FIMA Updates 61-80

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamu Alaikum

Another 104 ill and injured patients have died in Gaza over the past 2 days due to the lack of adequate health care. There are insufficient medicines in the available health facilities, medical equipment are in urgent need of service and repair and those requiring more intensive treatment or surgery are prevented from leaving Gaza by the stranglehold of the Israelis. Are we going to remain complacent and witness this systematic decimation of our brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine?

I urgently appeal to you all to deliver any available medicines and medical supplies to our partners (Partners International Medical Aid) for distribution in Gaza. Your contribution can save the life of a man, woman or child in Palestine. More than a third of all casualties are children!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, please respond with commitment and passion to the urgent appeals for assistance and relief from our colleagues in Gaza. May Allah (SWT) reward you all with Rahmah and Barakah Insha'Allah!

Their contact details are as follows:
Partners International Medical Aid
PO Box 1126410

Flat 14 Tower 1
Al-Basma Towers
Al-Ameer Majeed Street
Jeddah 21371
Saudi Arabia

Contact Person: Dr Malik Abu-Regaila (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Our FIMA banking details are:
Account name: Jordan Society of Islamic Medical Sciences
Bank Jordan Islamic Bank
Branch Shmeisani Branch, Amman
Account no. 46327
Contact person: Dr Aly Mish'al (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Shukran Jazeelan
Dr. Ashraf Jedaar
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FIMA web-site:

The President and Relief Coordinators Islamic Medical Associations
Humanitarian Relief NGO's

Dear Brothers and Sisters Assalamu Alaikum
The western world erupted with protest and outrage after the 'massacre' of 6 religious scholars in a local Jewish seminary in West Jerusalem. But they remain silent after the massacre of 120 innocent Palestine citizens doing nothing more than protecting their God-given birthplace. They remain silent on the systematic and blatant violation of all human rights of all the citizens of occupied Palestine since the creation of the illegitimate state of Israel. They remain silent on the thousands who have been killed, thousands more locked without fair trial in numerous prisons across Israel, millions more driven from their homes and living in exile across the Middle-East, Europe and elsewhere in the world. Those Palestinian brothers and sisters trapped in the various occupied territories including Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem, are living under the most appalling conditions including access to basic essentials, access to health care, inadequate sanitation, contaminated drinking water, destroyed infrastructures including education, industries and other employment opportunities. More than 80% of the Palestinian population is living below the $2/day poverty line.

Brothers and Sisters, we, the health practitioners in our respective IMA's of FIMA, can make a real difference in the lives of those struggling families in Gaza and elsewhere. With a little bit of effort and good planning, I invite you to join us in making a difference! You can start by coordinating your membership and associated partners in contributing to 1 or more of the following projects:

  1. Cash collections and contributions can be forwarded to the FIMA Relief Account (see for details). All complicated cases are being managed in the Islamic Hospital and associated partners in Jordan.
  2. Medicines and medical supplies can be collected and forwarded to our partners in Partners (Palestine) International Medical Aid ( See attachments for details. Please liaise with pharmaceutical companies and wholesalers for contributions in this regard.
  3. Medical relief teams including surgeons, paediatricians, primary health care practitioners etc.

For more details on any of these and other projects, please contact me directly. Remember, we can only succeed if we work together! May Allah (SWT) reward you all for your noble efforts!

Jazakallah Khair
Dr. Ashraf Jedaar
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Presidents & Secretaries of IMAs.
Kindly fill this FIMA ANNUAL REPORTING form for the period 2007.


As decided by FIMA Council, this reporting form will save time allocated for IMA reporting during Annual Council meeting. Kindly write or type in BLOCK LETTERS.

Click HERE to download the form (in Microsoft Word format).

Kindly mail this form to:
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Dear all in the leadership and membership of Islamic Medical Associations (IMAs)


1. Kindly check out the webpage

2. FIMA UPDATES 72-75 have been uploaded.

3. The 2008 FIMA & IMANA International Convention in Morocco has been uploaded.

4. The Madinah Forum has been uploaded. Kindly ensure you make your bookings early.

4. Links have been estb to :
a. IMANA ( 2008 Morocco International Convention)
b. Madinah Forum
c. all IMAs that have webpages - kindly ensure your IMAs are linked, if nto kindly inform me.
d. to IOMS

5. Kindly send to me all information related to your IMAs or activities which you would like to be uploaded.
We will try to keep it updated regularly.

Humbly yours
Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin
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Dear Readers:

Each year flooding in Bangladesh does millions of dollars worth of damage. There is a terrible loss to human life and livestock and colossal damage occurs to crops and whatever infrastructure that exists.

This year’s monsoons and the melting snow in the mountains of Nepal have brought utter devastation to the world's poorest country. Bangladesh, which is located in the deltaic region of three enormous rivers, the GANGES, the BRAHMAPUTRA and the MEGHNA is also crossed by 150 rivers, most of which are flowing way above dangerously high levels. More than half the country is under water and 38 out of the 64 Districts of Bangladesh are without adequate amounts of drinking water or food. Some two billion dollars of damage has already been estimated and the death toll is rapidly rising.

The human suffering, especially the children, the women and the old, as seen on TV is unbearable.


We appeal to the entire membership and all well wishers to once again come forward and open your hearts and pockets to relieve some of the sufferings of your less fortunate Brethren in Bangladesh. Your monetary contributions are urgently needed to rush dry food, drinking water and medicines to the affected. IMANA will work with agencies already on ground in Bangladesh.

Please send your donations/Zakat to IMANA via check or donate online. Kindly specify BD FLOODS. ALLAH WILL REWARD YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND GENEROSITY.

Hafizur Rehman MD
Chair, IMANA Relief

Khalique Zahir
Co-Chair, IMANA Relief

Assalamu alaikum


Prof. Adam
IMA Kenya


Assalamu alaikum.

We are waiting for update information regarding cyclone from our central office in UK, and our brothers in Pakistan and Bangladesh. We have already rolled out an appeal for volunteer medical team and relief material nationwide.

Prof. M.Ihsan Karaman,MD
Doctors Worldwide Turkey Branch

Dearest Akhi.

