FIMA Hi-Tech Center


FIMA Hi-Tech Center is a project of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA). The Hi-Tech Center is being developed as a joint effort of FIMA and Islamic International Medical College Trust (IIMC-T). The project was approved during the last FIMA Executive Council Meeting.. The project was started soon after in May 2001.


The objective of the Hi-Tech Center is to provide a continuous information technology based support to FIMA to accomplish its goals in an effective and efficient manner. The FIMA Hi-Tech Center will provide a Internet Based communication platform and technical support to FIMA and its related projects. The in the initial phases the activities of Hi-Tech Center will include:

  • Organizational Web Presence

  • News Publications

  • Discussion Forum

  • FIMA Publications

  • Project Management

  • Databases

    • IMAs

    • Contact Persons

    • Volunteers

    • Projects

    • Collaborating Agencies

  • Training

  • IT Consultancy

Main Features

FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects. The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:

FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects.The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:

FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects.The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:


FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects.The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:


FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects.The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:

FIMA Hi-Tech Center aims to provide effective, efficient, reliable and secure information technology support to FIMA and its related projects.The main features of the Hi-Tech Centers are:

Internet Based Communication Platform

The integral part of the Center will be the FIMA website. This website will act as an effective communication tool for:

  • FIMA members

  • Volunteers

  • Donors

  • Collaborating agencies

  • Other related persons and agencies

Information Dissemination

The FIMA web site will play an effective Internet based information dissemination by providing organization’s web presence along with news items, project information, articles and research papers, links to useful resources and valuable search engine. The website will gain the following advantages by information dissemination:

  • Better coordination and effective communication among executive members, members, volunteers, donors and other collaborating agencies

  • Better marketing for donations

  • Archives of news items, articles, research papers and other publications for reference and research

  • Effective search engine for personal and professional use

Project Management

The FIMA website will also act as an effective project management tool by providing a centralized project management tool for better coordination. In the initial phase the FIMA project managers will be able to define FIMA projects on the website and access information from the available databases and post project processes on the web. The long-term objectives of the Centers include provision of state-of-the-art web based project management tool.


Due importance will be given to make the sensitive information secure.

Reliability & Efficiency

Every effort will be made to make the Center reliable and efficient, both from technological and managerial points of view.

IT Training & Consultancy

The Hi-Tech Center will also provide technical training and consultancy to its members for effective use of the Hi-Tech Center.


The following methodology and tools will be used to achieve the afore-mentioned goals and objectives in the first phase:

1. Development of Website

2. Publications of Newsletters

3. Publication of IMA, Volunteers, Collaborating Agencies and Projects

4. On-line registration of IMAs. Members, Volunteers, Agencies and Projects

5. Search facilities with all published data

6. On-line news updates

7. Achieve of Publications and News Items

8. Discussion Forum

9. Mailing Lists for all registered users of FIMA website

Contact us.

Contact Information
Telephone: (92-51) 2261943 
FAX: (92-51) 2857132

Postal address

Off. No. 12,  Second Floor, Shalimar Center,

F- 8  Markaz. Islamabad- Pakistan.

Electronic mail

Hi Tech Center -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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