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13 Feb 2012

Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters


Assalamu Alaikum!


We pray that you are all in good health and spirit. We cannot report the same for the besieged and bombarded population of Homs and other regions in Syria who are struggling to survive the ruthless onslaught of their ruler. We read with tears and broken hearts of the pain and suffering that these people have to endure in their quest for freedom, justice and equality.


More than 300 have been killed over the past week alone, including innocent women and children. Existing health facilities and field hospitals are overwhelmed by the constant stream of casualties, many of whom die due to inadequate care and resources and blood loss. We also learn, with disgust, of the government’s unethical and immoral violation of all human rights conventions by preventing the injured from receiving care and treatment and firing on medical and other health personnel or facilities.


Our colleagues in Lebanon and Turkey have responded with courage and conviction in providing the thousands of refugees, many injured, most destitute and starving from the blockades to food and sustenance in their villages, towns and cities. They have established emergency health centres with triage facilities and specialist care. They, however, need our urgent support. Medicines and medical supplies are urgently required to deliver this emergency care and treatment. Medical personnel and related health professionals are also required to sustain the operations.


Please rally the support of your membership in your respective countries to assist our brothers working on the ground in these refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey. Donate generously to alleviate the pain and suffering of these destitute and abandoned people of Syria.. You will find the bank account of IMA Lebanon and the FIMA relief account below. Please donate and donate generously! May Allah (SWT) reward you all abundantly with His choicest blessings for your contributions, whether it be your labour, your cash or your prayers.


Jazakumallah Khairan

Ashraf Jedaar

FIMA Relief

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ACCOUNT NO. #46327



FULL NO. (235860-235821)(001) 001 0046327

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bank name:    Libano - Francaise  - Zahiria Branch

A /C:   245251.40

Name of account: Islamic Medical Association

IBAN : LB16 0010 0000 0000 0000 2452 5140

Country : Lebanon - Tripoli

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamu Alaikum!

We trust and pray that you are all well. We thank and praise all those engaged in humanitarian relief in their region and elsewhere. Syria has been strangled by the tyrannical rule of its current government led by Bashar Al-Assad. We are shocked by the daily raids on innocent families and so-called ‘insurgents’ and ‘militants’ resulting in indiscriminate killing and destruction. Until December 2011, more than 5,500 people were killed including approximately 400 infants. There have not been any recent updates due to the chaos and instability in the country. Many thousands have been injured by the fighting and violence. Approximately 10,000 people have fled into neighbouring Turkey with a daily cross-over of about 100 people/day. Lebanon is host to 6000 Syrian refugees.

Organizations such as DWW-Turkey, Palestinian Red Crescent Society, IMA Egypt, IMA Lebanon, Arab Medical Union (AMU) have been involved in humanitarian projects in various regions including Gaza, Palestine, Syrian refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon as well as Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. These organizations are led by noble workers including Bros Drs Ihsan Karaman (DWW-Tr), Omar Al-Hayat (IMA Egypt), Hassan Najjar (Arabmed) to name but a few. They urgently need our help and support. Support includes medical missions, emergency relief aid, financial assistance, any other form, and your humble duahs. For further details and coordination of your responces, kindly contact the following members:
1. Drs Ihsan Karaman (DWW-Tr) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and

2. Hassan Najjar (Arabmed) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be the Local Relief Coordinators (LRC) for the Syrian refugees in Turkey.

3. Drs Mahmoud Sayed (IMA Lebanon) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and

4. Ihsan Karaman (DWW-Tr) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be LRC’s in Lebanon.

May you all be rewarded for all your noble efforts.

Jazakumallah Khair

Ashraf Jedaar
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