During last flood NDF sent 200 medical team in different remote and affected area. Each team consisted of 3-5 physician, paramedic and other volunteers from the community. They undertook medical examinations and treatment, provided medicines as well as dry food, drinking water, cooking utensils, edible oil.

At this moment our team have not yet returned from their operations. Please stay in touch.


From: "anfal"
To: "Doctors Worldwide"
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Green Crescent Cyclone in Bangladesh

Following our conversation this morning and also contact with the field workers in Bangladesh. The following can be said :

Despite publicity most of the worst hit areas have hardly been reached i.e. they are in the extreme coastal areas where there are no roads but only rivers and canal systems. Our team has managed to provide a few hundred food packages and money to some of these victims on Sunday; they hired a large fishing trawler.

What the people need is food and shelter. Clean drinking water is not required because all the tube wells are deep (300m) so they are not contaminated and still working.

The contents of the food packages are as follows;
> 5kg rice
> 2kg Lentils
> 2kg Potatoes
> 1kg salt

This will last a family of 5 for about 2-3 days at a cost of £4 per package.

However, larger packets containing similar items but with extras, for 1 months supply will cost about £75. They also need blankets which cost around £2.50 per piece. They require about 500+ If you are considering rebuilding their homes then a complete tin building will cost £175 each.

The areas we are working in are; Bhola Island, Daultatkhan, Charfession, Hazipur and Pautukali District. Some of the areas are only accessible by boat and since the area is not mapped, local knowledge is vital. So far we have done one round in Hazipur and will continue Wednesday. Our work is specialized because of the locations are deep in the delta.

Fortunately due to the DWW clinic and it's medical staff medical backup exist if the need arises and they went on the first trip, so far no medical emergency exist except those injured by falling debris.

In terms of funds we are using money from our orphans project which stands at about £5,000 which is currently in the Bangladesh Green Crescent account.

All the food, medication and materials are locally available in Bhola and large medical supplies are available in Dhaka. If you wish to contact the area then call Humyun on Bhola Island on 008801711481279 he speaks Urdu and some English

We will send photo's of the relief work soon and full feedback and expenditure details will be provided.

Thanking you
Faisal Mostafa

Dear Members Exco and office bearers of IMA's


Please find update on the subject matter. This activity is being generated jointly by Muslim Aid, UK (I am on its board) and IMA Bangladesh which works under the name of BNDF.

Muslim Aid has one of the largest network of relief operations in Bangladesh for the last ten years.

I invite Dr. Ashraf to initiate a relief program. I can assist in passing info and safe transit of funds via UK office of Muslim Aid.

Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
Secretary FIMA

Muslim Aid is a UK based relief and development agency established in 1985 and working in over 60 countries with field offices in Bangladesh, Bosnia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Sudan. We work with all in need, regardless of their race, religion, gender, nationality or political opinion and specialise in providing: emergency relief including food, shelter and medical support; capacity building through water, sanitation and health programmes; education and skills training; micro-financing and income generation and orphan support programmes.

November 19, 2007

Two MABFO teams are at work in the cyclone affected areas - one in Bagerhat (working in Morelganj and Shoronkhola thanas) and the other at Patuakhali (Mirzaganj and Khepupara/Kolapara). MABFO is working in collaboration with 3 partner NGOs including Sheba Manob Kollan Kendro (SMKK) in Morelganj and 3 others including Chorkhola Social Development (CSD) in Patuakhali.

MABFO Teams in Morelganj and Patuakhali are distributing today (Nov 19) food items to 1,000 families in the unions of Doibhoddohati, Hoglabunia and Boloibunia and 800 families in Kolapara/Khepupara, respectively. The food items include 2kg of rice, 1 kg pulse, salt, candles and match boxes.

As Pirojpur has also been badly affected, MABFO decided to open another centre there covering Bhandaria and Mothbaria thanas. The team at Pirojpur will start work from today.

To further strengthen our teams in these 3 areas, additional 30 staff in Bagerhat, 10 each in Patuakhali and Pirojpur are being sent to the affected areas. These staff have been deputised from MABFO Microcredit Program. In Bagerhat a 5-member WATSAN Team has been formed with Br. Mannan as the coordinator. This team will undertake surveys, assess water and sanitation needs and sink and install tube wells and sanitary latrines where needed.

MABFO initially put a sum of Tk. 700,000 for this operation; Tk. 300,000 for Morelganj, Tk. 200,000 for Patuakhali and Tk. 200,000 for Pirojpur. With funding assurances from Muslim Aid-UK, MABFO has decided to transmit another Tk. 2,000,000 for Bagerhat and Tk. 1,000,000 each for Patuakhali and Pirojpur.

The body count continues to rise and is feared to reach, as per Red Crescent, 10,000. The immediate and urgent needs are, in addition to food items and drinking water, housing and shelter and repair and rebuilding of community structures like schools.

ECHO-USA has provided US$ 8,000 for relief operations. Muslim Aid Australia has informed us this morning that they have approved Aus$ 10,000.

Muslim Aid is a UK based relief and development agency established in 1985 and working in over 60 countries with field offices in Bangladesh, Bosnia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Sudan. We work with all in need, regardless of their race, religion, gender, nationality or political opinion and specialise in providing: emergency relief including food, shelter and medical support; capacity building through water, sanitation and health programmes; education and skills training; micro-financing and income generation in addition to providing specialist programmes such as orphan care. As well as supplying practical help, Muslim Aid assists communities in examining the causes of poverty and underdevelopment, and in advocating for a more just society and a sustainable future.

Muslim Aid is a signatory of the IFRC Code of Conduct of NGO in Disaster Relief, a member of British NGOs for Overseas Development (BOND), a member of the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) and supports the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

Bangladesh was devastated by 1 of the worst cyclones to hit their shores in the past 3 decades. 932PPeople are confirmed dead with several thousands more expected deaths. A quarter million have been left homeless and destitute. Whole villages have been destroyed, roads damaged and communications and other essential services severely disrupted. Please prepare for further details of the FIMA Relief response as we gather information and needs assessment from our brothers in Bangladesh and other relief agencies (Islamic Relief, Mercy Malaysia, Doctors Worldwide, Al-Khidmat etc)

Please circulate this communication to our brothers in Bangladesh. Should you have any first-hand information regarding the cyclone, then please forward same to me. We pray for the safety and recovery of the helpless and affected in Bangladesh.

