Dr. Musa bin Mohd. Nordin

Dr. Musa bin Mohd. Nordin

16 Ramadhan 1435 / 14 July 2014

FIMA Gaza Relief Updates No 6:

Alhamdulillah ! Today another 4 trucks full of medical supplies crossed Rafah border to Gaza. AMU organized their transfers and 2 of these were contributed by our partners Palestine International Medical Agency PIMA.

This was confirmed by Dr Omar, Islamic Medical Association of Egypt, IMA Egypt.

FIMA is awaiting clearance from Egyptian authorities to allow our medical & surgical teams to enter Gaza. An Egyptian medical team is on standby. A team from IMA North America, IMANA, is ready to fly out of USA before end July. Other IMAs have also registered their volunteers with our Director of Relief based in Capetown. Kindly continue your efforts to raise funds for this major medical relief.

Team IMANA is organizing the air lift of 5 WHO Health Kits into Egypt. Each kit would be able to serve a population of 10K over a 3 month period. Each kit cost USD 12K. The first 5 kits have been sponsored by IMANA, Al-Khidmat Pakistan & Viva Palestina Malaysia, VPM.

Kindly continue to make doa  for an end to these savage attacks and restoration of peace and justice in Palestine.

History testifies that  the mujahids have not lost any battles waged in the holy month of Ramadhan. Allahu Akbar!

Dr Ashraf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director FIMA Relief

Dr Omar +20 100 6611570
IMA Egypt

Dr Musa Mohd Nordin + 60123200564
Chairman FIMA Advisory Council & VPM

15 Ramadhan 1435 / 13 July 2014

FIMA Gaza Relief Updates No 5:
Egyptian volunteers are requested urgently to meet at AMU HQ at midnight to travel to Gaza.

Anaesthesia, neurosurgeons, vascular & cardio-thoracic  surgeons. Be ready with your passports.

Dr Ashraf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director FIMA Relief

Dr Omar +20 100 6611570
IMA Egypt

15 Ramadhan 1435 / 13 July 2014
FIMA Gaza Relief Updates No 4:

Allahu Akbar!

Our partners in Egypt, AMU Arab Medical Union just reported the entry of the first 3
trucks full of medical supplies into Gaza. More are being filled!

Medical teams are being planned to follow suit.

There are volunteers on standby from USA, Pakistan, Turkey, South Africa, Malaysia, Egypt & Qatar

Kindly contact your respective IMA to join the medical teams.

Dr Ashraf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director FIMA Relief

Dr Musa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chairman FIMA Advisory Council