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Letter from Program Coordinator
FIMA Secretary Statement
FIMA Relief In Bunda Ache - Indonesia.
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The President

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Re: Tsunami Aceh Crisis
Assalamu Alaikum!

As you are all painfully aware South East Asia was devastated by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami tidal waves bringing death and destruction to many regions in the Indian Ocean.

Thus far more than 125000 people have been killed, over a million homeless or displaced without essential care and many more injured or affected by disease. The death toll is expected to rise dramatically if essential emergency services are not established soon.

Entire villages have been destroyed with both person and property destruction. Decomposing bodies are strewn between the rubble spreading disease, stagnant water, lack of pure/clean drinking water, and no food supplies for days, no accessible roads, are but some of the difficulties experienced.

The worst affected areas include the following:

  • Aceh province in Sumatra, Northern Indonesia

  • Southern Thailand including Phuket

  • Sri Lanka coastal regions

  • South East India

Our brothers and sisters in these regions need your urgent assistance. The IMA of Network Indonesia (IMANI) has established an emergency relief committee (Crisis Centre BSMI – Red Crescent of Indonesia) under the leadership of Dr Jamal Muhammad, who was appointed as the FIMA relief representative in that region as well.

As a result of the destroyed infrastructure and transport systems, it is best to send cash donations to the region with deposits into the following account:

Att: Dr Wahyu Sulistiadi

BCA Margonda

Depok Indonesia

Account number: 8690263352

For further up-to-date information, please contact the following:

  • Dr Jamal Muhammad (Chairperson IMANI)                      +628129533303
  • Dr Bambang                                                                            +628121356454
  • Dr Wahyu Sulistiadi (Vice-chairman)                                +628161853130
  • Dr Mirza                                                                                   +6286191955108
  • Dr Basuki (Chairperson Red Crescent of Indonesia)      +628129389649
  • Or myself: Dr Ashraf Jedaar (FIMA Relief Coordinator)  +27836754103

Emergency medical relief teams are also urgently need in these regions, both now and over the next few months of rehabilitation and reconstruction to deal with the risks of disease and injuries. Please organize your volunteers under their respective IMA and liaise with me or Dr Jamal Muhammad.

Our brothers and sisters devastated by this unprecedented catastrophe need your assistance now. So please donate generously to alleviate their pain and suffering.

Jazakallah Kharun
Dr Ashraf Jedaar
FIMA Relief Coordinator

FIMA Secretary Statement

Fima Executive commitee by its E communication decided to launch an active compaign for the help of effectees of Tsunami Waves in the South East Asia. As a result of active communication it decided to appoint Dr Jamal Mahmood, Chairman of IMANI as the coordinator of Fima Relief Activity for this region under the supervision of Fima Relief Coordinator, Dr Ashraf Jedaar.

Fima President and other Ex Co members are contantly watching the activity with deep concern.

Following steps have been taken so for.

A letter of appeal has been circulated both from Relief Coordinator and Secretary Fima to all IMAs and affilliated NGOs.
Many IMAs and NGOs responded quickly and started the compaign in their own countries.
Teams of doctors from IMAM and IMANI are already working in ACHE.
A team of Five doctors is ready to leave on Saturday from PIMA( Pakistan)inshaAllah.
Teams of voluntiers from IMASA(South Africa) and IMAKSA(Saudi Arabia) are also planning to join.
Funds Collecting derives are actively launched by many other IMAs and soon they will be transferring their donation to the effected areas through the account mentioned.


For Contact.
Dr Jamal uddin
Dr Wahyu Sulistiadi
Dr Mirza
Dr Bambang

These doctors are in Jakarta at the moment and Dr Jamal Mohammad is in Ache, supervising the relief activity.

E mail addresses.

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Doctors of Pima Arrived in Ache and started medical relief under the umbrella of FIMA.

