FIMA Secretary’s Report September 2013 - August 2014

FIMA Secretary’s Report September 2013 - August 2014


1. 13-15th December 2013

Attended IMAM Annual Scientific Meeting in Kuching Sarawak. Invited FIMA Vice President to deliver Key note Address on Turkish Green Crescent experience and facilitated the visit of Vice President to the Addiction Research Center of the University Malaya Medical Center. Facilitated the Signing of an MOU between IMAM and Turkish Green Crescent . Identified Dr. Rafidah Bahari a Malaysian Psychiatrist to be the liaison person between IMAM and FIMA Green Crescent Group


2. 25-26th January 2014

Attended the Malaysian Branch of the Islamic Hospital Consortium Program in Kuala Lumpur Representing FIMA. Chaired a lecture on Maqaasid Shariah aand Qawaaid Fiqhiyyah and participated in panel discussion


3. 26-28th February 2014

Attended FIMA EXCO Semi Annual Meeting in Makkah Mukarramah

Discussed in detail with FIMASAC leadership on the organisation of the coming Student Summer Camp to be held in Indonesia


4. 2nd – 3rd March 2014

Gave a lecture for the Bangladeshi Society of Medicine in Dhaka and participated as expert panel

Visited and had a round table discussion with leadership of National Doctors Forum of Bangladesh in Dhaka


5. 8-9th March  2014

Attended Indonesian Society of Hypertension Scientific Meeting as a guest speaker

Had a meeting with IMANI s student chapter to convey FIMASAC decision on the organisation of the Student Summer Camp in September to be held in Bandung


6. 4-6th April 2014

Attended PIMA Biennial International Conference in Islamabad. Delivered a lecture on Ibadah Friendly Medical Education and Practise . Gave a series of lectures in Rawalpindi,  Lahore, Multan and Karachi meeting with PIMA activists along the way


7.  3-5th May 2014

Attended World Congress of Cardiology in Melbourne and meet up with student activist in the Islamic Center for informal discussion


8. 6-8th June 2014

Attended IMAM s Annual Scientific Meeting in Putrajaya. Delivered an update on FIMA to the delegates. Facilitated the invitation of an invited speaker from PIMA ( Dr. Zakiuddin ) who gave the Az Zahrawi Memorial Lecture on “ Ethical Relationship between Medical Profession and the Health Industry”


9. 13-15th June 2014

Invited to the FOKI/CIMCO  in Jogjakarta. Unfortunately could not attend because of official commitment in Cyberjaya. The theme of this years meeting was “ Research “


10. 19-20th June 2014

Visited Brunei for an Islamic Hospital and Medical School project discussion.

Meet up with medical fraternity  ( 6 individuals working in the MOH Brunei ) to discuss feasibility of establishing IMA Brunei and conducting Ibadah Friendly Hospital Workshop in September 2014 in the largest Hospital in Brunei ( RIPAS Hospital ).

Last modified on Monday, 18 August 2014 19:34
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