Shukran Jazeelan
Dr. Ashraf Jedaar
FIMA Relief

Dear Dr. Ashraf,

Yes! It is a massive disaster.

Our partner organization "Muslim Aid" has promptly started relief work.

I am trying to contact Dr Kamrul Ahsan, who sent me an email only last week about the next meeting, I will let you know the latest.

I am trying to call him and as soon as I get hold of some communcation I will let you know.

Dr. Tanveer Zubairi
FIMA Secretary


Knowledge Economic City, Madinah Conference - March 25 - 27, 2008.

Dear brothers in IMAs.

Kindly be informed of this international event in March 2008 in Madinah

Kindly inform all our colleagues and let us all together make this pioneering project a true success.


Dr. Musa

President FIMA



Knowledge Economic City, Madinah Conference - March 25 - 27, 2008.

Phone: 966-2-6165577 ext 4444 Mobile 966-504455068

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing Address: P O Box 6360, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia.



Information for Authors

  1. Abstracts must be of interest to physicians of all specialties.

  1. No presentation will be allowed without an abstract submission.

  1. Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines as set forth on page 4 may be rejected.

  1. Abstracts must be received at KEC headquarters on or before November 30, 2007, electronically. Electronic submission is preferred, as email addresses facilitates processing and acknowledgement, using Microsoft Windows or standard US Microsoft user-friendly "pdf" or "doc" files.

  1. The information requested on the abstract form and in the instructions must be included with submission of the abstract.

  1. Abstracts that are submitted to KEC will not be returned to the author(s), even if they are not accepted.

  1. Authors are expected to submit the full manuscript by January 15, 2008. We anticipated to publish the abstracts and the full manuscript in the conference proceedings.

  1. All presenters must register for the convention. The registration information is available at

  1. Authors will be notified of the decision on the abstract in a timely manner.

  1. For further information, contact KEC HQ (966-2-6165577 ext 4444 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Dr. Ayaz Samadani: Dr. Faroque Khan

Evenings: 920-318-9080 (USA) 966-551-583-461 (Saudi Arabia)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Electronic submissions are preferred, providing the typed material does not exceed the space limitation on the abstract form.

  1. The first author will be listed as the presenter unless specified otherwise.

  1. The number of presentations allowed by each author may be limited as judged by the CME committee based on number of abstracts submitted and interests to the audience.


Knowledge Economic City. Madinah Conference

Phone: 966-2-616-5577 ext 4444 Mobile-966504455068

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract for the 2008 Knowledge Economic City Conference, Kingdom Saudi .Arabia., must be typed in black print with font no smaller than 10 point.

Abstracts must be received on or before November 30, 2007.

Name of presenter:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ..

Degree: Phone: ( )

Fax ( ) Email:


Knowledge Economic City, Madinah Conference - March 25 - 27, 2008.

Phone: 966-2-6165577 ext 4444 Mobile 966-504455068

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing Address: P O Box 6360, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia.


Instructions for submitting abstracts

A. Content

  1. Abstracts must be written in English. Each abstract must be in structured format with headings
    1. Objective: An introductory statement indicating the purpose of the study
    2. Design: Worded description of the study design
    3. Materials and methods: A description of the experimental procedure and analysis
    4. Results: Summary of the findings
    5. Conclusions: A statement of the conclusions from the results and its application and relevance for the Knowledge Economic City.
  2. Abbreviations used in the abstract must be defined at first mention
  3. Illustrations are not permitted in the abstract, but a succinct table is acceptable
  4. All sources of research support should be identified

B. Format

The abstract must be typed, single-spaced, with heading (title of paper) flush with the left margin of the abstract box. After the title, the presenting author’s name should appear first (if possible) followed by names of additional authors. List no more than first two initials followed by last name for each author. Institutional affiliations (including city, state, and country) should follow the list of authors. When multiple authors from different institutions/departments are listed, each institution/department must be identified. Academic degrees are to be omitted. Charts and diagrams are not permitted in the abstract, but a simple table is acceptable providing it does not exceed the allocated space for the abstract. Font size must be no smaller than 10 point.

C. Identification

The presenting author and necessary contact information must be identified on the abstract form as indicated, if not the first author is presumed.

D. Deadline

All abstracts must be received at KEC headquarters on or before November 30, 2007.

E. Failure to present policy

Authors, listed, as the CME committee will notify presenters, who submitted abstracts to KEC, of the decision in a timely manner. The presenters of accepted abstracts will be asked to sign a statement that he/she has agreed to present the paper at the convention.

F. Registration

All delegates, including presenters, must register for the conference by completing the registration form. The registration fees are waived for those who's abstracts are accepted for presentation.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

I hope and pray that you are all healthy and prosperous in the conduct of your respective professions. We were recently called upon to relieve the plight and suffering of the millions affected by the seasonal floods in Southern Asia (Bangladesh and India) and Africa (Sudan). We salute and thank all those who have responded or are preparing to respond. Your actions and prayers will not pass unnoticed and will be rewarded in abundance, Insha'Allah. In the same breath, let us not forget our 2 "orphans" Palestine and Iraq who require ongoing support and collaboration. I humbly request that the brothers in Scientific Medical Association (SMA Jerusalem/Palestine) and IMA Iraq provide us with detailed reports of the current status in their territories and their humanitarian and medical needs to formulate a more effective and appropriate response.

Peru was recently affected by an earthquake, their worst in 30 years, killing over 600 with more than 1500 injured and thousands more homeless. The infrastructure, including hospitals, were either destroyed or severely disrupted in at least 3 cities i.e. Chincha, Cunete and Pisco. The International Community has responded with emergency medical and humanitarian aid but much more is needed in both the short-term and longer term and rehabilitation of the region. Without an immediate partner in the region, FIMA must rely on Islamic Medicl Association North America to keep us informed of the developments and needs of this South American state. Our prayers and well-wishes are extended to the affected families in these provinces of Peru. May Allah (SWT) ease their pain and suffering with expeditious relief and support from participating Relief Agencies.