The first Relief Mission of PIMA and AlKhidmat left for Indonesia on 10th of Jan. This mission is headed by Dr Mohammad Iqbal, General Secretary of PIMA and includes Prof Zafarullah Kundi who is an eminent Pediatrician of the country, Dr Nadeem Ahmed Kiani, Dr Anas Farhan Qazi and an IT expert Engineer Imtiaz Ahmed.

Tsunami relief mission of Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) has started relief activities in worst-hit Aceh island of Indonesia.
The PIMA mission carried some 130 kilogram load of medicines with them from Pakistan and plan to procure more medicines on request cum demand basis from Jakarta.

On their arrival at Jakarta, Islamic Medical Association and Network of Indonesia (IMANI) received the PIMA delegation at Jakarta airport.
Chairman IMANI, Dr. Jamal Mohammad, who is working as the Coordinator for FIMA Relief Activities in Indonesia briefed the Pakistani doctors about the situation in Aceh.
Later, PIMA volunteers visited office of the Red Crescent Indonesia and exchanged views on the modus operandi of relief operations.

The chairman Red Crescent Indonesia (RCI) also briefed them about the situation of Aceh and the working of other NGOs. The RCI is the first NGO to arrive after the Tsunami disaster. He said situation in Indonesia is very grave. Dead bodies are still lying unburied, and about seventy thousand people are also missing. PIMA volunteers have called upon Fima and its member organizations to speed up their fund raising drive so that adequate relief could be provided to marooned people in Indonesia and elsewhere.

PIMA doctors are working in a hospital of ACHE , the doctors of which either left or died in the crisis. This team performed many surgeries and examined a number of patients.

PIMA is seriously thinking to take over this hospital and arrange doctors of different specialties, medicine and consumables

FIMA Save Vision Campaign for Darfur
DARFUR-SUDAN SEP. 28- OCT. 8, 2004

Darfur is a Sudanese province, located in the west, neighboring Libya and Chad . Its area is more than that of France , and the population are 6 million, all Muslims.

There are several medium-size cities, with universities, & medical schools. Outside the main cities, Darfur society is tribal, with occasional conflicts related to water and grazing. Nearly all the tribal people are traditionally armed as part of their nomadic life and culture.

Tribes are either from ancient African origins (e.g. The Zaghawa tribes in Darfur and in Chad ) or of Arab origin that emigrated to Sudan since ancient Islamic eras, and were assimilated by extensive intermarriages and prolonged combined life style for centuries.

Several months ago, a tribal conflict took place in western Darfur , over local water and grazing issues. The Sudanese Government, as usual, intervened to mediate solving the conflict, and was initially successful, but, unexpectedly, a group of men, broke their subordination to their Zaghwa tribal chief, arrest him, and declared disobedience to the Sudanese government, claiming Darfur independence. They started armed attacks on villages, and police outposts. Other tribes counteracted, and same sort of tribal skirmishes erupted. Amidst all this, the innocent villagers sought refugee for their lives by immigrating to safe places, mainly near the main cities in Darfur , where the Sudanese government provided food and security. Some of the villagers near the borders with Chad , went to that country. At this time there are about 300 thousand refugees, most of them are under the Sudanese government care near the main cities of Al-Fashir, Niala and Al-Jinaina.

The story of the so-called "Janjawid" is mainly fabricated by western media. In local Darfur expression, the "Janjawid" means the outlaws who could be of African or Arab origin, and who raid caravans or villages regardless of their origins. They have been doing that for decades. The Sudanese government dealt with them as outlaws, jailed some of them, and even amputated the hands of those caught with armed stealing!

The Western media clearly falsified facts and extremely inflated the local tribal conflict into a major genocide, which is simply false

In collaboration with the Sudan-IMA (SIMA) 4 specialist from Jordan and workers from SIMA went by plane from Khartoum to Al-Fashir city, capital of Northern Darfur . The trip took 2 hours.

Immediately the group delivered medical supplies to the main hospital, which was clearly in need for all kinds of supplies. The group started medical work, together with there Darfur counterparts. They visited the main refugee camps at Abu-Shoke, 20 km. from Al-Fashir were 42 thousands refugee reside in homes made of hay and wood, fed and protected by the government, and cared for medically by Sudanese, & Red cross personnel.

