Somalia Relief 6 - Updates from SOYDA

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Somalia is sliding deeper into crisis due to the combination of drought, rising food prices and conflict, poor health and sanitation leading to population displacement and increased vulnerability. With this in mind SOYDA continuously carry out mobile activities in a weekly basis in Mogadishu, and has been focusing on the new influx of IDPs that need more attention, to double the effort of proper emergency response to the vulnerable communities.

SOYDA mobile team has been carried out for two days 26th to 27th August 2011. The target area of the mobile activities was Hodan district-specifically Sipiano and Terbon IDPs. The area was occupied by new influx of IDPs from Bakool and Bay region, and to some extent population from lower Shabelle. People living in the area we have met were in bad conditions in terms of health facilities, poor hygiene and sanitations. The key issues we have noted  was there was only one latrine in the compound residing more than 400.


SOYDA activities also helped to  increase access to Primary and Secondary life-saving health care services and emergency assistance amongst vulnerable populations particularly women, children and girls through provision of essential health services, for free. SOYDA also targeted  the IDPs neglectedd by aid organisations.


The following are key achievement :

1. More than 869 Patients were seen

2. Provision of free Medical visitation, treatment and laboratory activities

3. Nutritional Screening of all under five years old

4. Treatment of chronic cases and their follow up

5. Provision of health  education and sanitation programs to prevent water and vector born disease.

6. Mass aqua tab and chlorine distribution for water sterilization

7. Mass distribution of ORS to all HH


The following health and nutrional problems were identified:

· Severe and Moderate Malnutrition, Acute watery Diarrhea, Acute Respiratory infections and Measles mostly in children under 5 years old

· Respiratory Tract Infection, Intestinal Parasites and Anemia mostly in children above 5 years age

· Skin Infection, Enemia, Chronic diseases and Urinary Tract Infection mostly seen in adults

· Enemia, Pelvic Inflammatory disease mostly in pregnant mothers with no antenatal and postnatal care



This is the 4th mobile team  for the month of August 2011.

There is unnecessary duplication of work in some IDP camps.

There is an urgent need for careful coordination of relief work to ensure every suffering individual or community  receive attention

Very basic facilities eg sanitation, water supplies requires to be improved to prevent secondary communicable disease

Dr. Abdiqani Sheikh Omar

Executive Director of SOYDA

Mob. +252 61 5577282
Tell. +2526-99-750607

Mogadishu,    Somalia.

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Somali Young Doctors Association (SOYDA) is federation of health Professional Medical Association representing Hundreds of Somali physicians worldwide. Acting on behalf of patients and physicians, the SOYDA endeavors to achieve the highest possible standards of medical care, ethics, education and health-related human rights and Health Care for all people

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Last modified on Sunday, 28 August 2011 20:31
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