We are now beset with another humanitarian crisis that has been unfolding since the start of civil war in the 1990s. Somalia has been gripped by a vicious civil war fuelled by the West and Ethiopia as its ally. The worst affected are usually the helpless and innocent citizens who have abandoned their homes and caught in the wild without basic shelter, nutrition, clean drinking water, health and clothing. The population is severely affected by malnutrition and its associated diseases affecting mostly women and children. There has been an escalation in the violence with increasing casualties since March 2007 with many more added daily! Are we going to remain observers and witness to these atrocities without action or can we expand the initiatives of the pioneers in Darfur with similar campaigns. An organization called Somali Organization for Development and Humanitarian Aid (SODAHA), a non-governmental non-profit organization, has requested medical and humanitarian assistance in the region ( They have undertaken to facilitate the logistics of any aid in any form e.g. medical relief teams, medical supplies, humanitarian aid etc. They also guarantee the safe passage of any medical team visiting the region. We are indebted to our partners in the region to provide us with confirmation of these circumstances and to act as a conduit for the provision of aid to this region. We will receive updates from them as the program unfolds. For your information and response, please note the following banking details of the FIMA Relief Account (please indicate the destination of your contribution i.e. Palestine, Iraq, Floods, Somalia.

Shmeisani Branch - Amman
Account # 46327
Beneficiary: Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Sciences.
Contact: Prof Aly Mishal: 00962795990054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Swift Code: JIBAJOAM
Full No.: (235860 - 235821) (001) 001 0046327

Ashraf Jedaar

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

We have successfully passed the first half of this blessed month of Ramadaan and continue to enjoy its numerous benefits as individuals, families and communities. However, not all of us are so fortunate to sit down with our families each evening to enjoy the delicious prepared meals or to gather in our mosques and share the Taraweeh prayers together. Africa has been devastated by deluges of torrential rain over the past few months causing havoc and destruction in the affected regions including Sudan, Chad, Uganda, Nigeria, Algeria, to name but a few of the many countries affected. The floods have killed many hundreds, left hundreds of thousands homeless and destroyed the infrastructure and essential services including health. Our previous communication on this issue warned of the spread of diseases in the aftermath of the flooding. Cholera and Malaria have already taken the lives of scores of people without shelter and sustenance.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, please spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves and donate generously to the FIMA Relief fund established to alleviate the suffering of those affected. We will accept any form of assistance: emergency relief supplies and equipment can be sent directly to the affected region using out network of IMA's, cash can be deposited into the FIMA Relief account (details below). All forms of contributions are welcomed i.e. Zakaah, Lillah, Fitrah and Sadakah.

Shukran for your generous contributions and support.

Shmeisani Branch - Amman
Account # 46327
Beneficiary: Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Sciences.
Contact: Prof Aly Mishal: 00962795990054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Swift Code: JIBAJOAM
Full No.: (235860 - 235821) (001) 001 0046327

Dr. Ashraf Jedaar


1) Introduction


From 26th to 30th of July 2007, we were occupied. In that recent past, we spaced our brain to store stacks of pleasant memories grasped in Lido, Bogor , Indonesia . The name of the programme was coined 9 years ago and since then it has been reappearing annually. The 9th FIMA International CAMP for MEDICAL STUDENTS this year came with the theme, ‘Excellence Promotion for Skilful Medical Students’. With effortful initiative and unsurpassable teamwork between 4 parties c*FIMA, IMAKSA, WAMY and IIMA-, the camp was finally realized (as the venue had been changed at short notice from Istanbul to Bogor , and this requires a huge amount of works!). A big thank you-note to Allah, as the participation was free of charge.


Modern peasantries, Al-Kahfi and Al-Azhar sheltered us throughout the camp. Apart from us, around 150 participants from Saudi Arabia , Indonesia , Sudan , Turkey and Palestine shared in this camp. This comprehensive program covered educational, cultural, social, sport, tourist and recreational activities. Meanwhile, the operations follow closely the scouting camp system. Pertaining to the direction of the programme, it is pertinent to reference the ‘brochure’.


"The core program of this camp focused on the skills of the ideal Muslim medical students in virtually all aspects of personality development. It attempts to boost the development of essential skills expected to be prominent features of the contemporary Muslim medical student. It helps in directing the students of medicine to be effective participants in the development of their Muslim nation and the world in general. The program format includes a series of brief talks followed by group workshops on the selected topics with an emphasis on discussions, debates and active interaction among participants. The teaching and learning is facilitated by eminent local and international speakers.



So the thrill began…


2) Cultural programme


Each morning of the day’s event were filled with the cultural programme; consisting of a series of lectures, discussions and **presentations. The topic of the lectures ranged from many fields and interests however they are still in line with the theme of the camp. In the hope of equipping participants with skills and knowledge that will help them in attaining excellence in both academic and life, Prof Hassan Bella, Dr Riyadh Abu Sulaiman and Dr Salih al Ansari were invited to enlighten us.


Below is the summary of the cultural programme.





By: Prof. Hassan Bella

This particular talk speaks mostly about the need for change in the Muslim world and the concept of change in Islam which is different from the west. Change must voluntarily come from within an individual and Allah will insyaAllah help along the way.


‘We have to keep up or we will be left out’



By: Dr Salih al Ansari (president IMAKSA)


This is another interesting talk in this camp which speaks about how to acquire a skill. The problem with Muslim nowadays is they do not do things to the best of their ability. Works are often not performed optimally because they do not posses the skills to ‘renew and refresh’, which is essential in keeping the motivation high. The presenter issued 15 ideas and steps on how to master a skill and excel in it.


‘Value of a person depends on the skills/ knowledge they master’





By: Prof Hassan Bella


Islam urges positive communication and our Prophet is the best communicator as there are evidences that he used purposely body language, spoke at the level of people’s minds and used to repeat 3 times until people understood.

The skills of effective communication are important for medical students as this is our main asset in our field in order to get patient’s trusts and attention. Prof Hassan Bella presents on the importance of communication, their objectives and ways of achieving effective communication especially verbal communication.


‘Hearing is by the eyes’



By: Dr Riyadh Abu Sulaiman (V. President of IMAKSA)


Quoting Dr Riyadh, ‘killing time is not just a crime; it is a murder because time is life’, makes me wonder on the importance of time and thus the skills on its management and organization. The gravity of Islamic perspective on time is very big as stated in al Quran and Hadeeth. For example, how Islam stresses on prayer time and that Allah had swore on time in Suratul-Asr.


