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Dear Brothers and sisters

Assalamu Alaikom

Alhamdulillah IMAZ had a very busy month where we held the following activities:

1.   Circumcision Camp

IMAZ held its first Operation circumcision in Harare on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th of August 2010, this being the third of such an activity held in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. A pre-camp motivation was carried out by brother Hakim Asani assisted by the brothers from Harare.


The IMAZ chairman of Harare branch, Dr Tickley assisted by his colleagues was responsible for the ground work where he liaised with the Ministry and was responsible for all logistics.

IMAZ surgical team was represented by me, where I assisted in circumcising children under the age of 13 years.

We managed to circumcise a total of 557.


2.   Outreach

On Sunday 22nd of August 2010 IMAZ held an outreach camp at Mpopoma Masjid in Bulawayo. The IMAZ Team comprised of Dr Amer (ENT) , Dr Elsaiary (Anaesthetist) , Dr Geres (Cardiologist) , Dr Sadumba (GP), Dr Chivonga (GP) Mr Lunat (Pharmacist)  and myself (Urologist), accompanied by Sr. Makumbe and  Sr. Mpofu. Clerking was conducted by Netsai.


We managed to see 301 patients with different ailments where all receive their medication. Some were referred to Al Shifa clinic as well as hospitals for further management.


On a new development IMAZ for the first time will be represented at FIMA Meeting to be held in Beirut, Lebanon on September 19th to the 25th 2010. A delegate comprising of Dr Sururu and myself will represent IMAZ at that meeting. We are looking forward to see our colleagues in lovely Lebanon.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues and the Muslim communities in both Harare and Bulawayo for their kindness and generosity.

May Allah bless you all





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Sudan Vision
(26th January 2010)
"SIMA conducts 1000 free eye operations in Khartoum state"

Sudan Vision
(19th January 2010)

Sudan Vision
(16th January 2010)

Sudan Vision
(13th December 2009)