IMARET East Coast Flood Relief Aid 2014 (Official Media Statement)

28th December 2014

Official Media Statement

IMARET East Coast Flood Relief Aid 2014

At least six states were badly affected by the recent floods. More than 100,000 people were displaced from their homes, hospitals were paralysed following the electricity failure but most tragically thousands of Malaysian young and old are somewhere out there, wet, cold, sick and hungry for the past five days.

In close collaboration with our partners, IMARET (Islamic Medical Association Response and Relief Team) responded swiftly to the unprecedented devastation. Our partners include MERCY Malaysia, Ikram Health, I-Bantu, Team ‪#‎tamakpahala‬, MIMPA, and countless generous individuals.

Since 23rd December 2014, six teams have been deployed to the states of Terengganu and Kelantan. Five cargo loads of medical supplies and basic necessities including drinking water, hygiene packs and food were airlifted to these states. Airlines namely Firely, Malindo Air and AirAsia have sponsored the flights of all our doctors and supplies.

More than 100 young doctors, nurses and allied health professionals are on standby and 200kg of medical supplie are due for delivery. IMARET seek your assistance to sponsor this humanitarian initiative with your generous contributions and the provision of relief items namely, medical supplies, hygiene packs and food.

For more info please contact Dr Zaim 0127603514 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Follow our updates on FB: IMAM Response & Relief Team – IMARET.



Last modified on Wednesday, 31 December 2014 15:16
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