‘Doing the right thing is more important than doing the things right’





By Dr Riyadh Abu Sulaiman


This is a short interactive talk on computers skills which was not only enjoyed by the students but also the doctors! Computer and electronic gadgets can be stressful for some people. However by knowing the right ways and some tricks, we can get the same results while being economical in terms of time and cost. Dr Riyadh gave a short talk on slide master, photography storing, duplicates, file transferring and others. The best thing is when he had prepared the actual slides for the tips therefore the participants did not only grasp the ideas but also know how to do it!




By: Prof Hassan Bella


Prof Hassan Bella provided the participants with the principles of A successful presentation. It is vital that the presenter has concern on both, his appearance and the content of the presentations. An effective presentation will be a 2-way and interactive session.


‘If I hear it, I forget it,

If I see it, I remember it,

If I do it, I know it’.





By: Dr Salih Al Ansari


It’s the 4th day and the participants are already exhausted with 3-full days of lectures and outdoor activities. Therefore, Dr Salih tries to deliver his speech in the simplest and quickest way. He got the participants to divide themselves into 4 groups and discuss among the group members on whether the real agent of change is the leader or the community. The philosophy behind this activity is not the resolution of our discussion but it is a medium for him to find true leaders among the participants. This is because, he does not assign any leaders for the groups, the participants must arrange themselves and a true leader among the group members will feel responsible to navigate the discussion.


‘A good leader is a good forecaster’



By: Dr Salih Al Ansari


Life skill is the ability, behaviour, or habit applied throughout life that enables one to cope with people and situations, and to achieve success. Life skills are divided into 3 groups which are social, intellectual and emotional. For example, the social skill needed in making friendship, intellectual skill in making decision and emotional skill in coping with loss. This particular skill is different from the other skills as it cannot be taught through lectures and group discussion but one has to face something in real life and learn from it.


3) Complementary programme


As for any camp in the heart of nature, one would look forward to mingle with nature and get our hands and boots dirty. We kick started our outdoor activities with trekking across the hills of Bogor . The picturesque adventure had us climbing up hills, leaping over streams, tripping over rocks, gaping in awe (especially the Arabs who have deserts as their field trips back home) at breathtaking views of mountains, running across agricultural fields, peeking into chicken huts, chasing farm lorries, and stopping to play with the local children and chat with the local elderly. This gave us a great introduction to the beautiful ‘rain city’ of Indonesia , where agriculture was at its best.


For the next few days, our afternoons were packed with outbound activities, which are outdoor activities designed to teach us the reality of teamwork, trust and loyalty. Each group activity was tailored to teach us a life lesson and somehow measured the extent of our unity as a group and leadership. There were no specific learning outcomes; each group’s learning experience was unique. After warming up our stiff unused muscles and preparing our worried minds for the highlight of our outbound, we managed to throw away our fears and fly fox our way down the slope which indeed was an exhilarating experience. With that task accomplished, each of us went back proudly to our dormitories carrying in our hearts the belief that any challenge is possible, with faith.


Being compassionate doctors in the making, we valued the chance to serve the local community with any little medical knowledge we had. The community service program aimed to educate the local school kids about anaemia, including subtopics of nutrition, iron deficiency, altitude effects, and intestinal parasites. The session was packed with fun learning interactive activities such as sing-along, quizzes with presents and bombarding questions from the inquisitive kids. We gathered their weight and height to calculate their BMI, along with relevant details in aid of a research on altitude and anaemia. Serum haemoglobin measurements, which were initially proposed, had to be cancelled due to hygienic purposes. The day was wrapped up with an informal friendly basketball match with the kids, who proved that boy; we have truly aged through the years.


4) Cultural performance


On the boy’s side, cultural performance enlivened each night, even passing the time’s boundary engraved by closing ceremony. The four groups (Ashbilia,Cordova,Tolaitelah,..ooh I forgot) were led by four leaders, and assisted by eight sub-leaders. Accumulated creativity from five countries, amounted to unique, colourful and interactive performances ranging from sketches, songs/nasheeds/anthems, and games and were delivered in the pentad of language. The nights witnessed the richness of Arabic people with their numerous songs i.e. ghuraba’ (far relatives) and ***kurubu’ (keropok), the Sudanese who loyally wore their own tradition outfits, the Turkish with their good pronunciation of Malay words, and the Indonesian with their hilarious jokes and Achehian dance. That very night also visibly brought joy to a Palestinian participant, made me realized that we can find happiness even in the darkest time.


Separately held, the cultural night for female participants was filled with various songs sung by Indonesian participants according to their ethnicity which are Java, Sunda and Acheh. The Javanese girls sang songs i.e. ****Cublak-cublak suweng, Suwe ora Jamu, Jaranan, Perahu Layar and Rek ayo rek. The Sundanese danced ‘Jaipong’ dance to accompany Manuk Dadali and Bubuy Bulan songs. Another group representing Acheh, Sumatera sang the song "Kampuang nan jauh di mato". Consequently, Saudi Arabian girls promoted their unique custom of bride reception which includes singing and dancing. The vein of excitement swelled towards the end of the night as together, we performed a popular dance in Indonesia called ‘Ponco Ponco’ which often livens up particular celebrations.


5) Personal experience


Pushing the boundary; is the gist which I relished from this camp. The high expectation since the prelude of the programme was finally matched. I faced each day with accumulated modicum of ups and downs experiences and felt satisfaction at the paramount of it. Knowledge, leadership, brotherhood, teamwork, survival, creativity and issue of confidence flooded those days. Dr Musa Nordin’s one-day visit to deliver his talk solidified my contentment for the camp and refreshed my pride to be a Malaysian. Collapsed in exhaustion the minute I sat in the ‘Angkot’ seat to leave Bogor , I quietly regarded the camp as the best programme ever I have attended.



