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Nepal Relief Updates No: 6
1 May 2015

Foreign Medical Teams (FMT) Information Management, World Health Organization has instructed all FMTs to STAND DOWN.

No further teams are required at present noting the decreased rates of trauma cases.

Our partners presently in Kathmandu, DWWT, Gift of Givers & IMA South Africa, IMA Indonesia & IMA Nepal will continue with their medical missions whilst new missions will  be halted.

However, we will continue with logistical support in terms of  medical & surgical supplies, health kits, shelter etc. IMA North America & her partners are air-lifting $6.4 million medicines.

Other IMAs should continue to fund raise & prepare for our next phase of reconstruction and rehabilitation and psychosocial support of this traumatized nation.

Dr Ashraf Jedaar (+27836754103)
Director, FIMA Relief

A/C Name: FIMA
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa
Constantia branch: 025309
A/C No: 071848770
SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ        

Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin (+6012-3200564)
Chairman, FIMA Advisory Council
Cash transfer through our Maybank account: Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia 562834623415 (please notify: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or label your donation #imaret4nepal


Nepal Relief Updates 4
28 April 2015

FIMA humanitarian efforts focussed on medical relief  of struggling health services.

Current statistics:
• 3,218 deaths
• 6,538 injured
• 50% homes destroyed with 100,000's homeless
• hospitals overcrowded, not coping with influx of dead bodies and severe injuries
• fear for outbreak of waterborne diseases
• concern for over 1million affected children with no shelter, no schools, no water, no sanitation.

Urgent needs:
• medicines and medical supplies
• health kits
• deployment of medical teams namely surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, anaesthesiologists
• field hospitals, tents and blankets
• Childhood vaccines


Nepal Relief Updates 3
27 April 2015

Current SAR capacity on the ground and teams currently air-born is sufficient to cover identified needs. All other SAR Teams should stand down (and not deploy) unless they can support with other relief activities

2. The situation in Nepal continues to be very chaotic. OCHA/UNDAC have a small advanced team that arrived in Nepal on 26 April making contacts with Government to provide clarity of tasking for arriving teams.

3. Information on airport status as @ 26 April.
There are difficulties in getting aircraft into Kathmandu as there is only space for six aircraft on the apron. 27 April should be a busy day for incoming traffic so we will try and keep you informed as to the status of the airport as information becomes available.

4. Today all currency exchange and ATM at the airport are closed, therefore it is very difficult to get cash. Many people are waiting at the airport in order to leave the country.

5. For Relief Cargo please note that Kathmandu  airport can only give a limited number of landing permission due to its limitation of parking lots. The same is valid for an aircraft heavier than 196 tonnes.


Nepal Relief Updates 2
27 April 2015

1 Gift of Givers South Africa is sending a search and rescue (SAR) team with sniffer dogs and first component of medical team tonight.
Follow up medical team including IMA South Africa doctors to depart 28 or 29 April INSHA ALLAH.
10 Nepalese doctors on the ground to work with them.

2. Mahmud COO An-Nur specialist hospital, relief logistician will depart for Kathmandu 6pm 27/4 for 2 weeks with MERCY Malaysia.

3. Dr İlhan Ozturk DWWT is already in Kathmandu.

4. IMA Nepal has been alerted by the president of FIMA, Dr Tanveer, of these initiatives.

Dr Ashraf Jedaar (+27836754103)
Director, FIMA Relief

A/C Name: FIMA
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa
Constantia branch: 025309
A/C No: 071848770
SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ        

Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin (+6012-3200564)
Chairman, FIMA Advisory Council
Adviser, IMARET
Cash transfer through our Maybank account: Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia 562834623415 (please notify: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or label your donation #imaret4nepal


Nepal Relief Updates 1
26 April 2015

Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) has tasked Doctors World Wide Turkey (DWWT) to lead the FIMA medical & humanitarian relief efforts.

First reports are now coming from DWWT in Nepal on situational analysis & needs assessment

On 25 April, an earthquake Richter 7.8 magnitude and a depth of 2 km, hit Nepal near the capital city of Kathmandu. The government is reporting 30 out of 75 districts affected in the Western and Central Regions, including Kathmandu Valley districts. The epicentre is located 81 km northwest of Kathmandu, and 68 km east from Pokhara. At least 18 aftershocks have been felt and continue to occur. Magnitudes of some aftershocks have ranged from 5 – 6.6 (ACAPS). The Government of Nepal has requested for international assistance including deployment of Urban Search and Rescue and declared a state of emergency.

Key figures:
- 2200 fatalities, but casualty figures are expected to rise as rescue efforts continue (ACAPS)
- 5000-6000 people injured (SitRep2)
- Mount Everest Camp 1 & 2 have been hit by avalanche, many climbers are missing, and 16 are reported dead. (Reuters)

Physical damage and challenges on the ground:
- Widespread damage and destruction of buildings, roads and other public infrastructure
- The response is starting slowly, but the situation outside Kathmandu is much less clear and air assets are required to reach many of the more remote locations.
- In Kathmandu Valley, hospitals are overcrowded, running out of room for storing dead bodies and also running short of emergency supplies. BIR hospital is treating people in the streets. There is a need to replenish medical stocks to support health response efforts.
- Electrical and telecommunications networks are intermittently operational, although landlines appear to function
- Airports in Kathmandu and Pokhara remain open for military and governmental flights, a limited number of commercial flights have arrived.

Needs: (SitRep N.2)
- Search and Rescue capacity, particularly for the Kathmandu Valley where larger buildings have collapsed;
- medical teams, supplies and tenting for hospitals, and dead-body bags;
- heavy equipment for rubble removal;
- and helicopters for transport of injured and access to blocked areas

Kerem Kınık
President, DWWT

Dr Ashraf Jedaar (+27836754103)
Director, FIMA Relief

A/C Name: FIMA
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa
Constantia branch: 025309
A/C No: 071848770
SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ        

Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin (+6012-3200564)
Chairman, FIMA Advisory Council
Cash transfer through our Maybank account: Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia 562834623415 (please notify: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or label your donation #imaret4nepal