Medical workers from Egypt were the first to come for relief, followed by Saudi Red Crescent, then Jordan.

The main medical problems encountered were: Malaria, gastroenteritis, hepatitis and malnutrition. During the whole stay, we learned about only 6 injured people who informed they were attacked in the desert by some armed man who could be outlaws or opponents of the government. It took them 2 days to be brought to the government hospital in Al-Fashir.

Our team visited the refugee camp and was informed the main health problems were Malaria, gastroenteritis and children malnutrition.

The Red Cross hospital was empty during the time of the visit. 70 thousand refugees were assisted to leave the camp back to their villages, with government support and protection.

The team also visited the medical school at the Fashir University . They informed the team that their doctors conduct health services to the refugees whenever they obtain medical supplies. They welcomed Muslim medical teams to come to them and to conduct mutual medical work to needy refugees and villagers.

The team received hot reception and welcome by Darfur government, health authorities, intellectuals and the local community at large.

The needs for more medical teams and supplies are very clear and appreciated


Antibiotics, anti malarial, I.V. fluids (with giving sets, canulas & syringes), baby food, oral electrolytes and vitamins, water purification, insecticides are also needed.

Medical personnel mosted needed are:

Pediatricians, internists, ophthalmologist, surgeons and anesthetists.

Most surgeries our team dealt with were elective or long standing. Very few violence-related casualties were encountered and dealt with by Sudanese surgeons.

Media in our countries are called upon to be careful in what they report and they cote from western media which are notorious in distortions and falsifications.

Aly A. Mishal
Relief Team Spokesman

On 26th of December 2003, a catastrophic earthquake brought unbelievable destruction and miseries for the inhabitants of Bam city in Iran. It was just before the dawn at the time of Salat-ul-Fajar that earthquake killed more that 40,000 people in a period of few moments. Similar number were badly injured and many more were shelter less in a very cold weather and stunned with the loss of their kith & kins. Misery was tremendous as they were helplessly watching the rubble of their sweet homes underneath many of their relatives was buried, dead or alive. The hospital of the city along with few clinics was showing the picture of ruins.

Two thousand years old Arg Fort, a historical heritage of this city was leveled with the ground.

Many countries sent their first aid missions to the effected area. The visible and active mission was from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan and India. Many western countries also sent Relief Items and manpower to Bam.
FIMA Relief immediately planned to help the suffered brothers & sisters of Iran. First delegation of three doctors lead by Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rahman, Secretary FIMA flew to Tehran on 31st December and then traveled by road to reach Bam. They carried three tons of medicine and hospital consumables and handed over to the Red Crescent Society of Iran. They also joined hands with the doctors of Pakistan Army and facilitated them in procurement of medicine. Emergency medicines were purchased in Kerman City and delivered to the Pakistan Army Mission.

They also distributed blankets to the needy people. These blankets were also purchased from Kerman City which is about 200 km from Bam.

In addition to its professional duties, the delegation met the with officials of the city government and Red Crescent Society and conveyed the deep condolences on behalf of FIMA members. The delegation also visited the emergency hospital organized by Jordanian Army and Red Crescent Society of Saudi Arabia.

This mission left Iran on 7th of January 2004 while second mission lead by Dr. Surbuland Zubair comprising of five members arrived Iran on 4th of January. They carried equipment, medicine and tents for emergency hospital which were again handed over to the local authorities on their desire.
Both mission were warmly welcomed by Iranian government and were generously facilitated by the Iranian Embassy in Pakistan.

Iran Air and Pakistan International Airlines provided free carriage of consignments.

ICNA Relief of USA and Alkhidmat Foundation of Pakistan supported these missions with financial assistance.

FIMA extends heartfelt thanks to all the above mentioned organizations for their assistance and trust.

May Allah (SWT) give them the best of Ajar.

Dr. Hafeez.ur.Rahman
FIMA Secretary