My first attendance to a FIMA camp has left me with nothing but fond memories. The instantaneous, effortless lifelong friendships formed with the Indonesians and Arab Saudis, regardless of language barriers and cultural differences were a treasure kept close to our hearts. It made me realize that physical factors aside, our hearts are about the same; all striving for the love of Allah, and that is what brings us close. The inspiring speakers stimulated me with a burning desire to strive towards excellence in the medical field, not only academically but in all aspects - as they say, a well rounded Muslim doctor. We are all imperfect servants on this fertile soil provided by Allah. Our personal talents are to be eventually discovered and nurtured for the benefit of humanity. -Yati-


The bond of sisterhood that I embraced in this is camp is priceless and cannot be compared with all the other experience put together. Networking is vital in our medical profession, so I hope I can still keep in touch with the sister’s from Saudi and Indonesia . The outdoor activities taught us survival skills and was a defining factor which bonded the sisters. I am proud to say that is the second time I attended a FIMA Student Camp and I would probably come again next year.



6) Conclusion


As a whole, we recommend fellow medical and allied health students out there to experience the sensation of this annual camp, next year (2008). We purposely concealed our individual percentage of involvement in the camp in this semi-formal report as we perceive the next newcomers will enliven FIMA camp with their own creative way. Needless to say, spending money for attending beneficial event like this because of Allah is unquestionably a worthwhile experience. With His will, He will replace the money with something more valuable, as what He has promised in the Holy Quran.


And Allah knows best. Salam

Engraved by:

Mohd Hilmi Senin@Nordin Newcastle University Upon Tyne 2nd year

Hajar Marlina Zulkifly University College of Dublin 3rd year

Farihah Abdul Ghani Royal College Surgeon of Ireland 5th year

Nurhayati Alias Trinity College Dublin 5th year

Nurul Shahidah Zulkepli University College of Dublin 2nd year


  • Islamic Medical Association of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (IMAKSA)
  • World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
  • Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA)
  • Indonesia Islamic Medical Association (IIMA)

23RD JULY - 27TH JULY 2007

Organised by : The Islamic Medical Association of Uganda
The Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council
The Ethiopian Muslim Development Agency

Sponsored by :
PEPFAR Ethiopia
Constella Futures

Partners : UNAIDS, World Conference of Religions and Peace,
Family Health International, ActionAid,
Population Services International,
National Agency for the Control of AIDS - Nigeria

RESOLUTIONS :The 3rd International Muslim Leaders Consultation on HIV/AIDS took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 23-27 July 2007, with more than 150 participants from 29 countries. The theme of the consultation was "The Islamic Approach to HIV/AIDS: Enhancing the Community Response." We, the participants, resolve as follows:

  1. To urge all Muslim communities and their leaders to be concerned with the HIV/AIDS epidemic and to continue the "Jihad on AIDS."

  2. To implement the five components of the Islamic Approach on HIV/AIDS (IAA):
    • Believing in Allah
    • Acquiring scientific knowledge on HIV/AIDS
    • Making use of relevant islamic teachings and practices
    • Forming partnerships with religious leaders and their administrative structures
    • Making use of the concept of Jihad Nafs In providing services (prevention, treatment, care and support, stigma reduction, and life skills) to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Muslim communities.

  3. To encourage all Muslim leaders to integrate the IAA in their preaching, teaching and community programs.

  4. To engage Muslim women and youth organizations in providing peer education and training on HIV/AIDS.

  5. To endeavor to mobilize all Islamic educational institutions to address HIV/AIDS

  6. To conduct research to evaluate the impact of the IAA in Muslim communities

  7. That stigma, denial and discrimination against people living with HIV or AIDS (PLHA) is unacceptable.

  8. To show compassion and mercy to PLHA, facilitate access to treatment, and enable them to feel fully accepted in local Muslim communities

  9. To encourage everyone to go for HIV counseling and testing, especially those preparing for marriage.

  10. To work towards the establishment of an International Islamic Fund to support the implementation of the IAA

  11. To strengthen collaboration with other partners in a collective response to HIV/AIDS consistent with the IAA

  12. To promote inter-religious cooperation on HIV/AIDS consistent with IAA
  13. To advocate that international organizations and other key stakeholders recognize the Islamic Approach as an integral component in the global response to HIV/AIDS

  14. To urge our respective governments and international organizations to support and finance the IAA

  15. To form an international IAA network under the coordination of the International Center for the Promotion of the IAA in Uganda. The IMLC International Advisory Committee is to formulate the operational guidelines for this network.

  16. To constitute ourselves into the general assembly of community coordinators of IAA in the network.

  17. To establish a Muslim women’s forum within the IAA network to address women’s issues on HIV/AIDS.

Dear All
At the FIMA International Conference in Istanbul, I delivered a presentation on al-Madinah - Knowledge Economic City. And among others sensitised all to the upcoming conference in al-Madinah. Kindly find in this updates a preliminary announcement on this international conference.

Dr. Musa

International Conference on Knowledge/IT Based Development (ICKID 2008)
Le Meridien Hotel, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
March 25-27, 2008

Madinah once a beacon of knowledge for the world is planning to become a "Center of Knowledge" and serve as a Catalyst for the Renaissance and Revival of the Muslim Ummah. In a continuously changing world with technological, scientific, economic and social challenges, innovative and creative solutions are needed to compete in a civilized society.

Be a part of the action!

Add to the discussions in Madinah. Help to make this world a better place to live in. Can Muslims attain their proper leadership role in the world of engineering, science and technology? How Madinah can become a cluster of knowledge based economy? How the underdeveloped world can go on fast track to bridge the digital gap? Share your expertise with other engineers, scientists, physicians, professionals, business and government leaders. What are the challenges and what are the solutions? Submit an abstract on:

  • TECHNOLOGY: Effective technology for enabling sustainability, improved standard of living, eliminating poverty and use of natural resources. Advanced technologies such as nanotechnogy, communication and VoIP for bridging the gaps.
  • FUNDAMENTALS: Fulfilling the mission critical for education, research and development, cluster formations, attracting and developing talent pool, and capital formation.
  • PARTNERSHIPS: Building partnerships with government, educational institutions and industry.
  • THE MARKETPLACE: Understanding the needs of the global marketplace, identifying technology gaps, and solutions for the future.
  • Historical Perspective: Muslims achievements of the past and failure of the present, lessons learned and way forward.
  • Health Care: Addressing challenges created by rapidly advancing technology at beginning and end of life ex-IVF, EOLC care, cancer care in developing countries, cost effective universal health care, nutrition and clean water, developing appropriate health care facilities at Madinah focusing on research, palliative care and or institutions of higher learning.

