tablets, 1.475.760 water cleaning bags, 200 water purification units and 2 tents. We also provided a two day training in the communities on how to use these.

Somalia: toward capacity building

DWWT has been active in Somalia since 2011. Since then we have opened a hospital, 3 nutrition centres and sent many teams of volunteers. In 2013-2014 most of our activities have been oriented toward capacity building.

In July 2013 a team of high profile volunteers was sent toShifa hospital. They performed 23 surgeries and 55 medical examinations. Besides they trained Somali physicians and gave lectures in Benadir University.

In November 2013, with the support of WHO, DWWT organized the first National Medical Conference on the topic “Reviving the new area of health sector”.

DWWT’s medical specialization program is going on with new students regularly coming from Somalia to undertake formations in Turkish hospitals.

Our health vocational school Ibn Sina has opened gathering for its first promotion 50 students including nurses, midwives and laboratory technicians.

Health and Nutrition projects

Until October 2013 DWWT was implementing a health and nutrition project in Niger. In 15 months more than 15000 children benefited from our program.  In 2014 other Health and Nutrition centres should be implemented in other regions in need. For this purpose in August 2013 a need assessment was undertaken in Mauritania.

Enlighten Eye project: cataract operations and trainings

In the scope of our “Enlighten Eye project” dedicated to cataract and other ophthalmic surgeries DWWT sent 2 teams to Mauritania and to Yemen in August 2013.  A total of 90 surgeries and 600 examinations were performed.

Smiling Children project

Our Smiling Children project is dedicated to cleft palate surgery. 2 volunteer teams were sent. One team went toHadramut Saleh Babaker Charity Hospital in Yemen in September 2013 and the other one was sent to Azerbaijan in June 2013.  A total of 131 surgeries and more than 550 examinations were performed.

Our capacity building projects go on in Gaza and in Yemen

In June 2013 DWWT initiated a project with Al Shifa and Nasser hospitals in order to implement a microsurgical unit and to train local physicians. The equipment provided includesa mobile microscope, phaco machine and arthroscopy equipment.

In December 2013, the First Yemeni Turkish Emergency Medicine Congress was organized with the support of IstanbulMedeniyet University and Sana University of Science and Technology. In 2012 2 other medical congresses had been organized by DWWT and its partner universities.

Violets of Hope project in Niger

In 2013 DWWT has initiated an important integrated project dedicated to the eradication of obstetric fistula in Niger including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. A need assessment was undertaken and a first team was sent to Niamey to perform surgeries in Niamey Fistula Centre in November 2013. The 4 Turkish volunteers worked hand in hand with the local team and performed 18 surgeries.

An ongoing cooperation in Kosovo

DWWT has been working for Kosovo people since 1999. In July 2013 a project was organized in Prizren for hearing disabled children. During 4 days tests, examinations and hearing equipment were provided. Following the success of this initiative another team was sent in October 2013 to NenaTeresa School for Hearing and Speaking Disabled Children.

Emergency Relief and early recovery in the Philippines

Following the typhoon which devastated the Philippines, DWWT implemented a field hospital in Dagami area. Examinations, paediatrics, circumcisions…were performed free of charge for the local communities. 3 teams of volunteers were also sent from Turkey. A total of 1651 patientsbeneficiated from this project.

In an early recovery perspective DWWT is now working for the reconstruction of Dagami health centre.

Qurbani Project: Health and brotherhood

In October 2013, DWWT implemented Qurbani project in 5 African countries: Ghana, Sierra Leone, Niger, Kenya and Somalia. A total of 11.172 shares were cut, benefiting to more than 100.000 families. At this occasion medical teams were also sent to Niger and Sierra Leone where 1830 examinations were performed and medicines were distributed.

Water wells in Africa

Since access to clean drinkable water can help prevent many diseases DWWT has raised funds in order to dig water wells in several African countries. So far we have dug 3 water wells in Niger and 6 are under construction in Kenya.