Conference Sponsored By: Islamic Medical Association of North America, Association of Muslim Scientists & Engineers, Federation of Islamic Medical Associations, Saudi Engineering & Medical Associations, Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and Madinah Knowledge Economic City.

International Conference on Knowledge/IT Based Development (ICKID 2008)
Le Meridien Hotel, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
March 25-27, 2008

The 2008 International Conference on Knowledge/IT Based Economic Development will be held during March 25-27, 2008 at the Le Meridien Hotel located in the historic city of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum that brings together people from academy, industry, government agencies and practitioners in the fields of science and engineering to discuss and exchange ideas, research results, development activities, and applications related to knowledge/IT based development. There will also be sessions on entrepreneurship. The conference is organized in a way that facilitates a high degree of interaction, networking, and discussion among the conference participants. The conference will involve two main tracks - ICKID in the Engineering Sector and ICKID in the Health Sector. The Program Committee solicits original papers and proposals for invited sessions, tutorials, workshops and panels on the latest trends and advancements in knowledge/IT based development especially related to health science and engineering topics. Additional information on the conference can be found at the conference website (under development).

Paper Submission Guidelines: Prospective authors are invited to submit a 300-word abstract for review by November 15, 2007. The abstract must be written in English and should be sent electronically to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (medical) and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (technology and others). Acceptance is based upon review of the abstract. Published works will not be accepted. Decisions of the Papers Review Committee will be transmitted to the authors by December 31, 2007. Final paper submission instructions will be provided with the acceptance notification and made available at the conference web site.

Organizing Invited Sessions, Workshops and Panel Discussions: Prospective organizers of sessions should submit proposals containing a description of the proposed session and related activity to the conference program chair. The first page of the draft proposal should include the title of the proposed session or workshop or panel, name of the organizer with affiliation, mailing address, email address, phone and fax numbers.

Exhibition: An exhibition from different vendors (industry, educational institutions, government agencies and other related institutions) is planned for the duration of the conference. Interested parties should contact Mr. Zubayer Anderson (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). All exhibitors will be considered to be the co-sponsors of the conference.

Registration: Conference registration fee: $100. A limited number of conference registration fee waivers are available. Please contact the Conference Program Chair.

Conference Co-Sponsors: AMSE, IMANA, FIMA, FEIIC, KSUST, and IEEE (Saudi Arabian Section).

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

I pray that you and your families are all well, Insha'Allah. South Asia (India and Bangladesh) and Africa (Sudan) were ravaged by the seasonal Monsoon storms causing death and widespread destruction in these respective regions. Millions have been displaced from their homes, sheltered in temporary dwellings without basic emergency support i.e. drinking water, sanitation, food, blankets, clothing, medical attention and supplies. Notwithstanding the hundreds of dead and missing, the thousands of injured without proper medical attention but the millions of helpless citizens at risk of further disease and morbidity from water-borne infections and malnutrition, if we do not act immediately and decisively.

We call on all like-minded IMA's to mobilize their resources and partnership networks to assist the agencies already on the ground. Your assistance can either take the form of cash contributions to the FIMA Relief Account or emergency supplies delivered directly to the affected regions. Your cash contributions can be deposited into the FIMA Relief bank account:

Shmeisani Branch - Amman
Account # 46327
Beneficiary: Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Sciences.
Contact: Prof Aly Mishal: 00962795990054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Swift Code: JIBAJOAM
Full No.: (235860 - 235821) (001) 001 0046327

We appeal to the IMA's in these and surrounding regions to regularly update us with assessments of the damages, the available resources on the ground, how effective (or not) these are, your immediate and chronic requirements and whether medical personnel are required

IMA Sudan have kept us up-to-date with the latest developments in their country. We thank you for your time and sacrifice which will not go without due reward from Allah (SWT).

Shukran Jazeelan
Ashraf Jedaar
FIMA Relief

Thanks Br. Ashraf for your email and bringing our attention to this tragedy of huge magnitude. I am requesting IMANA to rush funds to FIMA account from zakat fund immediately. Need is now and those who barely survived this disaster desperately need our assistance. Thanks

Dr. Parvaiz Malik



1-2 SEPTEMBER 2007

Click HERE to view/download dinner talk invitation
Click HERE to view/download the official poster
Click HERE to view/download the official brochure



Waleed Aly is a lecturer in politics at Monash University, and a board member of the Islamic Council of Victoria, the peak representative body for Victorian Muslims. He manages the Council’s media operations, and this year, Waleed was listed in The Bulletin Magazine's Smart 100.

Waleed appears regularly in mainstream media, particularly as a political and social columnist in Australia's highest-profile mainstream newspapers. He has written numerous articles dealing specifically with practices and attitudes towards Muslim women, such as "A smarter way to fight for Muslim women" in The Age which can be found here, and "Religion is no defence" in The Australian, a version of which can be found here. He has been commended at both the Walkley Awards and the Quill Awards for his commentary. His book, People Like Us, will be published by Pan Macmillan later this year, and features an extensive chapter on oppressive discourses surrounding Muslim women.

Waleed is also a White Ribbon Day Ambassador for the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and co-ordinated Melbourne mosques to address the topic of domestic violence in their Friday khutbas to commemorate White Ribbon Day.

A co-host of The Conversation Hour with Jon Faine on Radio 774 ABC Melbourne, one of Melbourne's highest ratings morning shows, and a panellist on Salam Cafe, an award-winning community television show screened nationally, Waleed holds honours degrees in Chemical Engineering and Law. Previously he was a commercial lawyer with experience also in family law and human rights law.

In 2006, Waleed was one of 90 young Australians chosen to attend the Australian Future Directions Forum to generate ideas for the next 20 years of Australia's future.

Dr. Al-Khayat is an eminent Muslim scholar who is a distinguished member of the Board of Trustees of the International Union for Muslim Scholars. He is Senior Policy Adviser to the Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office and the Director of the WHO Arabic Programme.

He taught at the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University and Brussels University for 22 years.

Dr. Al-Khayat is a member of the Academy of Arabic language in Damascus, Cairo, Baghdad, Aligarh and the new Academy of Science and is a member of the

Board of Governors of the Islamic Organisation for Medical Sciences.

In addition, he is a member of more than 20 scientific societies in various Arab, European, and American countries, including the Royal Society for Health (UK), the Academy of Political Sciences (USA), the National Geographic Society (USA), the Planetary Society (USA), American Institute of Biological Sciences, and American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Dr. Al-Khayat is Editor-in-Chief of the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, author of 20 books in Arabic, French and English, including some dictionaries, and published more than 70 articles in various fields, in Arabic, English, French, German and Italian.

Dr. Al-Khayat holds an M. D. from Damascus University and a Ph. D. from Brussels University in Belgium. He has studied Islamic Sciences in Damascus for almost 20 years.

Dr. Heba Raouf, a multilinguist adept at Arabic, English, German and French is a wealth of knowledge and experience. With a Bachelors and Masters in Political Science and a Ph.D in Political Theory, Dr. Heba is formidable indeed. A lecturer of political theory at the Department of Political Science, Cairo University since 1987, she has an exhaustive list of publications to her name, both in English and Arabic. These include :
" Women and Politics: An Islamic Perspective"
"The Political Imagination of Islamist: A Conceptual Analysis"
"Islam and Secularism in The Middle East"
" Beyond Methodological Modern Global Civil Society and Multi-Culturalism"

"Globalisation, Gender and Religion: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts"

She is the co-founder, advisor and editor of She travels extensively, doing lecture tours in New York, Boston and London and is a regular speaker at many inter-faith dialogues.

Dr. Heba was also on the prestigious Member of the Council of 100 for Western - Islamic Understanding, and the Religious Leaders Forum of the World Economic Forum Annual meeting in Davos from 2003 - 2006

She is the proud mother of three children.

Susan Carland is a lecturer in the school of Political and Social Inquiry at Monash University where she specialises in gender studies and sociology, and is also a researcher for the Centre for Muslim Minorities and Islam Policy Studies at Monash University. Susan is currently completing her PhD, researching leadership challenges facing Western Muslim women. In 2004, she was awarded 'Australian Muslim of the Year'.

In addition to her research interests, Susan is a grass-roots youth worker with Muslim young people at the Islamic Council of Victoria. Susan is a creator and panelist on the multi-award winning national community television program Salam Cafe, and is often consulted for commentary about Islam and Muslims in a variety of mainstream media.

Susan has been invited to speak extensively to Muslims and non-Muslims around Australia and internationally on Islam, Muslim women and the Australian Muslim experience, with appointments as varied as the International Women's Day address at Victorian Parliament House, Chatham House in London, and as a panelist for Issues Deliberation Australia: Muslims and non-Muslims in Australia. Susan is a state-coordinator for the Train the Trainers Course in Dawah and Dialogue. She is married with 2 children.

Dear all IMA Members

Beware of fraudulent email essages seeking financial help
Worse still they are using email addresses of our members
See below :-
I just received this from one of our members
I checked with our IMAKSA brothers and Dr. Salih is in Saudi Arabia NOT NIgeria.
Pass this message to other brothers.

Dr. Musa

----- Original Message -----
From: salih alansari
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 4:47 PM
Subject: An emergency

Al salamu Alaikum,
I am in a hurry writting this mail, I had travelled to Nigeria for official purposes, Unfortunately for me all my money was stolen at the hotel where i lodged, I am so confused right now, I dont know what to do or where to go, i left my mobile at home i didnt bring it along and i only have access to emails for communication,Please can you send me $3000 today so i can return home, As soon as i get home i will refund it immediately.. Please keep this to your self only.

Best regards
Salih Ansari

Please let all the IMA members know that this has already happened to one of the Council members of IMANA. Please make sure to change your e-mail passwords regularly, and never trust any e-mails regarding being lost in Nigeria!

Shiraz Malik

17 July 2007
The President and Relief Coordinator
Islamic Medical Associations
Related NGO’s

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

Sudan has been severely affected by the worst seasonal floods experienced in decades causing widespread destruction in various regions of Sudan. Available information confirmed the following facts:

  • States affected: Khartoum, Kassala, Nile River and White Nile, Kordofan and Sinar
  • More than 100 000 homes destroyed displacing more than 1 000 000 people
  • Emergency response requested the following relief material:
    • Tents, shelter
    • Clothing and Blankets
    • Food
    • Medicines and other emergency medical supplies

Please mobilize your membership and other relief organizations in your respective countries by either contributing with disaster and relief material or raising cash contributions and forwarding your response to Mr Hasab O Rasool, the Executive Director of IMA Sudan, on any of the following:

Tel: 00249155122247
Fax: 00249155122246
Mobile: 00249912301191
E mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your cash contributions can be deposited into the FIMA Relief bank account:
Shmeisani Branch - Amman
Account # 46327
Beneficiary: Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Sciences.
Contact: Prof Aly Mishal: 00962795990054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Swift Code: JIBAJOAM
Full No.: (235860 - 235821) (001) 001 0046327

We will keep you informed of developments as they unfold. May you all be rewarded for your generous contributions, Insha’Allah.

Jazakumallah Khair
Dr Ashraf Jedaar
FIMA RELIEF Coordinator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dear Brothers & Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum

We are sorry to inform that severe floods have struck many states in Sudan "Khartoum, River Nile, White Nile, Kassala, Kordofan and Sinnar states".

The floods destroyed more than 100,000 houses and displaced more than 1,000.000 people.

Your Muslims brothers in Sudan are waiting anxiously for your help. We are in desperate need of food, shelter, medicine and, environmental health materials.

We are ready to receive any kind of relief in Khartoum airport without any procedures or custom checks.

Contacts in Sudan :
Executive Director SIMA
Hassabo alRasool alTaip
Sudan Islamic Medical Association

Tel: 00249155122247
Fax: 00249155122246
Mobile: 00249912301191
E mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Ashraf
Chief Coordinator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




12-13 JULY 2007



Term of office :13 JULY 2007 - JULY 2009


Executive Director




Committee Members

: Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin (Malaysia) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Dr. Aly Mishal (Jordan) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Dr. Salih al-Ansari (Saudi Arabia) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Dr. Tanveer Zubairi (Pakistan) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Prof. Munir Gharaibeh (Jordan) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Dr. Parvaiz Malik (USA) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Dr. Ashraf Jedaar (South Africa) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

: Prof. Mamoun Homeida (Sudan) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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